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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I agree with Polian. But that is one guy, do you think Jerry Jones is worried about the financial commitment of Darren McFadden?
  2. Here is an example of what I am talking about. After us, there are a glut of teams who could use a RB and are reportedly interested in Mendenhall. The range goes from Denver at #12 to Dallas at #22. In there, you've got Denver, Carolina, Chicago, Detroit, Arizona, Houston and Dallas all who need or want a RB. Now, maybe none of those teams would be willing to give up their second rounder to move up. I THINK there would be someone who would give up a 2nd or 3rd, BUT even if there aren't, I would almost guarantee that one of those teams would be willing to jump all of those teams to take the RB they covet for only an extra 4th round pick. I think we could get a 3rd, but lets just say 4th. You don't think ONE of those teams would part with a 4th rounder to move up ahead of everyone else to get Mendenhall?
  3. I understand, but the point I was trying to make was that you get out of there for whatever you can, even if its a 4th rounder. Teams at the end of the round are there because they have good/great teams, and more likely than not they don't need many positions to fill in the draft. I think many of the later teams would give trade up 10-15 spots if they didn't have to give up the rest of their picks (which is what teams ask for because of the trade chart).
  4. Oh, I see. This is a fantastic thread btw. I was just talking about this topic today with someone.
  5. I am one of those people and I'll tell you why. Everybody goes nuts over this stupid "trade chart." People think that every little point needs to match up, and if it doesn't, it is not a good trade. Bullsh*t. We are at pick number 11. We want to get out of there because: 1.) There is nobody at that slot that is worth the money that fits our team. 2.) The money to be paid out is way too high (my own opinion, this would be if we were in the top 5 or 10). Now, everyone thinks that we need to pick up a second rounder, or even 2 firsts, in order to move down or its not a "good" trade. If we can move down in the draft and pick up even another 3rd, while not having to pay someone top 10 money, who isn't a player we are enamored with anyway, you make the trade. You get out of there. I think there are plenty of teams willing to trade an extra 3rd or 4th, or anything, to move up 10-15 slots. People expect that if we trade back we will get 2 firsts, or a 1st and 2nd. Why is it worth staying there and picking a player you don't want, and paying him all that money, when you could get out of there with another 3rd or 4th AND the player you want? That is a good trade. Forget the god damn trade chart, its ridiculous.
  6. So, you think we could have gotten Whitner with our next pick then, right? People are way to excited to call everything a reach nowadays. If we took a WR at #11 this year people would freak out and say we reached. IMO, all of the WRs have 1st round talent. Meaning they all should be selected in the 1st round. Anywhere in the first round is not a reach (maybe top 5). If you have a 1st round grade on a guy, it shouldn't matter if you are at pick #11 or #25, you take the player.
  7. Not our first pick? Well he's not going to be there in the 2nd round, so if you want him, he needs to be the first rounder at 11.
  8. How the hell does Wes Welker have anything to do with Jordy Nelson? I hope you're not just comparing them because they are white. They are the complete OPPOSITE player of one another. Nevermind, you wouldn't be stupid enough to make that analogy.
  9. Oliver. Hands down. Cox? Yeah I hated him, but he was your traditional jackass. Oliver though... hated his guts.
  10. Congrats on the wedding. Lets hope your reception is in a sports bar lol.
  11. Schouman too short for a TE? Dream on, Dan. I guess Dallas Clark, Chris Cooley, Vernon Davis, Eric Johnson, and Algae Crumpler are all too short as well. Each of those players are 6-3 or under. Why do people on this board continue to think that RBs are interchangeable with FBs? Dwayne Wright is a RB. He cannot block. We need at least 3 deep at RB. And to answer your question, don't rule Schouman out. He did an excellent time blocking while he was in there at FB last year. Hopefully we'll get our hands on someone like Owen Schmitt or Peyton Hillis in the draft, but if we don't, right now its looking like either Barnes or Schouman.
  12. If we couldn't trade down to take a WR, and Harvey or a corner weren't there, I would never be opposed to adding great players. I think Rivers will be a great player, and if the Bills don't plan on re-signing Crowell after the year, I'd hope they'd have a backup plan. I love Keith Rivers, but not until everyone else is gone. IMO.
  13. I used to stand up for Chad and for the way he played. After this offseason, I can no longer defend him. He's lost his damn mind.
  14. How does not liking those two players have anything to do with their performance based play? It is based off a low starting salary and how much playing time you get. So if you come in at some crap level pay, and end up playing a lot (mostly due to injuries), then you get some more pay (you can still suck while playing). I'm not saying those players sucked, I like both of them, but making the comparison between their ranking on that list and the way they played is irrelevant. Right now if Edwards and Losman went down, and we had to play Hamden, he could suck it up out there but still get more money.
  15. Well, in any event, beerball made it great lol. He was so angry hahaha
  16. Well Dan, at first, I thought this was a terrible idea for an April Fool's joke. A player talking to a player? There's got to be something better than that. Not to mention Stroud didnt even play in that game, so Schobel "going up to him and talking to him" wouldn't have happened. I just thought it was totally screaming "untrue" and you could have come up with something better. But, then I read the responses, and it either means I am wrong and it was a great joke, or I'm right and people here are really dumb (sorry beerball lol). So, which one was it? lol
  17. I think CB Patrick Turner would be a better option #11 overall.
  18. Vince could score a perfect 50 on that test, and he'd still be a dumbass when it comes to quarterbacking lol.
  19. Come on guys, don't you think its possible that a "late first round pick" wouldn't be a name everyone would know by now? Jeez.
  20. That's a nice story. Just like Carwell to drop the ball though lol
  21. I agree. I think we need a situational pass rusher, someone that can be found in the middle rounds, similar to guys like Elvis Dumervil, Trent Cole, Robert Mathis.
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