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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. Isn't he still officially retired? Didn't he not officially get re-instated? If not, he can have dinner with whomever he wants. Not sure if the paper work was complete.
  2. I get the Rams. Steven Jackson is back, Bulger is back, and they've added WR Donnie Avery. Their offense should be explosive again (if the line can hold up). In a horrible NFC, I could see them possibly making the playoffs.
  3. How can we cut a 4th round pick after one year when camp hasn't even started yet? You guys need to get real.
  4. I stopped reading after seeing that his number 1 AFC team to take the wild card spot was the Ravens. What a retard.
  5. "long in the tooth"... just say old? I've lived in Philly for the last 4 years, and one thing I noticed that annoys me is the people here don't say "with." They will say, "Oh I just got done work." They never say with work, or with anything. Why do they think that sounds correct? I don't get it.
  6. I'll never write off the Patriots as long as Belichick is their head coach and Brady is their QB.
  7. Really, Simon? I was hoping Viti made the team so he wouldn't go back over to that mess, but did I think he was good enough to do it? No. I got into an argument with many others on here about whether or not Viti would make it, I was saying I told you so to them, not Viti. Those posters know who I'm talking about. I wish the guy the best of luck and am sad to see him not on the team. So before calling people names, you should probably know what the hell you're talking about first. Not something I'd expect from someone I consider one of the top posters here.
  8. They did have WiFi for most of the ride. I don't think there is anywhere to plug it in, however, the guy infront of me had something under the seat that was lighting up, so there may be something hidden under there where you can plug it in. Check it out.
  9. The bus was late getting to Buffalo for the pick up because they were coming from Toronto and had to go through customs - understandable. However, the driver spent about 20mins trying to figure out how the DVD player worked, until I told her that it didnt really matter and people had places to be. Then driving through to NYC, she made a wrong turn and couldn't get back to the lincoln tunnel. Once we did, we were stuck in traffic.
  10. For starters... Reddy Freddy Ax4782 Shnooks Da Kid BDW1968 BuffaloDenny Nuklz2594 Superhero SouthTownBills51 Horus Pete Falstaff in Philly BillsD#1in2008 JasoninMT Yall OCinPhilly
  11. I'm a jerk because I thought Viti wouldn't make the team, eh? Interesting.
  12. I really like you as a poster here, but you've got to stop with your Missouri guys. You'll say we should draft anyone from that school regardless of our needs. It is really getting annoying.
  13. I just used them for that trip yesterday. I was supposed to go Buffalo to NYC, then NYC to Philly. I got to NYC an hour and a half late, missed the connecting bus, was stranded in NYC, and finally took a chinatown bus for 2 hours where no one spoke English.
  14. Hate to say I told you so, Viti lovers. Actually, I don't hate it at all For all the people saying he was going to start (ax____), eat some crow!
  15. Happy Birthday, Bill. I invited Terrence, Leodis and Donte to the party
  16. What's the big deal? We and every football team in the league has fans that would do the same thing. We're just on the wrong end and can't seem to handle it - even like 18 years later.
  17. I'm just glad the Bills added some Fine, Cox this offseason.
  18. At least the Bills have Fine, Cox.
  19. I'll win again this year if you want me to
  20. This guy has some of the best nicknames in sports: Hefty lefty, j-load, lord of the ring-dings, quarter got back, the pillsbury throwboy, round mound of touchdown
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