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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. First of all, this whole thing rests on the fact you assume it was Devin Thomas, which I could argue all day it wasn't. How you pulled that from nowhere is priceless. Second, tons of players around the league have injuries, from minor to major, each year. Its not like only the second player we draft has a little injury.
  2. Bowen is a replacement for Josh Stamer and Mario Haggan on ST, not a starting LB like Crowell. He is a ST player. If we wanted a replacement for Angelo I think we would have drafted one before the 5th round instead of a guy with the size and speed of a ST demon.
  3. Nope, doesn't pay nuffin' Anyone can create an account.
  4. You people are ridiculous, seriously. Nobody has seen him play, he hasn't even began his first training camp in the NFL and you're already booking him as our replacement for one of our better defensive players the last few years. Unbelievable.
  5. You realize that is a site for fans to sign up and write whatever articles they want, right? Its pretty much a glorified message board.
  6. Yeah, and what did Howard do in the 8th inning during their push with runners in scoring position? Pop fly I wish we had our closer last night. But doesn't it get annoying, it seems like the Phillies always come back to win in the end, why can't they do that in the beginning and middle of games? Reminds me of the Sabres I'm still on my Werth campaign. I really think that guy needs to be an everyday player.
  7. Here we go, I knew I'd snag one of you. I do have something for support, me watching the games lol.
  8. I really like WR Felton Huggins and Justin Jenkins. I think Huggins ends up on the practice squad because of everyone in front of him, but I think he's got some ability.
  9. I, personally, can't stand Howard. It seems like he can do no wrong, and the fans will always love him. Burrell is a much more solid hitter. Howard usually hits his homeruns when they are either winning by 5 runs or losing by 10. He is Daryl Strawberry all over again, except much worse at the plate and in the field. Almost every time he comes to bat in a clutch situation he strikes out. Its amazing how Howard - lovers come out with these numbers that make him appear to be one of the best hitters in the league, but if you watch the games, he is a joke. I didn't say Blanton wasn't an upgrade, anyone is an upgrade in that rotation. That's not really the point.
  10. I think you are worried too much about the hitters. They don't get you anywhere in the playoffs, its all pitching. I really like Romero, even though he probably is getting burned out. I also really like that lefty that comes in to face lefties (I can't think of his name), I think he has a good future. And Burrell does not suck, I see him every time he faces the Mets and he should be in the hall of fame. Giving up Carrasco and Co. for a hitter like Holliday is just outrageous to me. With a bad rotation and good lineup, giving up your best pitching prospect (who could come up within the next year and help your rotation) for another hitter makes no sense. I was laughing at the Phillies for Blanton, and if they do this deal for Holliday I won't continue to secretly root for them. Just don't tell my friends and family that I once did, lol.
  11. Right, to other teams, but I was talking about within the Phillies' management. I heard that rumor here too, but it didn't make much sense to me. I don't see why the Phills would put more in the deal for Fuentes since they already have one of the best bullpens in baseball, unless they were planning on going your route and flipping him to another team. But to give up even more for a player you don't need seems crazy. I really don't get why they are willing to give up that deal for Holliday and not for a pitcher like Sabathia. It just blows my mind. They can add any hitter they want, they won't win because their pitching is garbage.
  12. Does it really matter what they would be ranked in another system? The point is they are YOUR top prospects, and now that they are gone, you are left with almost nothing. It doesn't matter how good you think they are compared to the rest of the prospect pool, its all they've got, so to them, they're worth their weight in gold.
  13. I feel bad for the QBs in that division: DeMarcus Ware, Trent Cole, Umenyiora, Tuck and now Taylor.
  14. I think you DID have what it takes for Sabathia. If those were the 2nd and 4th best prospects, what about 1st and 3rd, plus you have plenty of good outfielders on the major league level. Personally, I think Werth should be playing every day, and freeing up a spot in the OF for him to do that would have been a good thing. Here is my beef with the whole situation. I'm a Mets fan, but I have and still do live in Philly. However, I really really like the Phillies team. They stand for everything right about baseball. I'm a Mets fan, but honestly, I don't respect them. I don't want them to win the division -- thats right, I don't want my favorite team to win. They don't deserve to win, the Phillies do. They hustle, they come to play every day, the always run down the line (with the exception of Ryan Howard), effort + heart + talent. The Mets have one of the most talented rosters in all of MLB but they don't seem to give a damn. They couldn't care less about giving their best effort game in and game out. I want the Phillies to win, I love their players and how they play the game. Now, you guys have been used to losing for the last 15-20 years (before last year), and my frustrations come out over Blanton because I still feel like management is in that mode. This isn't the time to slowly upgrade your team, the cheap route. The route where you get a young, frustrated player, and hope to turn his career around. You actually have the talent and team to compete for the World Series. You're with the big boys now, and if you want to win with the big boys, you've got to spend and take chances like every other team does. Sometimes you get burned, sometimes you win it all. Point being, this isn't the Phillies teams everyone's used to seeing. This is a special group of guys, they only come along once every so often, and this is the time. This is the time you give up your prospects for that pitcher that could possible get you over the hump. This isn't the last 15 years, where you grab a mediocre pitcher and "hope" he pans out and you win. Those days should have been over, but I see they're not. Even if they beat the Mets to win the division, which is still up in the air with Blanton, they aren't going deep into the playoffs or to the World Series. This team is being wasted by the management.
  15. Maybe slightly, but not the kind of upgrade you'd give 2 of your top 4 prospects up for. There were pitchers available for far less that would eat innings and be an upgrade over Kendrick and Eaton, hell, you'd be an upgrade over those two. If you're going to give up those kinds of players, you might as well do it for a legit pitcher, not Joe Blanton.
  16. You are talking as if Blanton, Sabathia, Harden, and Burnett are all equal in pitching. Of course when you put it the way you put it, Blanton sounds better. The fact is he isn't because he's a worse pitcher than all of those you mention. If a team is trying to upgrade for consistency then yeah, maybe Harden or Burnett is too much of a gamble. But, that's not what the Phillies should be trying to do. The point is to get that pitcher that puts them over the top in the division because they have the lineup and players possible to go far into the playoffs, and in my opinion, maybe even the world series. So, you take the gamble, hoping that Harden or someone stays healthy. Because if it works, you win. Blanton doesn't make you win. Blanton could be a solid addition because he stays healthy and eats innings (along with everything else not nailed down). But the point is, he doesn't put you over the top or make you a contender for anything.
  17. I wouldn't want to trade any of them. Evans is our best receiver, and without him we'd be even worse on offense (if that's even possible), Hardy--no, Parrish is or could potentially be too explosive and good, and Reed is our most consistent receiver. If I had to pick one, I'd say Reed, but not because I think he's the worst one, more because I couldn't risk losing the potential of what the others could become.
  18. That is the dumbest trade for Philly. I knew they were going to go for the cheap fix/stop gap route that they've done for the last 15 years. I called it with some buddies of mine about a month ago. Their management just doesn't want to commit to winning, period. I knew they wouldn't go get a proven pitcher, and instead they would go for some cheaper has-been. Not to mention they give up their 2nd and 4th top prospects for a garbage pitcher? Wow. Nice job, Phillies. They are right there, with the division easily theirs if they went out and got a C.C., Harden or Burnett. But no, why would they spend the money. If they are going to waste top prospects for an end of the rotation starter, they might as well do it for an ace.
  19. Ok, gotcha. If they put him on the "Long term injured reserve/retirement list" but he's not actually injured or retired, and they can get away with not paying his salary, why don't more teams do that with disgruntled players? Such as Chad Johnson or Jason Taylor? I know if they don't show up, the team can fine them, but I'm surprised this hasn't been done before.
  20. Then how come all you hear on the tv/radio/news is "when Favre will be reinstated"? If he isn't officially retired, what needs reinstating?
  21. I didn't think he actually retired, but I could have sworn they were talking about him filing for reinstatement with Goodell. Very confusing.
  22. How do you know he was their first choice?
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