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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I did not ever say that "he only throws the ball to gates." I was implying that he has the option of one of the best TE's in the game. And Im not sure why you assume that anything I talked about had anything to do with JP Losman. Where do you get that from? I would much rather have Rivers, he is a far better QB than Losman, I was simply refuting the idea that Rivers was the reason they came back and won. You must have been one of those kids in school who failed tests for not reading directions properly
  2. Omg you people make me sick. The reason that the chargers came back today.... hmm..... could it be........ TOMLINSON'S 4 TOUCHDOWNS????? Philip Rivers has by far the best RB in the league, he does everything... runs, catches, and throws. All he has to do is hand the ball off, and when he has to pass..... he just throws it to one of the best TE's in the game..... but you're right.... he's an outstanding QB
  3. Yeah and maybe I can watch my favorite team lose the rest of the games this season.... and then we would have a shot at the 1st pick!!!!
  4. Post of the season so far... couldnt have said it better
  5. While wearing my Willis jersey as I type, I am honestly disappointed in saying that I was glad Thomas was playing this week instead of Willis. I cant stand McGahee's hesitation at the line of scrimmage, and I was glad that I knew we had someone in there who was going to run straight ahead. Sure, Willis has much more talent that Thomas, but Thomas is more productive. All he does is run straight throught the line, which is what works for our offense, not dancing around in the backfield and getting stopped. Willis' play this year reminds me so much of when Antowain Smith was here....... get the ball and dive into the line of scrimmage.
  6. I was under the impression that new uniforms always sell, particularly because they are new and now all the fans are forced to replace their old memorabilia. I wouldnt consider the increased sales as a good sign, I thought it was common knowledge that no matter what the jersey looked like they would sell. I thought that the real test was in a couple of years? I dont know I could be wrong, but that's what I initially thought.
  7. If I had it my way, I would say you run on the first 2 downs no matter what, and only throw on 3rd and long. You dont want long passes, everything short, because the objective is to eat as much clock as possible and keep Manning off the field, theres no way we can go 4 wide and try to keep up with them. I would run all day, the problem is we dont have anyone else behind A-Train to give him a breather. If Mcgahee was healthy I would use both of them together and run it to death, but now we dont have that luxury. Now I dont think we can run as much as we would like with only A-Train. Short passes, 3 step drops, and screens all day.
  8. I'll take JP, I just feel as though Big Ben is extremely dumb. I know a lot of people feel that way for JP and that he cant be trusted, but I feel that way for Ben. He could be looking great on a drive and then make one of the dumbest throws ever. I feel as though if necessary, you can limit JP's role in the offense and win off of him not making mistakes and letting the rest of the players take over, but Ben cant even do that. This year he always manages to screw things up, even in a limited role.
  9. Ive never really done the betting thing, but im usually good at picking games. I think betting against the Steelers is always a risky situation. All they have to do is keep Big Ben from throwing 4 ints and they have a great shot at winning any game. They have a good running game with Willie Parker and Hines Ward and Heath Miller as receiving threats. I also would never count them out with that defense. If all of these factors fall into place they could beat anyone in the league. However, NO's strength on offense plays right into the weakness of the Steeler's defense. NO does not like to run the ball that much, with Drew Brees putting up over 300 yards pretty consistantly. The have a fantastic passing game with Joe Horn, speedy Devry Henderson, and I dont see anyone on the Steeler's defense that can match up with Marcus Colston. Everyone knows that your best bet versus the Steelers is to spread them out and NO can certainly do that. I guess it depends on what you feel. If you think Drew Brees and NO's passing attack can be successful than go with the Saints, but if you think the Steelers have a good shot at putting all their pieces together then go with them.
  10. um..... indi is winning 7-0 and its like 4 seconds into the game..... relax
  11. Yeah, i expected it... during the whole game i knew clements was playing well and in the back of my mind saying to myself....... shiit... this means all we are gunna hear all week is daq all week on clements lol.... lets hope he gets some int's and we re-sign him lol
  12. Dude.... seriously....... i am a clements supporter....... but you need to get off his nutz and stop finding a way to rep him in every single thread, its getting old.
  13. I guess its me, I didnt find that funny.
  14. Honestly, I sat here and read the whole thing, waiting to see what was going to happen at the end. I think it proves to people, particularly young kids who dont have much, that violence and being "cool" doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things. He went through all that stuff just to be "accepted" and look where that got him in the end. It tells you to be who you are, and that pretending to be someone that your not will only set you backwards. He tried and tried to so sell drugs and impress his friends, which was not his real life, and he ended up not only killing but disappointing his mother, and also killing himself. Granted I dont have the musical background to go with it, but I'd rather listen to stories like that which captivate you and have a moral than some heavy metal head banging crap. Tupac is my all time favorite, this song reminded me a lot of Tupac's story of Brenda.
  15. nice stats, hard to believe are run defense is actually improving
  16. This list does have a fault to it, it is only done by crime rates reports, so obviously cities with big population will have more crime rates because there are more people. While I have no doubt that St Louis and Detroit are dangerous cities, in terms of a ratio of people versus crime rates, there is no competeing with Compton and Camden. I think a ratio would be a better scale for the experiment. You can have more crime rates in a bigger city but not have it be as dangerous as a smaller city with less crime rates.
  17. I cant wait for him to try that jumping crap in the NFL and watch him get layed out
  18. A reasonable comparison? are you nuts? It specifically says Steve Smith started as a punt returner and then factored in more to the OFFENSE..... I dont know if you remember but McGee plays DEFENSE..... and started as a corner. Just because they are the same size? Hell im 5'9'' 185.... maybe I should play some receiver Just bustin ur balls here, but come on.... i know the Bills stink at this point and there is nothing else to talk about... but seriously lol
  19. I loved watching him run over linebackers..... my favorite was about a 20 yard TD run where he ran over Zach Thomas
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