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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. We thought the Bills wanted a big receiver as a red zone threat, little did we know they only wanted one as a bigger body for their 5 yard passes lol.
  2. Those old office LB commercials were hilarious. Johnson is tough. Nice job.
  3. Obviously Matt Baker will push JP out of a job. If we sign another QB, Trent is next.
  4. At least now we know why they don't care about rising gas prices.
  5. McGee. McGee is a proven Pro Bowl Returner, McKelvin hasn't even participated in an NFL practice yet. Its really a no brainer. There's no way I just "give" the job to McKelvin. If its midway through the season and McGee is struggling, give McKelvin a shot. Its McGee's job to lose. I really hate the argument of "I don't want us to use our top corner for returning kicks" because we've been doing it for the last few years now, and he's the best on our team at it. Also, McKelvin is a 1st round pick, and will probably start, AND will have much more of a financial commitment than McGee. So if you use that argument for McGee not returning kicks, you need to take McKelvin out of the mix as well.
  6. At first glance, what you're saying makes sense, but judging by the fact we've had UDFAs make the Pro Bowl, I don't think you can say they only broke through here because we had crappy players. I think for some players, yes, maybe on other teams they wouldn't have made it. But for guys like Jason Peters, Pat Williams, Jabari Greer and Fred Jackson... we must have done something right. To have UDFAs make the roster is one argument, but having them turn into starters and Pro Bowlers is completely different.
  7. Are you still not realizing that you've made up all of those statistics based on your opinion? You have no idea the percentage of run vs pass plays in the NFL. You have no idea what percentage of running plays come out of each formation. You have no idea what percentage of passing plays the TE stays in for. And you have no idea what percentage of passing plays the TE goes out for. You made all of this crap up, why are you continuing with an argument who's platform for basis is dependent upon statistics that you have not researched? And lastly, why do you continue to not understand that I said, "If a TE can show he can block as good as Royal and also demonstrate he can be a receiving threat, Royal would be expendable" I, by no means, said to trade a blocking TE for a receiving one. Pay attention.
  8. So, in other words..... you're white lol
  9. First of all, don't put a percentage that you made up in your post and use it as an argument. Second, read my other posts in this thread. I said if another TE emerges that shows he can block like Royal AND demonstrate he can be a receiving threat than Royal could be gone.
  10. Oh yeah, I forgot to ask: Why the hell are you re-watching a tape of draft day lol?
  11. The tumor has been growing since she was 3 years old... Why did it take 12 years before someone decided to remove that thing? That poor girl.
  12. For some reason, I don't think Tripplett is too scared of Brad Butler.
  13. Omon is a tailback, not a fullback. He has never blocked in his life. Why do people continue to think those two positions are interchangeable?
  14. No. They said he was only used as a blocker in Washington, but they believed he could also be a receiving threat if given the chance. They were wrong.
  15. I've seen Anderson play, and honestly, I always thought he was more of a receiving option. But when we signed him, all the coaches raved about was his blocking ability, so I'm not sure. I like Royal and Fine to compliment each other in terms of blocking and receiving, but I'm saying if another TE on the roster can show he can block, and even catch a little bit, Royal could be out.
  16. I think it is really iffy. At this point, one would expect Royal, Fine, and Anderson... like you said. But we know what we have in Royal, good blocking and that's it. So if the other TE's come in and really impress in camp (Johnson, Schouman, Fine, Anderson) and prove as versatile options, it could push Royal out. I think would could easily recover what we lost in Royal, which is only blocking. If we have nothing in Johnson and Schouman, then Royal stays, IMO.
  17. I disagree about Royal. I wouldn't be surprised if he got cut. We have Fine, who will do the majority of the pass catching, all Royal offered us was good blocking, which Courtney Anderson or any other TE on this team can do. Last year we didn't have Fine, Schouman, Anderson or Johnson... this year that makes Royal expendable.
  18. I agree with everything. McKelvin winning the job in the end, surprise cuts, and the starters. I have no idea about the FB position, I still think they will look to bring in another FB via free agency for some additional competition. I'm not sure they are happy yet with the talent we have there. I think Royal can be our main blocking TE, and Fine can come in to create mismatches and line up in all sorts of positions on the field. We can keep him on the line or split him out. A scary idea could be our potential redzone package. If we brought in Courtney Anderson, Teyo Johnson, and Hardy... that gives us 3 enormous targets for teams to try and defend, and with the two TE's in we could also run. Scary thought for opposing teams.
  19. I think there's no doubt that if they couldn't move up for Dorsey or Ellis and they were forced to stay at #10, they would have picked McKelvin.
  20. Cox won't make the team, and I wouldn't be surprised if Youboty or James gets cut.
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