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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I thought that Spikes' ankle injury would make him lose speed, but his strength seems to be gone as well. He gets pushed around a lot and cant tackle.
  2. Wow, they are just moving the ball at will against us.
  3. No way! Reed was a bum on that play, where else could JP have put that ball, through his chest?
  4. I love how Pennington is playing, when I saw him in camp I knew he would be good, certainly better than Butler. I dont want to lose Gandy in the offseason. He is playing better and I dont think there is a better LG out there in free agency other than Steinbach. A new RG is needed. I would rather have a FA, but still a rookie next year is better than what we have now. It all depends if we lose Gandy and only have to replace one position.
  5. DAMN!!!!!!! LOL he looks pissed, look at his face, I wonder what the guy did to tick Max off like that! So much for the Sabres not being "tough enough," even our goal scorers will beat the sh*t out of people lol.
  6. Brian Leonard in round 2. Flame away
  7. As of now, Jarrett is projected for the middle of round 1, right where we would be picking. I dont know how Marv would feel about Jarrett's attitude and "play when I want to" mentality, but there's no doubt he's what we need. I dont think we need him to start and make a huge impact as a rookie. He can be more of a situational player his first year such as in the red zone. I always worry about players coming to the cold weather but I think he is from NJ so that shouldnt be a big deal. Like everyone has said so far, it will all depend on free agency.
  8. Bush lines up at RB and WR... if you've seen any of Leonard you would know he does the same.
  9. He is not comparing Leonard to Bush as players. He was comparing the roles that they both play, specifically on 3rd down. Like Bush, Leonard can line up in the backfield and run, or split out and catch the ball.
  10. I agree, consider him not an option, unless you want to give up a number 1 for an unproven back.
  11. I'd take Correll Buckhalter out of that group to work along side a rookie draft pick, but thats if theres no other options.
  12. I agree, with the exception of Travis Henry running all over him, he got a lot better his last 3 or 4 games. I hope he can fully recover, his attitude is everything this team needs.
  13. I would definitely take a 1st for McGahee, however I dont see the Giants giving theirs up. They have a young promising back in Brandon Jacobs, who they are looking to give a lot more carries to. He wont be their whole offense by any stretch, but they will look for a nice change of pace back for him to share carries with. They wouldnt give up a 1st for a marginal back to share carries and come out on goal line situations. If they did offer it however, I would definitely take it
  14. I agree in not breaking the bank for Willis either. I dont think that he is one of the best backs in the NFL, but I also think he could be. I would like to extend his deal, since him making below a million is a steal for us, but would like to see a ton of incentives in the new deal. We definitely need some depth behind him though.
  15. Ok, try to understand this. We are not debating in this thread if we should keep Nate or not. How many times do I have to tell you that the question was whether you think Whitner could play corner. Of course Youboty or Whitner cant play corner as well as Nate, but that has nothing to do with the hypothetical question asked.
  16. The issue in this post was not whether we should re-sign Nate, it was a hypothetical of who should replace him if he were to leave.
  17. I dont care how "tough" our schedule was this year, that was not the problem. We didnt beat the bad teams and didnt win the games we should have won. We lost to Detroit, NYJ, and Tennessee, and those were the heartbreakers. I could also argue that with the exception of the Bears, we played better against better teams such as the Patriots, Colts, Chargers, a winning Miami team at the time, and important divsional game and possible wild card spot with the Jets.
  18. I dont know what that has to do with my post.... but ok lol
  19. Good point, but Im not going to watch an hour and a half movie about "the man", there needs to be something else besides the 7 minute fight to keep my attention. It was a poor film, and that's all there is to it. There are other ways to get a moral stance and a good character across than whatever the hell they planned in that movie. Not to mention, the fight was at the end of the film, so its hard to sit there for an hour and half watching "the man."
  20. There are a few different concerns from what I have read. The QB moving out of the pocket has no impact on PI calls. Just because the QB moves out of the pocket doesnt mean that the CB can do whatever they want. The rule is the same for PI regardless of where the QB is on the field, and the only exception to PI is if the ball is tipped previously. The reason why PI is never called on hail marys is because generally both the receivers and defensive backs are all going for the ball. They are all standing in a crowd waiting for it to come down. In any situation, the defender has just as much right to go after the ball as the receiver, and PI is never called if both have a legitimate shot at it. Im not saying I agree with the no call on sunday. I was at the game but I couldnt see clearly since I was on the opposite side of the field. Just trying to clear up any confusion.
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