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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Man, did that guy drop off fast or what? Starting QB at one of the best D-1 schools in the nation to Jacksonville State. Shame.
  2. Going back to the poster above, I think that saying, "no corner can stop a wideout from getting open if he has to cover him for a long time" is stating the obvious. The difference between good and bad corners is not "shut down" completely, its how LONG they can cover them for before they eventually get open. The average play in the NFL lasts somewhere between 4 and 6 seconds, and being able to cover a WR for that amount of time is what makes one great, or "shut down." Everybody knows that you can't just have a great set of corners, or a great pass rush individually. Pass defense is a team philosophy just like the rest of football is. Just as no corner can cover a wideout for a length of time, no offensive tackle can block a DE for any length of time either. There are most certainly defensive ends that can get to the QB a whole lot quicker, and there are most certainly corners who can cover WR's longer. That is the difference, and to say that a corner that can cover for a longer length of time (or "shut down") is a myth to the game is extremely ignorant and shows a lack of knowledge. Its common sense.
  3. That was the worst article I've ever read. How does that man have a job? And I'm being serious. I think he's clueless when it comes to football.
  4. Then why didn't you just say that? And remember, we won't kill you for using a period and starting a new sentence every once in a while.
  5. You guys can call me crazy, but I actually think Corner will be starting for us someday. I chose Bell for best value, I also think he will start for us someday. And Brown (its really Bowen) for worst value. Just way too many solid players left on the board to pick and undersized special teams player, IMO.
  6. I believe it was starting RT, not G, and I don't think he can play center, but I'm not sure.
  7. Actually... going to the NFL is what changed his career. He was a bust. Never saw the field.
  8. You obviously don't watch football. Jerome McDougal??? Wow. And Chris Canty in the mold of Justin Tuck? Have you ever seen a Dallas game? He's more of a Ryan Denney.
  9. Our downfall is that we play in the AFC. There are so many good teams, and in order to grab a wild card spot we REALLY need to win games. That is what hurts us the most, we are a solid/decent team.
  10. Not really, our offense was one of the best in the league when Bledsoe was here. And besides, you could say the same thing since Kelly left, Thomas left, Andre left, Bruce left..... you get the picture.
  11. Why does his bench matter? Its been proven you don't have to be strong to play center for the Buffalo Bills.
  12. No. In a few years you'll be explaining that Sweed isn't productive because the Steelers have a run first, grind it out offense
  13. God, if that isn't the most annoying expression lol
  14. If he can't even crack the horrible lineup in Atlanta, what makes anyone think he'd make it here? I'm sure you mean just as a mentor here, but that is exactly what he doesn't want to be. He wants to play. I wouldn't sit guys like Hardy, Roscoe, or even Reed down for Horn, he's just not good enough. Not to mention the fact he doesn't play special teams, and having him here would mean carrying 5 WR's and none on ST.
  15. Can't we merge this retarded thread into the other retarded Hardy thread, so all the retards can have their own retard forum to discuss retarded topics and ideas? It only makes sense lol.
  16. You guys are ridiculous, suspended by the NFL? He did nothing wrong lol. I heard Derrick Dockery didn't eat his Wheaties this morning, and Schobel didn't send his mom a Mother's Day card. Get them off the team.
  17. Does that retard even know Mitchell's contract numbers? I hate when people have opinions and don't do the proper research.
  18. Vin is a good guy, weird though. I go to the games with his mom, Jan, or used to. She's an awesome lady. She has very successful kids. We still keep in touch.
  19. I guess by "opening up the offense" you really mean "throw every pass to Lee Evans deep."
  20. Actually, its "you're" nuts. Unless you are referring to the possession of his balls, which would make you gay, not that there's anything wrong with that.
  21. Not that I'm advocating one side or another, but those of you arguing against Bill need to change the angle of your argument. Telling Bill that we spent all this free agency money, and where o-linemen on top teams were picked, has absolutely no effect on HOW GOOD THEY ACTUALLY ARE. Spending money doesn't upgrade any position, good players do. Are the Bills' lineman as good or better than those? No. It doesn't matter where they were picked or how much their salaries are. Those teams (Colts, Pats and Giants) that don't have lineman picked high... doesn't matter because those lineman ARE BETTER THAN THE REST OF THE LEAGUE. Obviously it shows that you don't need to draft o-lineman high to ensure success, but that doesn't mean you don't do it and rely on UDFAs to turn into pro bowlers. Obviously your best shot is to draft high, the best talent available. Just because we spent money doesn't mean the problem is solved.
  22. Not exactly true. We carried 5 WR's last year at all times. Jenkins was on the practice squad to start the year, leaving us 5 WRs. When Price got injured Jenkins was brought up, again giving us 5 WRs. Hardy replaces price as our number 2, and Jenkins replaces Aiken on special teams. Jenkins was a monster for us last year on special teams and if Johnson plans on making the team (assuming we only carry 5, as usual) then he better work on his ST abilities.
  23. Surprisingly, JP played pretty well that game, I think.
  24. Its possible, but remember, we do have a glut of players to keep at RB, CB, S, TE... so I doubt we'll keep 6 receivers. Maybe in most years, yeah, but this year there's gonna be some tough cuts.
  25. Bell looks like he could be really good. I like those athletic/agile guys at LT with all the speed rushers teams have nowadays. He seems to learn really fast, and I'm anxious to see him in the preseason against NFL players. Should be interesting. I love Omon's vision. That guy has great cutting ability. He might not be able to hit the home run, but he can definitely break mid-distance runs and move the chains. Johnson's key will be whether or not he can play special teams. He might have some good WR skills, but competing for the 5th WR spot, he's never going to get the chance to use them. That spot is more about special teams ability, and right now Justin Jenkins is pretty damn good at it. If Johnson wants to make this team, he's going to have to impress on special teams first, and then try to move up the depth chart by showing his receiving skills.
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