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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. That was in fact, true. I am close to someone in the Eagles organization. They were absolutely shocked when he booked for Cleveland. He was at the Eagles facility almost every day. Also the Eagles also had a deal for Javon Walker before the Broncos up'ed their anty at the last possible minute. Walker was all around Philly and was even in the facility with other players. Stuff like this proves nothing is garuanteed until the signature is actually on the paper. All in all I hope London strikes rich, he deserves it.
  2. hahahahahahah ew she looks just like him lol
  3. Don't you know that the gene that determines skin pigment also correlates with how fast you are?....... Jeez moron, get it together. lol.
  4. is there any place online we can watch it free?
  5. Yes it does, that is honestly one of the dumbest things I've seen. Wow.
  6. 2003, Don't listen to them, you are doing just fine. -You made our run defense stronger with Haynesworth in the middle in Patrick Willis not tackling guys 5 yards down the field. It doesnt matter if Haynesworth is not a "Marv guy" because there is no Marv, the whole point is you being the Bills GM. Our secondary is weaker with the loss of Clements, but I think it is more likely than not that he is gone anyways. We have Youboty, free agency, and your 2nd round pick, lets see who you can get with that. -Yes, we have a rookie at RB in Lynch sharing the duties with A-train. In case anyone hasnt noticed, I think that formula has played out well this year, considering both teams in the Super Bowl use it with Rhodes and Addai, Jones and Benson. Not to mention the teams that lost to them in the NFC and AFC championship games used it too, New Orleans with Bush and McAllister, and the Patriots with Dillion and Maroney, so everyone else stfu!
  7. I can just imagine a night going well with a girl, and then having to take you pants off and reveal those sexy lookin things
  8. Yes, how ironic that they found this prehistoric creature but couldnt fully study it since it was alive, and then on purely coincidence it dies shortly after they catch it, bastards.
  9. Barry Sanders' eyes looked the same.
  10. Are you gay lol? Who uses that termonology lol
  11. Wow, you took the words right from my mouth. I follow the draft pretty heavily, and I first saw Trannon a year or 2 ago and I cant figure out why nobody is talking about him anywhere. I think he is perfect for us because I wouldnt call him a legit great receiver, but he strengths are in the red zone, 3rd downs, and catching the deep ball. I hope we can pick this kid up, his hands are good and he is really, really raw.
  12. Chicago - Ruben Brown New Orleans - Mark Campbell New England - RaShad Baker Indianapolis - Luke Lawton? im not sure about this one, anyone know who is on the colts roster from the Bills?
  13. I dont think your argument holds water because of the difference in what type of place Fairchild is in. In St. Louis, that offense was known as the greatest show on turf, and used many fast players in their offensive scheme which could take advantage of playing in a dome and artificial turf. Of course Fairchild wouldnt need a big, posession type receiver in St Louis, there was no call for it. Buffalo is different. We arent allowed to run that type of speed system for the majority of games throughout the year. Having the cold weather and playing outdoors requires us to have posession receivers. I dont think you can compare the two places.
  14. Drafting a RB, WR, or QB is not always a "sexy pick." A sexy pick normally applies to a player that you dont necessarily need, but you pick him because of a big name or for luxery. A team that needs to desperately add to their running attack and drafts a RB should not be considered a "sexy pick." Just because a team drafts a skill position doesnt mean it is "sexy." I am curious as to why you say our defensive help will not be found in free agency. In my opinion, adding veteran help at certain positions is a better idea than adding more young players to a possible playoff contender. It is known that you adress your needs in free agency, and build your team through the draft. I would say that for our defensive line needs, it would be a better scenario to sign a DT in free agency since we will already have a 1st round pick coming back in McCargo. I think a veteran siging for our CB situation is a necessity as well. Whether that means keeping Clements (a FA) or letting him go, a veteran will need to be brought in to assist Youboty or whoever they decide to put there.
  15. Well, I would ask you to find how many teams have a back-up LT that is worse than Brad Butler, and that has no game experience, and I bet it is very few.... but that would just be another argument. So you are saying that since our back-up lineman suck, we should be ok with them because other teams also have back-up lineman that suck. Teams do have Brad Butlers on their team, but not as their number one guy if someone gets hurt, especially on teams with a poor offensive line to begin with. I cant believe you dont think we need line depth. You act like we can only sign one player, so it better be at another position. We are talking a veteran, certainly less than a million, maybe even the veteran minimum. We need depth on the offensive line, period.
  16. Ah yes, the Bills secretly planned the death of Ashton's mother just so he can be a "suprise" next year with no experience
  17. First, there is absolutely nobody of any value behind Pennington, unless you want Brad Butler playing if Pennington or Peters goes down, so bringing in anyone with any sort of talent level is important. Second, competition does not mean bringing in a player of the same abilities. Competition means bringing in someone better, or for depth purposes, but seeing how Pennington responds to the challenge. Competition means if you bring someone in better, will Pennington step up his game? Or if you bring someone in for depth does Pennington sulk and not work hard? I dont think Brad Butler will be an effective back-up in this league. We dont have a back-up tackle at either spot on the line, and bringing someone in is necessary. Whether that means signing a guard and moving Gandy back to tackle whatever, but there needs to be someone who if is not better than Pennington, can step in and play at a high level if an injury occurs.
  18. You do realize your whole post contradicts itself right? If you are the GM and need a WR, and you think that drafting Ginn would give you the best 1-2 combo in the league, then why would you draft a different receiver lol
  19. As we all know, Pennington struggled some at first, but really came on later in the year. We have many glaring needs, and RT shouldnt be a top priority. I would like to sign an old veteran to compete with Pennington rather than draft someone and put us back in the same position. I think some competition at the RT spot is necessary, but no big name free agents or highly touted draft picks. Pennington has exactly what you look for in a tackle. He is huge, can move well for his size, and his arms are super long. He just needs coaching and technique work. He is solid at this point, and not a liability. If there is a cheap free agent out there, or someone in the later rounds that the Bills think might have some potential then bring him in, but it is not a worry position at this point.
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