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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. lol not bad, a perfect reflection of society lol
  2. that was great, im not good with those and i would have never guessed people who looked like them, other than the lester/flanders one, thats a no brainer.... great job.
  3. yes, but i already have plans at 9m
  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats hilarious, ive never seen that before, i particularly liked the recycling part
  5. I agree its a horrible thread, but Jordan sucked last year in Oakland, and the year before with the Jets. Bottom line: a few carries a week isnt enough to make a predicition as to whether some back up is better than "the best RB in the league"
  6. Im sorry but im just not, he has Troy Williamson as his main target, and if we cant cover him then we dont deserve to win. The screens are the only thing that offense does consistantly so thats what we have to stop, Chester Taylor receiving out of the backfield.
  7. We have a big opportunity this week and up until our bye week with a tough schedule for the rest of our division. If we take advantage and beat the teams we should beat we will be sitting pretty. Here's how the schedule goes this week. Week 4: Jets vs Indy - This is a loss for the jets in my book, we could move up with them. NE vs Cincy - Tough game for NE, they dont look as strong this year and lets hope Cincy can pull it out Miami vs Houston - I think Miami wins this game, but with the way they've been looking you never know. This week is important since there is more than a good chance that at least 2 teams in our division will lose, we have to captialize vs Minnesota. Im not scared of Chester Taylor and Brad Johnson, but then again i wasnt scared of Chad and Kevin Barlow either. The next few weeks look like this: Week 5: Miami vs NE - these teams can beat each other up, another guaranteed loss for someone in our division. Jets vs Jacksonville - The jags look like one of the stronger teams in the AFC and will probably be another loss for the jets in our division. Another week with probably 2 losses within our division. Week 6: Miami vs Jets - once again they can beat each other up, and its a guaranteed loss Pats bye. Week 7 we play the Patriots with a huge opportunity to sit at the top of the east. I hope we can capitalize with our favorable schedule and make a push to win the division. GO BILLS!!!!!
  8. I agree, I also would have challenged the first fumble. The Reed catch/no catch is not that big of a deal, but turnovers or anything that changed the amount of points in a game must be challenged.
  9. Drew is such a loser that i actually feel bad for him
  10. As i recall he can punt and kick, and i think we are looking for a kickof specialist. I remember thinking and mentioning to a buddy how terrible Lindell's kickoffs were.
  11. wow....... how did his off behavior go unnoticed by everyone?
  12. How great is it when that is the first thing a bills fan thinks of haha
  13. thats bullsheet, how can the patriots, who barely squeeked out 2 wins, rank #2 especially when the jaguars beat 2 quality football teams. And how are the 0-2 panthers ranked that high?
  14. i like the dark on dark, but i dont like the white on white i think when we wear the white unis the dark pants look better so if it were up to me i would want them to wear the dark pants all the time, i dont know if that violates rules or not but i like them
  15. Exactly.... why didnt marv think of that? jeez... he could have just called those teams and asked, what a boso
  16. Plus it's only taken him 12 years before he showed up, but hey, lets just be glad he's here........ i think
  17. Do you know if Welker gave the fair catch signal? I wasnt paying attention, but I would think that if he did and proceeded with the hit he would have gotten a penalty, but I didnt see it.
  18. i really liked the red and black when we had them, and was one who wasnt wild about switching back to the old colors, but i like these.
  19. The logo isnt great, but man i love those jerseys, better than the red and black. I really like the color schemes on the sleeves and pants. Logo..... eh.... whatever, but the colors are great. GO SABRES!!!!!!!!!!
  20. There's no way that was a cheap shot, the punt returner is allowed to block anyone to keep them from downing the ball, and with Welker knowing the ball was going to bounce near the goal line and leonhard right there why would he not try and keep him from downing it? Good hit. Leonhard needs to wake up.
  21. Reed is going to have to show me that he can catch the ball and make plays for more than 1 week. This game will not change 3 years of dropped passes and dumb mistakes, but its a start.
  22. Exactly, same for Culpepper, when he looked injured and almost came out of the game i was like NOOOOO!!!!!
  23. I absolutely love all the running plays, thats exactly what we should be doing...... running the hell out of McGahee and letting Losman throw when he has to throw. Mularkey really is a moron...... and i loved how his offense did absolutely NOTHING against our 5 rookies
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