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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. If I could select our picks with the players available at those spots, I'd take: 1.) WR James Hardy 2a.) CB Reggie Smith 2b.) DT Pat Sims (I realize we have Stroud and Johnson, but I honestly believe he is one of the better DT's in this draft, and I wouldn't be able to pass him up) 3.) TE Dustin Keller 4a.) FB Owen Schmitt 4.b) OG Eric Young 5.) OLB Ali Highsmith
  2. I don't think he would have added anything to our team anyway. He isn't better at player corner than McGee, Greer, James, Youboty, or probably whoever we draft. And he isn't a better kick returner than McGee, so he would just be sitting on our roster for no reason. Between us signing James and more than likely drafting a corner, we have sufficient depth there.
  3. Lynch Peters Poz Honorable Mention: Whitner, Crowell, McGee
  4. The reports are conflicting. Some say he scored a 6, some say he scored a 16 and it was graded incorrectly. How can one grade a multiple choice test incorrectly? Someone that works for the NFL? I'd ask you to answer that, but you are obvious biased towards either the state of Texas, their football team, Vince Young, or all of the above. You don't know for sure what happened, neither do I, and neither did the GM's that year. I believe he got a 6. I am not biased one way or another in any one direction, unlike yourself. 6.... 16... whatever. Those are both TERRIBLE scores.
  5. Actually, Vince scored a 6 on the wonderlic test. Then after harsh criticism about such a low score, he re-took the test, and scored a 16. They asked Vince how he felt about the new score and he said, "I'm just happy I tripled my score." No joke here, I'm dead serious. And I got a 8/9 = 44. I missed the daylight hours question.
  6. 11 TD catches gets you 3rd all time? lol. Some guys get that in one year. You're right, because he is one of the best WR's in that atrocious "school history," he might be a diamond in the rough.
  7. I could see "deep" in terms of experience, but not deep in talent.
  8. I disagree. Ellison and DiGiorgio will play on ST, and also would someone like Morris if he were added. I'd like to have 4 quality LB'ers who could start. Someone that if there were an injury, he could come in and we would not miss a beat. I don't feel Ellison is that guy, even though many around here do. I like DiGiorgio. I think the versatility of someone like Rob Morris would really benefit all 3 LB positions on defense, as well as our ST unit.
  9. I still think we could use another back-up at LB, since Stamer and Wire are gone and it doesn't seem like Haggan will be returning. I believe on the outside, we only have Crowell, Mitchell, and Ellison. There are a lot of quality LB'ers still left in free agency which wouldn't require us to spend a draft pick to add depth. Here are some people to think about and fight over whether or not we think they will be a good fit Victor Hobson Warrick Holdman Lemar Marshall Caleb Miller Takeo Spikes Rob Morris Donnie Spragan Roosevelt Colvin Kendrell Bell Ian Gold My personal favorites would be Rob Morris and Victor Hobson, because, if need be, they can step in and play both in the middle or outside. Roosevelt I could see coming in to be a situational pass rusher, and Gold... I don't know why no one has jumped on him yet. I don't know if he's had injuries, but a few years ago he was one of the young stud LB'ers in the league. Spragan could add to special teams. I know a few of these players have stopped off in Cincinnati, so maybe stuckincincy could enlighten us about them.
  10. Mayle was someone that everybody talked about in camp last year, but I never saw what all the fuss was about. I watched him in practice, and don't really remember much from the preseason games, I just remember not understanding what everybody saw in him. But, I was in the minority.
  11. Sucks that he has to dumb himself down for a role. I hope the effects don't last permanently.
  12. I definitely just tried to wipe the bug on your avatar off my screen lol.
  13. Great post. Plus UMass couldn't even get through the A-10 tournament, and lost to Charlotte.
  14. Awesome job. Wow, one of the last clips where Hardy runs by that guy lol... it looks like the corner was hardly running, but he was running as fast as he could.
  15. So the Bills looking at some veteran depth automatically means we are flipping Whitner? We needed depth at that position. McCree said he would go somewhere he had the chance to start, and then chose Denver. What does that tell you?
  16. Okay... what makes you say that?
  17. Oh good, he dropped 15lbs. So, he's what now, bout 450?
  18. I guess that post is getting, a little old lol.
  19. HE IS NOT A FB! WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK THAT BECAUSE HE IS BIG, HE IS A FB? He is a big, bruising tailback. In the mold of T.J. Duckett. Would anyone here think Duckett would be a good FB? No.
  20. Personally, I think Shockey would do well here. I don't think he is cut out for NYC media and drill sergeant Tom Coughlin. He works hard, and he just wants to win. I would like to see some attitude on this team. We really need a leader on offense. I want someone to command the ball, and get on players for not doing their jobs. On a veteran team like the Giants, it might get on some people's nerves, but on a young offense like we have here, it just might make some people play better. If we were going to use a 2nd rounder on a TE anyway, it might as well be a proven player who is one of the top 5 TE's in the league. We aren't going to get the quality pass threat in the draft at the TE position, Shockey can serve as that TE and also our #2 receiver. That means we have even more versatility with our 1st pick and whoever our 2nd WR is, it takes a lot of pressure off. Don't get me wrong, I hate outspoken guys that are not team players, I just don't believe Shockey is that guy. I believe that if a team is running the ball and winning, he wouldn't mind. Maybe I'm wrong, but a player with some attitude would be a nice change in Buffalo. I don't think our franchise would ever go for it, though.
  21. Good. He and Gruden can lick the sweat off each other's sack in the heat of Tampa every day after practice. We don't need that wuss.
  22. Don't you give up? I'm so sick of arguing this with you lol.
  23. I still think I'm the only one that talks about how hilarious the name Magic Johnson is.
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