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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I almost don't want them to take a corner, not because I don't think we need one, but because I don't want to put up with the year's worth of bitching on this board. Anyway, if we do take a corner at 11, all of you who will cry about it need to realize that the coaches and front office know what our scheme calls for, and what they plan to do on defense, way better than any of us armchair quarterbacks. So don't tell us (Pyrite Gal) that its a waste if we do take a corner "because our system doesn't need good corners." That's all I'm going to say... they know what we need for the system they design and run, so have faith, and keep the bitching to a minimum.
  2. Actually, it doesn't, and I've already argued with Pyrite Gal to the death about it, so if you want to know why it doesn't "make perfect sense" then search through my posts.
  3. Derek Anderson, I believe he was also a 6th round pick.
  4. That's understandable, but wanting Losman gone and saying Vinny is a better QB are two different things lol.
  5. Well then, if he won't sign for a reasonable amount, I'd say bye bye Lee.
  6. Okay, you just lost all credibility you might have ever gained, and from now on your posts will not be taken seriously.
  7. That is a joke, "the Bills might need to start at Steve Smith money." Why? Why would we negotiate Evans' deal similar to THE BEST WR IN THE GAME? Evans is maybe, maybe a top 20 receiver. Smith is definitely top 10, and arguably top 5. Same with Fitzgerald. Whoever wrote that has no idea what they are talking about.
  8. There are a lot of ways we could go with our first pick; WR, CB, OL, DE... any of the positions I think we get good players and I'll be happy with. But the one thing that will really make me mad is if we took DE Merling. That guy is not a pass rusher, and it would be such a waste to add another DT to the roster who is solid all around. If you draft a DE, it needs to be a sack artist. A guy that gets to the QB. We certainly aren't lacking solid, all around DE's.
  9. Mine switches all the time. I'll be on a kick with the same stuff for a while, and then I'll hate it and switch to something else. A perfect example is Southern Comfort. Two years ago I was hooked, now if I even smell the crap my stomach turns.
  10. It is proven that the biggest mistake one can make when trying to start over with a franchise is drafting a QB in the top ten. You live and die... mostly die, by that pick. Your career as a GM, and whatever Parcells calls himself, is completely dependent upon that pick. I don't think there is any way they would take Ryan, Parcells is smarter than that. Besides, I think its most obvious now that they are going defense, good job Ireland That player on defense, I believe, is Chris Long.
  11. Although we don't really know what Lito would be asking for contract wise, there's no way they would have to pay him anywhere near the contract Samuel got.
  12. DRC is not a top talent? What are you on, man? And when are you going to stop saying that our corners don't cover? Jeez.
  13. What is he worth if we need a backup QB to come into the game, we only have Hamden or some veteran schmuck like Testaverde on the roster, and we're in the middle of a playoff hunt?
  14. That's the component of the move that people are forgetting about. I'd love to swap picks for Lito, but I have no idea what he'd be asking for.
  15. Its on ESPN at 3pm, they have been advertising their coverage like crazy. I'm glad the time is down to 10 mins, but wish they would have started at the same time as usual instead of 3pm.
  16. Whoops... Dominique Rogers Cromartie James Hardy John Carlson
  17. Haven't you noticed that the only thing Tipster looks for is size? Martin, Floyd, Jenkins... none of those guys can play football, but Tipster thinks #2 WR = Big receiver. Its getting absolutely ridiculous, not even counting he said to give up a 3rd rounder for the guy who can't crack a lineup that has had no WRs for years now.
  18. What is going on? Everybody said the draft was on hold for a while, then I get on here and see a PM saying I'm on the clock. Wtf.
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