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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I remember thinking about the comment at the time also. He said..... Act like you've been there before, act like you're there now, and act like you will be there again. great quote.
  2. great...... there goes my whole fantasy season
  3. Unbelievable statistical game for passing, these were all the records broken or tied during this game. - I threw this in because its a depressing statistic, but this was the first time the Bills offense has produced 3 touchdowns in a game since December 05, almost 1 year ago.... ouch. - David Carr tied the NFL record for consecutive completions with 22. - Evans' 205 yards in one quarter sets a new Bills record, the NFL record was 210. - The 83 yard TD's were career highs for both Losman and Evans - 1st time in franchise history we had two 80 yard passes in a single game. - Evans 265 yards receiving sets a new Bills single game franchise record for receiving yards
  4. Lets hope so, in not even talking about his play, he is an outstanding leader to a young defense. I hope he recovers.
  5. Honestly I would love to see Haynesworth here. He is a leader for that team and has good character, everyone was suprised at what he did that game, but I dont think that's the real Albert. Is he a FA?
  6. I dont know why people expect so much of him for his first action in the NFL. Like a previous poster said, he missed most of OTS'a, training camp, the pre-season, and all of the regualr season. In his first action how can you expect him to even know what is going on. I think he will be good in time, but I just dont want to see people saying that he sucks when he doesnt have 2 INT's in his first game.
  7. ok, Im going to go out on a limb and say that he wants to stick it to his old team, also just to differ from the rest of the posts. 7 catches, 85 yards, 1 TD
  8. You're right, lets just stick with Kelsay and Denney
  9. I wondered the same thing. Im glad coaches are going back to that look. They look like slobs now.
  10. That's completely not true. Just because he's been injured this year doesnt mean he's "been injured for years." The past 3 years he started 15 games, 14, and 14. He was injured in 02, before that he started 16 games, 16, and 16. Oh and by the way, to all of those saying he is aging, he only played in 2 games this year but yet had 3.5 sacks and a forced fumble. Of course he is aging, but I think a veteran along with Schobel on our line would be a good thing. He forces a ridiculous amount of turnovers. 22 forced fumbles in 5 years.... I'd love to see that production here in Buffalo. If you want to make a case against Kearse in Buffalo then tell me that our problem is our rush defense, and Kearse is definitely a pass rusher and would make our run defense worse. Or tell me that he's never really played in cold weather, even in philly. But dont tell me that he has nothing left or that his salary would be high since we will have like a gagillion dollars to spend next year. There are better reasons for why Kearse shouldnt come here. Personally I would like to take a shot at him if he is cut. Regardless of his age or w/e.... he still is a fear to the opposing offensive tackle, and can still come up with the big sack and/or forced fumble. He is a veteran, a leader, and a hustler on defense. He has great work ethic when healthy and is the type of leader I would like to see on our very inexperienced defensive line.
  11. Its very interesting. I bet there is more to the story, maybe he was angry about his demotion and causing some drama in the lockerroom and with the coaches or something... missing meeting etc.
  12. Actually.... I thought amongst the inerior when it was reyes fowler and villy that villy and fowler were the worst. I'd like to see what the line looks like as Peters, Gandy, Fowler, Reyes, Pennington..... reyes is definitely better than preston, i wonder if we will see that combo if reyes is ready to go
  13. I got one..... mail it back with anthrax on it
  14. I actually dont think this is a good idea for them. One of the biggest problems that opponents with more talent and speed was playing NE in NE. The mud and grass leveled the playing field a lot for the Patriots, particularly against the Colts. The Pats are faster now with Maroney and Watson though, interesting.
  15. If you dont like Losman fine, but dont say that we gameplan for him not to throw the ball. Do you know who we played last week? How about a game plan that runs the ball and keeps Peyton Manning off the field? That's why Losman didnt have many attempts, not because the coaches dont believe in him. Besides.... having a QB play efficient, relying on a good running game and not having the QB make mistakes is nothing new for a young guy, just ask Big Ben and his super bowl ring.
  16. Tough choices here. Obviously a QB and OL will be in the highest demand, but sometimes the abilities of guys like Calvin Jonhson and Adrian Peterson can make you wonder what our offense would be like with them in it. So.... who do you take? Crap..... Adrian Peterson in the poll... sorry guys.
  17. That's just not true. There are plenty of WR's who put up great stats and their offense and team sucks. Look at the top 5 in receiving yards this year: 2. Andre Johnson 3. Roy Williams 4. Steve Smith All of those teams suck, yet they still have great individual statistics. History will show the same results as well. Lee Evans doesnt even have bad stats either except for the touchdowns.
  18. Tell me about it, everytime this guy has played he's had incredible success, yet nobody talks about him. I dont understand how some guys can step in and play real well one game and everyone touts them as the sleeper QB to grab in the offseason, yet Rosenfels hasnt really played bad and gets no mention. Let's just kick the living sh-- out of Moulds on Sunday and I'll be happy
  19. for a second there you had me..... I almost thought you were serious
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