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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. David Harris is an outstanding LB with nearly idientical combine numbers to Willis.
  2. Come on, Shaud Williams and Fred Jackson are franchise backs, we're just lucky to have two of them
  3. A lot of people are concerned with what McGahee will do next year with Baltimore. We will look foolish, he will be in the pro bowl, blah blah blah. I dont care what McGahee does with any other team. He can have a break out year and make the pro bowl, I dont give a damn because he was never going to do that with us. With us, he was our own version of a cancer, and was probably going to hold out next year. He can produce for someone else, but he never produced for us besides his 1 year trial run. Most people on this board use the saying, "Time will tell" when talking about this trade, but I feel that it doesnt apply. If McGahee was a focal point on our team, and we traded him because we thought we got a better deal, then yes, time will tell if we won out or not. This is not the case here. McGahee was a problem, and a nobody here in Buffalo. We are getting rid of someone that only brought our team and offense down, and whether or not he produces with the Ravens does not change that. Addition by subtraction is my theory here, and if he makes the pro bowl next year that doesnt mean we shouldnt have made this trade. Even if we unloaded him for a bag of footballs and a 6 pack we won out.
  4. And how many years since 1996 has Marv been in charge of the draft?
  5. I'm glad you know that, it will really help when I do my mock drafts!
  6. Um...... maybe because it was 11 years ago.
  7. His dog killed a freakin horse.... thats crazy lol
  8. Everyone is getting too caught up in this Musa Smith injruy prone vs. healthy argument..... it doesnt matter. Whether he is healthy or not the point is he is not a starting RB and Baltimore is not looking at him as one, period.
  9. You mean the players that forgot they were restricted free agents? lol
  10. I wouldnt want any of those guys on our team, and I certainly wouldnt give up draft picks for them. Wilford is decent, but not worth a second rounder, and we need a CB like David but can certainly find one better in the first 4 rounds or in free agency. Jason David and Kiwaukee Thomas are similar in play, I think we could do much better.
  11. Not to mention Tom Brady having a schit fit when Moss desides to take a play off. I hope he ends up there, nothing good can possibly come out of it.
  12. Yeah well Branch just isnt their type of player, I mean, he's been arrested numerous times, drug problems, and often takes plays or even games off...... oh wait......
  13. Exactly, I think it's important to figure out why Porter was released. I'm not sure, I'm not up on Pittsburgh, mabye it was for cap reasons or something but I dont think so. If they loved him there, and he was the captain and a leader, why would they not want him back? It's not even like he was a free agent or anything, they cut him.
  14. Yes, worst team against the run.... and we are losing our starting MLB who was our leading tackler, while getting back a number 1 pick in McCargo for DT.
  15. These needs make absolutely no sense. It is pretty much a lock that McGahee, Clements, and Fletcher will not be on the roster next year, and your number 1 need is the offensive line in which we have all 5 quality starters returning? Absurd. So with Anthony Thomas as our starting running back, Mario Haggan as our starting MLB, and Kiwaukee Thomas as our starting CB, you are going to make sure we upgrade our solid o-line first..... right. My needs are as follows: 1 (A). MLB - Hard to find MLB's out there that can make an impact. Slim pickins in the draft and free agency, and with our run defense as one of the worst in the league last year, its going to be hard to upgrade this position. 1 (B). RB - I think we can agree that Anthony Thomas is not a starter, and with a young QB it is vital we have a good to great running game. 2. CB - this is third on my list because at the very least, we have Youboty and Thomas which is better than Haggan or A-train. Clements is gone, period. 3. OL - We could use an upgrade at RG, and although I personally like Pennington one could make the case for an upgrade there as well. 4. DT - McCargo is coming back, but we still need another rotation man, I prefer a veteran. 5. WR - We need a red zone threat and a compliment to Evans, preferably with some size.
  16. The Senior Bowl is hardly an "All star game." They are not just thrown together, with little to no practice time. The Senior Bowl is crucial towards the evaluation of each player in attendance, thus it is vital that they perform to the best or their abilities. The practices are rigid and ran by NFL coaches and staffs... definitely not thrown together.
  17. Just as we cannot determine Willis is a bad player for a few bad highlights, we also cannot asses he is a good player from a few good highlights. I am not saying Willis isn't the man, I was simply replying that the original poster's question facing Willis in the pro's was incorrect.
  18. That is not the question regarding Willis. He can cover, and he can cover damn good. The question about Willis is can he handle interior lineman when they run right at him, and can he plug holes. Everyone knows he has the speed to track down running backs on sweeps and off tackle runs, but can he stick his nose in there and be physical? We will find out.
  19. Man, that guys is more optimistic about our future than the Bills fans around here.
  20. I must be the only one, but I honestly thought Ryan Denney was better last year. He got sacks, but more importantly forced so many crucial turnovers and made crucial plays at the right time. I love that we have Kelsay back, but I guess I'm just shocked at what it took. I guess this means he is the clear cut starter? i dont know.
  21. Wow, that guy is the perfect player for our defense. Maybe we can trade back into the first round like last year and pick him up.
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