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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. I'm saying, combined with the horrible teams and decent records, he must be doing SOMETHING right.
  2. Isn't the fact that Jauron being only one of 83 coaches EVER to be around long enough to coach 100+ games, something in and of itself? That's like saying Jim Kelly sucks, because out of ___ quarterbacks that have been to the Super Bowl, he is one of the last QB's to ___. If only 83 have done something good enough to stick around for 100+ games, I think that says something about Jauron.
  3. I don't see how they can argue against that, considering the reason he retired was because the Lions sucked so bad the entire time he was there. I guess they say he had nobody around them, but Herman Moore and Brett Periman were pretty good receivers then, especially more.
  4. Theres where the difference lies. Barry was their starting RB, so that question applies. But, Roscoe isn't our starting anything, and his touches are limited to 5-10 a game. Is Barry's style condusive to winning? Not sure. But a 3rd or 4th WR is not the same as a starting RB.
  5. He was never half as productive or made half the plays Roscoe has for us.
  6. You have to take the good with the bad for a player with Roscoe's abilities. There are a limited number of players in the NFL that can make anyone miss from anywhere on the field, and take it to the house. In no means am I comparing him to Barry Sanders, because Barry took it to the house a lot more than Roscoe can dream of, but their styles of running are a little similar. Remember with Barry, he'd go the whole game with 1 yard gains, 5 yard losses, 3 yard losses, and then break one open for 60 yards. It was frustrating for all to see Barry jumping around going nowhere for 3/4s of the game, but the fact is, you can never stop giving the ball to him because there's always that one chance he'll make the great play and break it. I'll say it again, in no way shape or form am I comparing him to Barry, but the coach-killing/game-breaking ability is there. Roscoe has more than just punt returning ability, also. He's clutch (made great plays at the end of games and drives to get us down the field), he can make the acrobatic catch (sideline, clutch, vs. Jacksonville), he can score on reverses running the ball, and he can take a 2 yard route and run past everyone (Jets game last year). The point is, you're going to have to accept the good with the bad with a player of Roscoe's abilities. Yeah, he's going to make some bonehead moves once in a while, but he's also got the ability to make plays that no one else in this league can make. I'd take my chances with Roscoe.
  7. You guys are unbelievable. I'd call you idiots, but that'd be an insult to all the stupid people.
  8. What makes you think the Bills "don't seem eager to sign him"? How can you cut Simpson? He's only 1 year into the league, and that one year was pretty damn good for a rookie. Its nice to finally have someone back there that can cover from sideline to sideline.
  9. Is it worth it to you to potentially lose the ball after you've just taken it away?
  10. And who takes his place? Christian Gaddis? Jason Whittle? Come on, Fowler gets ragged on a lot around here, but if you don't have anyone behind the guy, you can't cut him!
  11. How can you just make a statement like that out of nowhere? Did Ashton tell you that? Do you really think that after he intercepted the pass and ran down the field, he was about to be tackled and said to himself, "Crap... I'm getting tackled.... oh wait.... its the preseason.... maybe I'll lateral the ball to someone because the game doesn't matter"
  12. No he wasn't. What game were you watching? He maybe played his first series against them, but more than half of his time, quite a bit more than half actually, was not against their 1st string. His TD drive most certainly wasn't.
  13. Actually... I sat in the exact same area you did, with the tickets bought on-line. That view is ridiculous, we moved down so we didn't have a 3 foot cement pillar and various pipes in our way.
  14. If J.P. DOESN'T look like a good QB against other teams' 2nd and 3rd stringers then I'd be very, very worried.
  15. If you can "take your pick of the rest," why not pick Roscoe?
  16. Trent Edwards. After watching him play yesterday, it is quite clear he is not the QB of the future.
  17. Anytime someone does that it is a DUMB move. You've just gotten a turnover and a great opportunity for your offense, if you can't return the ball yourself and are about to be tackled, don't waste the turnover by potentially giving it right back to the other team. Trying to lateral the football as you are falling down is a boneheaded move. Try to return the ball for a touchdown, but if you get tackled along the way just GO DOWN, and actually make the turnover count.
  18. I didn't even know Youboty played special teams, that's how little he shows up there.
  19. I couldn't disagree more. Anderson had that nice grab over the middle, but that was more of a great throw than anything else. Whoever the QB was, either Hamden or Baker, dropped it over the MLB and right between the safeties. Other than that, Schouman had at least 2 drops, Royal was non-existent, Fine had a drop as well. I am pulling for Schouman, but have to say I was disappointed in the drops last night.
  20. Greer and McGee are the starters. Corner is probably our best nickle back. He is the real deal. James also sees some action in there. Then comes our 1st round pick McKelvin, who is currently our 5th corner. Pretty good when your current 1st round pick can't get on the field because there are 4 pretty good guys ahead of him that are playing well. And then, Youboty. Yes, he is playing well, but our offensive linemen (back-ups) are beyond atrocious. I was at the game last night, and that was the difference between the two teams. Their lines were dominating ours, on both sides of the ball, and if we can trade a good corner, who will not crack the lineup with 5 good corners in front of him, for a lineman then we must do it. Youboty is playing well, and he looks like he could be pretty damn good, but at this point, keeping him is a luxery. We have good corners, and they are young.
  21. I might have gotten hosed, bought them on craigslist on tuesday, had the guy overnight them, still no tickets. We shall see.
  22. Everyone on here thought he was the best LT in football last year, and now that you're angry at the situation, somehow his play and talent level has dropped. Typical round' here.
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