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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Did you see how skinny that kid is? Far from the big possession type receiver we are looking for. He looks like he has talent, just doesn't fit our need.
  2. I'm so glad we have you around. It is always necessary to state the obvious.
  3. Johnson doesn't have the size Dick wants. Sorry, had to
  4. I was thinking the same thing. Those were probably the dumbest examples to pick to prove that point
  5. Don't know if this fits your definition of early, but we all knew the Bills loved Dwayne Wright last year.
  6. The only problem is he is projected to go much earlier than that. A big corner with speed like that most likely won't last until the 7th round.
  7. Okay. Well, my point is, it sounds like THAT should be the reason you want Sweed over the others. Because you have followed the receivers, he is at a top program with top competition, and you believe he is a hard worker and good locker room guy. The original post makes it seem as though you just read the board, and you decided to choose Sweed because he said something once that you like. You know what I mean? I guess what I'm saying is, all those other things is what should have put Sweed over the top for you, not because of that dumb quote. It doesn't make him any better of a football player. Everyone is coached on what to say, Ryan Leaf included. But it sounds like you have all the info that you need to justify your opinion, I just think the thread title is a little misleading though. Oh... and I guess I'm nitpicking lol.
  8. So if you were the GM, you would pick Sweed and give him millions of dollars because he regurgitated a quote that's been around for years? And I'M thick headed? Lol okay man. Hey, I'm not trying to be a dick. I realize there are many different WR prospects, and they all could be considered equal, so anything might tip the scales. I just don't think one quote should be the deciding factor, that's all.
  9. I'm not assuming anything. I know for a fact, because you said it, that your final decision was not made by how good he is on the field, it was made by him saying a quote.
  10. I don't think that is true. They always listed Bruce at like 275lbs, but he later admitted he really played at like 230lbs often. So did Charles Haley.
  11. Wow, maybe I'll just start throwing around old quotes that everybody uses, and then I'll have more followers. I'm glad that you didn't decide who you liked best by reading what they can do or watching them play, you'd be a great hockey GM.
  12. Well at least we can tell he has talent and not a high motor just by looking at him. Stupid analysts.
  13. Yeah, no way he can make the switch to the easier tackle position
  14. He may be the most complete, but we need a better receiving threat than him.
  15. It looks like after Talib the school of the next player could say "ARI" I was thinking Cason, but it doesnt look like thats what the name says. Maybe "ARK?" Morons.
  16. Tom Brady is only there because he misses all the naked guys in the lockerroom. (see avatar)
  17. You don't lose your pick, but you could end up at a huge loss. What happens is, if the time runs out, they can still make their pick at any time they wish. But, the #2 selection can also choose, and once they do, #3 can choose, and so on. What happened a few years ago was once the Vikings passed, teams began to line up at the table and rush picks in, and the whole thing can be a huge mess. If other teams get their picks in before you, you can end up screwed.
  18. Yes, they can let the time run out on their pick, and then the next team is able to choose. Essentially, they are saying "pass" on the first choice and they slide in to the #2 slot and so on, until they can get a trade partner.
  19. That is not the reason he signed with TB. Lets get real here. If it came down to who called who first, everyone would be signed by the next morning. Troupe has played in the warm weather south his whole career, why would he choose Buffalo over TB? Income tax as stated, he played his college in the State of Florida. Please, so you're saying if the Bills had called at 12:01 he would have been ours?
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