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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Okay, so MOST aren't driving themselves. Personally, I don't buy it, but lets say that's correct just for the sake of argument. So if they aren't driving themselves, and can't help themselves, that means somebody else is. So the guy that mentioned above about his son, you really expect him to park in the middle of the "unloading zone" while potentially blocking traffic, to "unload" his son, in front of everyone, then leave his son there, and go find a parking spot? I'm sure its comforting for the driver to just leave someone, often times their child, sitting in their wheelchair by themselves unwatched. That makes absolutely no sense. Give them a parking spot that is close, so they can properly handle the difficulties they often times can't help in the first place.
  2. Sh*t like that really, really pisses me off. That's when you leave a bag of potatoes in the back and show your son how to play "clog the tailpipe", and show him how not to hold your car key while walking past a vehicle.
  3. Tracy Porter is projected to go late 1st round/early 2nd round. A top prospect. Jason Peters was an undrafted free agent that nobody wanted. Big difference.
  4. No problem Ramius, just keep us updated as to when we make picks/times.
  5. How can people discuss the strength of our schedule and who we'll beat when the draft hasn't even happened yet? You guys need to chill out. Teams are going to get a lot better and worse before opening day. Nobody knows anything about any team this year. Wait until the week we play to talk about if the team is beatable for us or not.
  6. So when do we pick, or what times do we use? The same ones that were set for yesterday?
  7. Are we not doing our round 2 picks? I showed up at the correct time of my pick.
  8. Hahahaha Did you see Simpson drop almost every ball they threw at him? Wow.
  9. I never said accepted in reality, I'm talking about in the mock draft here, the same draft where I've acquired Lito Sheppard and Jeremy Shockey without even giving up a draft pick or a player off my roster. Call me a dumbass all you want, I'd take that trade, grab a WR, and then Steve Justice or Owen Schmitt with the extra pick. But don't, I repeat, don't, compare me to LSI. That is the worst insult in the world lol.
  10. Its no secret that everyone who's not on Avery's team hates his guts. See PastaJoe's post.
  11. Ah yes. I forgot how some of you work around here. You need a chart to tell you what is a good trade and what's not. But you're right, moving back and selecting the WR you want and picking up another 3rd round pick is stupid. You're better off staying at #11 and either picking a player you don't want, or reaching for a bottom round WR. Good one.
  12. Too late, Malcolm. You just cost yourself a boat load of money, nice job.
  13. I didn't. Sometimes he may get carried away, but he isn't on the same level as guys like Neil and those other cheapshot artists. He actually plays hockey. I'm not always a fan of the things he does, but I don't think he's that bad.
  14. I proposed a trade to the Bills, but for some reason its not being considered. My first, #31 and my 3rd to move up to #11. Oh well.
  15. Neil and Avery are in 2 different categories. I'd take Avery on my team any day. He is good at what he does, without crossing the line, and he can actually skate and score goals.
  16. I agree that's what he is. And I wouldn't take him, I guess we agree to disagree here. I just feel the whole point in adding a DE is for the sake of the pass rush, and adding another "fundamentally sound player with good overall skills" would be a waste of a first round pick, IMO.
  17. I should start offering other teams my first rounder next year then lol. I guess in real life it would be, but... I don't know, it seems silly to me.
  18. Take the Vikings' deal, unless Ellis is there.
  19. Wouldn't that benefit him? To have a guy that the offense keys on and double teams, leaving Merling 1-on-1 with the other team's second rated tackle?
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