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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. You'd rather have a veteran who can't cover that 4th receiver than a rookie that can?
  2. I've been thinking about this throughout the offseason. It was a big concern last year with Marshawn not getting enough touches out of the backfield, and wanting to get him more involved in the passing game. It was also not popular when we had a 3rd down back instead of McGahee getting the touches. It seems as though the idea of a 3rd down back isn't very popular in Bills land. However, no matter how much we try to force the ball to Lynch out of the backfield, and no matter how much practice or opportunities we give him to catch the ball... Fred Jackson is just better at it. All kidding aside, Jackson is one of the better RBs on screen passes that I've seen around the league. He still doesn't hold a candle to Westbrook, but he is better than Lynch and better than most backs. His receiving skills are very, very good. Lynch has looked spectacular at picking up the blitz this preseason, something I didn't think would be as quick of a turn-a-round from last year. IMO, even though we want to get Lynch more involved, Fred Jackson should be the primary target in situations and some 3rd downs. I'm not saying that Lynch can't do it, he most certainly can, he's better than most backs, but Fred is just... better. I think the Bills have tried to move Marshawn into that category of receiving threat, and he looks pretty good so far, but I can't deny that Fred just seems more natural with it.
  3. Why not? I'm sure there is a very good DB class next year!
  4. I liked him a lot coming out of the draft, but coming here and being on the roster he'd need to be effective on special teams, and with his big frame, he just doesn't seem like the gunner type.
  5. I don't see how "he's looked fanastic" at anything this preseason. We just hear his name all the time, there's a difference. Everyone is talking about him and saying he is good, but where the hell is he? Has anyone actually seen him do anything worth wile?
  6. Not really. Regardless of Walker's health, Chambers is still the other starting tackle.... so...
  7. Bruce Hall was great, definitely better than Wright. I think Omon makes it, Wright gets cut, and Hall on the P.S.
  8. Oh really? So the nickle corner isn't the 3rd corner? Because Reggie Corner has been filling that role more than James has. Out of your 1st round pick (McKelvin) and your 3rd round pick just a year ago (Youboty), who is really starting to come on, yes... I think the veteran that no one wanted in free agency would be the first to go.
  9. I heard the second one sucked. I've yet to see it, don't want to ruin the mindless entertainment the first one provided for me
  10. Welcome to the board. This post is probably the best answer.
  11. Do you understand why I put that stuff regarding the Bills in there? And enough with the retard crap. Do you know how much that word is tossed around here on a daily basis? And if you want to do something about it, why don't you start with one of our mods, who seems to use it in every paragraph.
  12. Personally, I think we'll keep all of McGee, Greer, Corner, McKelvin, James and Youboty. And if we didn't James would probably be the one to go, and that wouldn't really bother me.
  13. I was going to reply back to each individual retard one by one, but honestly, if I did that, I'd be here all day. So, here it is. The point is, all of you are spinning this thread and the Pats games in the worst way. The fact that there is even a thread about this says a lot. Our preaseason could also look like: -Our starting QB is showing signs of being injury prone, AGAIN. -Our #1 offseason priority for the offense, James Hardy, also has nagging injury problems and has only one good catch this whole preaseason. He looks lost and nonexistent. -Our best offensive lineman isn't even in camp, or been to a practice yet, and we have overweight cafeteria monitors as back-up lineman, to which now one of them starts (Chambers). That doesn't bode well for our injury prone QB. -We still have no receiving threat at TE. -We still have no legitimate, established threat opposite Lee Evans. -Our back-up running backs can't stop fumbling the football. -Our pass rush from the DE position potentially looks worse than last year, if that's even possible. -Crowell's knee could be, and probably will be, nagging him all season long. I could go on forever. Is that the view that all of us have around here? No. I don't think like that, and I know all of you don't think like that. I think we'll be a very good team this year, but that is what all of you are doing with the Pats this preaseason - Finding the absolute worst things and exaggerating them. Are the Pats going to be good? Are they going to suck this year? I don't claim to know those answers, but trying to figure them out based on a few preseason games, when teams purposely look vanilla, and the best player in the league isn't even playing, makes one sound ignorant and stupid.
  14. You guys are hilarious. When we suck, "its only the preaseason", but when the Pats suck its "a sign of things to come." Their QB, and probably best player in the game wasn't even playing, my God. Fuggin retards, I swear.
  15. So... who is our FB? Why would we need 4 tailbacks and no FB?
  16. Considering we've only played 2 games this year, I don't think your opinion counts for much
  17. First thing's first... everyone needs to get the damn guy's name right. Its OMON. I don't think the Bills would cut a 4th round pick after only a year. Omon could go on the practice squad without anyone picking him up, the same does not go for Wright. If you've noticed, last game was the first time Omon saw significant action, which leads me to believe they are "stashing" him for the practice squad. I like both players, but I just think its easier to keep them both (Wright on team, Omon on P.S.) instead of just keeping one (cutting Wright).
  18. Why would you cut young, talented TE's for an old washed up vet that hasn't done anything in about 5 years?
  19. If you were the Bills, and another team put a 4th round pick on the practice squad, who can come in and play right away, out there for your taking, would you put him on the Bills roster?
  20. Hopefully Mitchell can provide some playmaking ability for us this year. We always seem to have one LB that is kind of just... there. Doesn't do anything too bad, but doesn't make big plays either. Ellison and Posey come to mind as our last two. We haven't had 3 playmaking LBers in some time. Hopefully Mitchell can change that.
  21. Obviously Ellison is not going to start, thank God.
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