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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Not this again... Listen man, if you want to go through the archives and see all the topics about Whitner, be my guest, because we just can't get enough of this topic.
  2. I was browsing ESPN, looking at some of the prospects available in next week's NBA draft (yes, the NBA still exists), and came across this hilarious picture for this guy's bio This poor bastard
  3. Although... I don't think they'd be posting on a message board about football lol.
  4. I thought it came out about a week ago, maybe longer, that Johnson, Gaddis and Hardy were the 3 in the car.
  5. You're of the belief? Wasn't that already verified?
  6. OH MY GOD did you guys hear Trent's brother's girlfriend's mom smokes weed??? What?????? Unbelievable, they all need to be kicked off the team immediately.
  7. Because growing up, if you're the most talented of the kids, you usually start off playing RB or WR. So if you play WR, and you know you're one of the most talented players on the team, you want the ball because you know you can make plays. Its rare for a WR to even touch the ball 10 times a game, and that makes you feel like you need to ask for the ball even more, just to get the few opportunities you can. This starts from the earliest of ages. Not getting the ball when you're one of the best players can be frustrating.
  8. Its early. I think everything will come together for the season opener. Trent is a smart guy.
  9. I just hope this crap gets resolved soon, I'm sick of hearing and talking about it. We need to move forward. I feel bad for Bengals fans.
  10. I expect Huggins and Jenkins to fight for the last receiver spot. I believe we will carry 6 receivers this year, because Jenkins on ST is too good a player, and Johnson looks like he has a lot of upside at WR.
  11. Teyo has nothing to do with the Bills adding a quality TE to this team. Before Johnson, we needed to add one, after he was here we still needed to add one, and now that he's gone we STILL need to add one. My point - Johnson wasn't the answer, so why are you mad he was cut? Who cares.
  12. Was he even getting reps in the OTA's? I didn't even hear anything about him.
  13. At least you have pitching, we just have whining.
  14. Hey John, sorry for your loss. I had a GS when I was a young kid. The only thing I remember was that damn tail that always wacked me in the face, as I was a perfect foot and a half tall I have a Golden now who's almost 17 years old, and her time is quickly fading. I know its going to be hard for all of us, she was here for what seems like so long. Its good that you still have 2 other dogs, though. Good luck to you and once again, sorry for your loss.
  15. I agree. I can't even watch this team this year. They don't lose because they have no talent, or because they just aren't good enough, they lose because they don't give a schit. They don't try hard, they don't make effort plays, they don't care, and there's no heart. There is nothing that makes me angrier than a team like that. I'm a long time Mets fan, and have always hated the Phillies, but honestly... they are how a baseball team should be. With the exception of Ryan Howard, they run through grounders, they bust their asses, and they come to play every inning of every game. They have Rollins and Utley, but other than that they are weak at almost every position but they still win because of the effort they put out. The Mets make me sick this year.
  16. So, you think that on internet boards, people are entitled to their own opinion whether they have facts or not... but when he posts his opinion, with no facts, you think the mods removing it is reasonable? Contradict yourself much? I don't understand why the issue of steriods is such a horrible point to raise. Back then, in that era, athletes were using steriods in many sports, and weren't really aware of the long term consequences. It is certainly possible that dying at the age of 43, from either a massive heart attack or natural causes, that steroids played a part in the death. It is not at all an unreasonable topic to discuss, and had this been a player from another team we'd already have been writing it off as steriods, which makes me believe everyone around here is extremely sensitive to players from their own team. See: homerism. Everyone needs to relax, seriously.
  17. I think we should trade Jason Peters for Taylor.
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