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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Does anybody else see the irony in that statement?
  2. Okay, you just lost all credibility
  3. That is actually a bad deal for us, we would be giving up too much. Trading JP and our 1st to move down? lol. And not even moving down for 2 firsts. I like the idea of trading down and getting more picks, trust me, but that is too much to give up. Not to mention, Dilfer is not an adequate backup. I think Minnesota should give us #17 and #47 just to move up to our pick, AND you want to throw in JP and a 5th rounder? That is way too much IMO.
  4. I'm sick of everyone on this board talking about Merling as a DE for us. If any of you actually watched football, you'd know that he is not a pass rushing DE that we could possible covet. He is a big DE that plays the run well, pretty much the same mold as Kelsay. If we are looking to add a pass rushing DE, it certainly will NOT be Merling.
  5. I can't get anything to be accepted for my avatar. Even the same pictures I used to use.
  6. That was not the reason in us not signing him. He actually wanted to come here.
  7. Jackson lacks ideal speed and will pretty much never break away from the pack. He is very good between the tackles and makes nice cuts, but when getting to that second level of defenders is where he will be caught. If we griped about McGahee never breaking a run longer than 30 yards then Jackson certainly isnt our back. He would fit well on a team who already has a speed back and needs a compliment, but with Anthony Thomas already here we dont need another back of this style.
  8. I actually know and played with Kennedy and another Sabres pick for BC Andy Orpik. Kennedy was always the star of every team he was on his first year. He played at Timon, I went to Williamsville North with Andy that's how I know Timmy, then he went to some league... I think with Sioux something or other, but ended up being one of the best forwards in the league. Now hes the leading scorer for MSU. Andy left North and went to a prep school then to BC. I'm actually shocked Andy has made it this far, on our team he was decent, but not that good. Kennedy on the other hand was always the best player anywhere he went.
  9. I would crap my pants in excitement if Caddilac came to Buffalo in exchange for our first round pick.
  10. Yes, I mean more than 1 year where he was the number 1 WR lol.
  11. hahaha great response, I thought he had you lol.
  12. I agree with the other posters. I could care less if he lines up at RG or RT, but he's going to be one of the starting five with that kind of salary. Oh and even without the salary, Preston isn't beating out Walker's grandmother.
  13. Can Lee Evans please have more than 1 year starting before we are inducting him into the Hall Of Fame? Thanks.
  14. I've always loved Stamer. I think he is an animal as well. The only downside I've had is that I felt he's been an animal for years but still cannot get on the field. I've come to the conclusion there must be something wrong with him that we as fans do not see. I didnt understand Posey starting over him and some of the other guys when our starters were injured. I hope he bounces back, and I honestly feel that if he is healthy he will give whatever rookie we have a run for their money.
  15. It isnt about which is in worse shape. The defense may be in worse shape, but if there is nobody with value on defense at the 12th pick then there is no need to take someone, especially if Willis is gone. The draft most of the time is not about filling needs. It is a common philosophy that you fill your needs in free agency and build your team through the draft. If Adrian Peterson or Marshawn Lynch is the best value pick at 12 that also fills a need then you take them.
  16. Great draft for Buffalo. 1. RB Adrian Peterson 2. LB David Harris 3. TE Zach Miller 3. CB Jonathan Wade I'd take that in the first 3 rounds any day.
  17. I'm here, I dont know why because I dont have a pick in the 3rd round lol.
  18. Supposedly, we brought in Kevin McCaddem earlier in free agency. Its obvious we need a veteran safety.
  19. Philadelphia selects CB Eric Wright, UNLV.
  20. It's been over 20 mins now for their pick, so whats happening.
  21. I am (philly) and dont make a default pick for denver of the guy i want, i'll be pissed lol.
  22. Just keep bumping them down until they show up.
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