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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. exactly, not to mention that reed then held the man and took him to the ground, good call.
  2. That's because they all failed at the job of course you will pick Fairchild, he hasn't fcked up and gotten fired! You mean to tell me that you think someone else will pick one of those bums who got fired over someone who hasnt had the chance yet?
  3. jeez, 3 rec for 3 TD's for Manningham. I think Zibikowski's lack of speed is finally being explored.
  4. I think Levon Kirkland is still around the Pittsburgh area.
  5. He weighs more than DiGiorgio who is listed at 225lbs
  6. yes you are absolutely right, after one game Fairchild is the best since Ted
  7. "This is the finger i rub Koppen's balls with when im under center"
  8. Also, the whole point in having a veteran backup is that if you have a good team that is actually capable of doing some damage and the QB goes down, you want someone to be able to step in and not lose a game for you and keep your season alive. We are no where near a team that is going into the playoffs and has a shot at the superbowl, so why does it matter if we have a "veteran backup" when we dont have a chance with our starter in the first place. Let some young kid on the roster like Fitzpatrick or Smoker.
  9. I cant believe there are people who actually think that is real
  10. no way... i know a lot of nfl players that enjoy staying in bum ass appartments until they hit free agency.........
  11. I understand you are excited about the idea of 2 possible top 10 picks, I myself am drooling as well. This is all next year, who is your running back this year? Lionel Gates? Anthony Thomas? Are you going to be happy sitting down watching 16 games of hell, and do you really think people would go to the games? We would be in the same situation that the texans would be in before the trade, which is why they would propose it, to better themselves and to win, if the situation for next year looked as good as you think then why wouldnt the texans wait and use their "top 10 pick" then?
  12. You are obviously playing for the future, and thinking that Willis wont be here so why dont we get something while we can. I ask you..... how many more years are you going to throw away before you want the Bills to win? When are you going to play for right now, to win right now? If thats the case you should trade Clements now, and possibly Fletcher since he is getting older. My point being you can say you are playing for the future with anyone, and if you always think that way you cant win now. If the Bills traded Willis now, and it is most likely agreed we would suck even worse this year, are you comfortable with the Bills throwing another year away for something that we dont even know is there in 07?
  13. I dont know many old school enforcers, but i know chris simon, does he really deserve to be on that list? i didnt know he was that much of an enforcer, i know he put the puck in the net a lot. I'd say i first began to get familiar with him when we lost to the capitals in the ECF, i hated him then but i didnt know he had been that special for a number of years. Did he have any memorable fights?
  14. The "sneaking him through" theory is not far fetched. It does not start and end with just cutting him during the first cuts and then trying to get him back, it started way back in the start of training camp when he received little to no reps. Didnt you ever wonder why he wasnt on the field getting the ball thrown his way during the games? The point is, no team is going to make a commitment to signing a player when they have no film on him through pre-season games. That's what this process is all about. Yoniel Jourdain comes to mind here.
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