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Everything posted by ans4e64

  1. We were in a Cover 2, Youboty was playing short and Wilson was supposed to be covering long over the top. It was actually Wilson's fault for not getting over.
  2. I'll be there as well. We all know Willy is, or could be, a really really good QB. The problem is, he can never stay healthy. The Bulls will look like a Bowl team for the next 3 weeks until Willy starts in with whatever ailment keeps him out of games this year.
  3. Oh, and to add what I forgot to my last post, a player I am looking at is FS Eugene Wilson from the Buccs. I saw on kffl that he is on the bubble for making the final roster there. A few years ago I thought he was one of the better young safeties in the game. I don't know if it was injuries, or what, but for some reason he isn't playing up to par. I don't have much faith in our backup safeties at all, and I think Wilson would definitely be an upgrade and add some veteran experience there.
  4. Good post, Falstaff. The Bills will probably only keep 4 DE's, maybe 5. But what I've noticed in recent years is the Bills like to keep 4 DE's and 4 DT's, and then keep an additional 5th guy that can swing back and forth from both positions if injuries occur. That player has been Jason Jefferson. I don't see the Bills cutting Schobel, Kelsay, Denney or Ellis, so that mean's if we grabbed McDougal or Smith they'd have to be on the team as our 5th defensive end. To carry a 5th defensive end that doesn't also play defensive tackle or special teams is a complete waste, especially since we need all the roster spots we can get with the injuries. I've seen a lot of Tony Hunt and I never understood what people saw in him. I watched him a lot at Penn State, but he just didn't do anything for me.
  5. Catastrophe? Not really. 1st and 2nd string RB's are used in every single game, so only one of them needs to miss a game for the 3rd stringer to share some carries. Dwayne Wright had almost 30 carries last year, remember.
  6. Winners - Copeland Bryan, Jon Corto, Youboty, Simpson (not like he needed it), Hamden, Johnson. Losers - Omon, Wright, entire backup offensive line, McKelvin.
  7. Why don't you just add 19-0 and the Bills winning the Super Bowl? Geesh.
  8. No way. Have you seen how much makeup Underwood wears? You don't know WHAT'S under that drag. Jessica's body is way better, anyway.
  9. Yes. I think we had 3 WRs out at one time, and we just needed a body there in case there were any more injuries. Also, he did see some preseason action.
  10. Tony Romo should run? Are you nuts, or just gay? I'd be the love of Jess's life any day.
  11. I always liked Leonhard, I hope he does well over there in Baltimore. Good luck.
  12. This "hitman" was a janitor at the husbands work. He wasn't a true hitman, just someone willing to kill someone else in exchange for money. That is what earns the title of "hitman."
  13. I actually think George could be cut this year. The only reason he wouldn't be is because he's been outstanding on special teams and he's the only other versatile safety we have behind Ko Simpson. His coverage has been an abomination this preaseason and we've seen it in every game this year so far. The two that come to mind were the long TD to Santonio Holmes and the 94 yarder the other night. Although the coverages were different, and in the Santonio Holmes play it was a strict cover 2 where it was primarily his responsibility over the top as opposed to man coverage on the 94 yarder, the biggest rule of thumb as a safety is to never let anyone behind you. He hasn't done that. With the emergence of Jon Corto and John Wendling this preaseason I wouldn't be surprised to see Wilson cut at all. I think it all depends on if the Bills think they can still coach him into a good player. And, like I said above, Wilson is very mobile unlike Whitner, Scott and Wendling, so that helps. If he is kept its because of his special teams play and the optimism that the coaches can turn him around, and certainly not because of his play.
  14. How exactly is Brady Quinn one of the best backups in the league when he's never had a throw in a regular season game?
  15. So you want to trade Peters because, "he is no help to the Bills in 2008" but you want a #1 draft choice in 2009? When are we going to develop a system to weed out the assclowns of TBD.
  16. Not to mention... did anyone catch the little bit about how the kid turned down the offer from the defending championship team, which is sponsored by the employer of one of the league's administrators? Honestly, that is probably the ONLY reason this is going down. They want to win and this kid and his team is 8-0, plus he turned them down.
  17. We have guys that can play WR better than him and play ST better than him.
  18. Actually... that's really disgusting. And did you see the girl in the background's skirt falls off as she's playing about 50 seconds in?
  19. I can't attest to whom the Bills actually have listed in rank order, CB wise, on their depth chart, but it is certainly correct to say that at the corner position, Reggie Corner and Youboty have looked better in the games than McKelvin. Corner looks like he's been playing in the league for 3 years, and Youboty is finally showing the potential we all thought he had. McKelvin has shown both flashes of brilliance and flashes of being a rookie, and that is why at this point, it is not ridiculous to say that if the regular season were to start tomorrow, both Corner and Youboty might play at CB before McKelvin would.
  20. I like Berman because he's an upbeat person, and just seems to be a really good guy. He has fun doing what he does, and he loves football. He always seems to make everyone laugh on set and off.
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