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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Off topic, but I can't believe that guy is over 70 years old. He looks so young. I asked someone last night who doesn't know anything about football to guess how old the guy on the screen was, she said 40 to 45.
  2. I'd be happy to take it off your hands for you
  3. Can we please stop saying second chance? It's like his 5th.
  4. Rowing is outstanding. I've been doing it for a while as a cardio routine to offset my random spurts of shin splints. When looking for another cardio routine, there was just none that did it for me. Elipticals are a weird motion, and they just don't seem to make me tired or feel like I'm actually working out. The same for the bike/spinning. I just didn't feel tired after or that I had accomplished much. Then a family memeber got me on to rowing. My God, what a great machine. Not only does it work your legs, but it works your upper body as well. All parts, all while doing cardio. It is fantastic, and I fully reccommend it. I'm used to running, but this kicks my ass as well. You are actually accomplishing a ton while doing it, and you feel great after.
  5. If you count trying to get Beerball's mom off of me all the time a frustrating experience, then yeah!
  6. None of you are going to get laid, so give it up.
  7. They're going to crush us. Again.
  8. I could just see it now. After Vick walks onto the field, the jumbotron plays.. "WHOOOO LET THE DOGS OUT"
  9. Holy schit man. What's your definition of "tearing it up"? The guy has 2 catches in a 3-3 game. And one of them was a 45 yarder down the sideline where the DB fell on his ass. If that's "Tearing it up" I'd say you really need to raise your standards some.
  10. John, I thought everything regarding this topic was bogus, but some pretty legit people are at least saying Dungy was in Rochester. That is false, right?
  11. I think she looks like crap. I agree. That was a surprise.
  12. She used to be pretty, but just like the rest of the trendy chicks in Hollywood, she looks ridiculously skinny and disgusting now.
  13. I guess I'd agree on Whiter. He can at least hold down the fort. With Schobel, however, maybe I'm just biased. I feel like the guy has nothing left in the tank and that it will show this season. JMO, of course. I can even envision him not starting next season. I really hope I'm wrong, I just didn't see ANY quickness whatsoever from him in camp this year, and he even said he's not what he was. Maybe he's just saving up for the regular season. Either way, I hope we can get old Schobel back.
  14. Discussing whether or not you want Vick on this team, if they'd sign him, what position he'd play, how effective he'd be, and so on... is one thing. Making up rumors or posting that you're hearing fake information and getting the entire board riled up is quite another. There is no need for false insanity and hope.
  15. I wish the mods would have closed the original thread in the first place like I said. It always ends up this way.
  16. I hear he's in Buffalo right now!!!!
  17. I heard Vick is walking on Lake Erie as we speak.
  18. He's a political consultant in Albany.
  19. Corey must have really gotten a tan.
  20. Ellison has lasted as a starter in this league for almost 3 years. While he's not a dominated force, or even an impact player, he doesn't hurt the defense and is not a liability. He is not getting blown off the ball or missing tackles, he's not making great plays either. We have seen nothing of Harris and Bowen. They haven't played a down in this league yet. One is just learning the LB position and the other is coming off major knee surgery. They've played in half of one training camp, and people are already saying they want them to start over a proven guy that is just average. I'm hoping that either of them turns out to be better than Ellison, and eventually can start there soon. But I'm certainly not going to say they are better at this point and annoint them as starters just because I want them to be. I'll reserve my judgment of how good they are until, you know, they actually play in some games.
  21. He meant contending for the PLAYOFFS not contending for a top 15 draft pick
  22. Don't you love how when our own players are doing really well, we're all excited, but when players on other teams are doing well too, suddenly "it's only training camp"?
  23. Yeah, Tom Brady wouldn't start either, he was just a 6th rounder.
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