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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. Several years ago some kids threw a large rock or bowling ball (can't remember which) off an overpass on Route 81 near Watertown (Frez's neck of the woods). Hit a car with two soldiers in it from Ft Drum. Killed the driver instantly. They caught the kids. Can't remember how many years they got for that. Hitting anything at 65+MPH isn't good let alone taking it all in the windshield.
  2. In that case all you need is a hotel room and some beer. Although throwing in a token dinner would be nice.
  3. You are right about Jackie. He was a great athlete. Some where on the web it is mentioned he was considered the greatest athlete in the country before he decided to concentrate on baseball. And while everyone remembers Babe for that unusual body he had at the end of his career, I doubt anyone dominated his sport like the Babe did. Only Wilt could come close.
  4. Do a web search for the Jet's #1 pick for the last 15 years. They almost all fit. I think the comment about the Jets not understanding what the draft was all about came when they drafted Lageman(sp?).
  5. Kelly, I often agree with you. Amazingly I was creating my post at roughly the same time you were. Very interesting that we would both name Owens and decathaletes.
  6. And Jessie Owens didn't make the first cut? Not one decathaloner either. It's tough to compare apples and oranges, in this case it is what your definition of athlete. Great agility. Count out Lance. Capable of generation HP per Pound, Lance is tough to beat. You might get some complaining but it would be slightly easier to judge, the greatest athlete to play football. the greatest to run track, etc. etc etc.
  7. He's going to end up with a southern team. This in the NHL, and they certainly know how to not promote the game. It will also probably be one of the teams that fold within the next 5 years. That way he can finally get to the Rangers.
  8. You forgot a good drug program. Kidding aside, when you send a kid to a camp like ths, remember he is getting a good workout. Just increasing the strength of the correct muscles will increase speed. Also most of the drills, through repetition will increase the ability of the brain to get messages to the muscles that require them. This too will increase speed. Just how much of an increase is the question.
  9. On one trip coming back from the south though NYC, as the plane landed I could see the line of planes waiting to take off. I counted 33 although I may have missed some. Based on previous experience I find it good to count the planes waiting to take off when your landing. At 3 minutes a take off that meant to me at least a 99 minute delay in take off whenever my next flight got into line. And when the back up is that big they never seem to be able to make up time. Anyway they boarded us on time and we spent two hours waiting for our turn. The delay was caused by morning thundershowers. Get em in the Northeast and there are so many airports that overlap, its easy to get delays. Long delays. I prefer getting stuck on a plane in the winter. If its thunderstorms, that usually means hot and humid.
  10. Normally you know just what to expect during preseason games. Your starting QB goes a quarter and then is pulled out. This year will be a lot different. It comes to a matter of how much experience can he get without putting him at too much risk. I think Losman has to play the first half of the first two preseason games. The 3rd game will be 2Q+ and the last game he probably should stay in for 3 quarters, unless he shows some extreme understanding of the offense and proves he can execute. One of the tough things about this is, if he stays in, I think they have to play the starting line for just about the same amount of time. Thus putting the line at risk. McGahee's playing time should also be interesting. Personally, I wouldn't play him for more than a quarter in any of the games. I don't think its worth the risk. Besides the guy has already proven he can run.
  11. Why are you calling this the original soundtrack? I believe this came out in the 70's and although I will admit it is great, even the 50's movie predates it. Between Burton's narration and the mental image the opening of the first ship, this is one great recording. Although for all I know, maybe Wayne did it for a British release of some sort. Did he?
  12. Wow I missed that, now I know exactly who it is. My Boss.
  13. After reading those letters, I am sure the guy behind it writes for "Deadwood"
  14. Since this post has some non Bills story in it I'll add mine. In the early 60's for about 3 years in a row my father and I went to Pittsburg to watch the Dodgers play the Pirates, since I was a big Dodger fan. So the first year I headed down to the Dodger dugout to get autographs. They still had some of the greats from Brooklyn on the team Gil Hodges and Duke Snider. When I asked they curled up their fingers like they had writers cramp and wouldn't sign. The ending of the story is the great satisfaction I got 30 something years later when Duke Snider was busted for not reporting his Autograph income. Justice was served.
  15. I say they work. I've crawled in a couple times and walked out. I hurt my lower back as a kid and once a back is hurt, it always seems to come back. The guy I currently see would realign and then say but ice on it 3 times a day the next couple of days. Now at the first sign of trouble, I use the ice routine. Haven't had to go in for 2 years now. I suggest you try ice. It may provide the required relief.
  16. In the late 60's Sylvania designed and manufactured radio's for the military there. As I understand it, the Pierce Arrow was also manufactured there in the 20's or 30's, or maybe both.
  17. Robert James and Bob Chandler. With James at CB, it was one on one and the guy he covered never seemed open. On top of that he could out tackle Winfield. Really, how many people do you know of that went from Defensive End in college to CB in the Pro's. Chandler was just a joy to watch. If the Bills could have won during his career, he would have at least as good a rep as Bilitnikov (SP?).
  18. How does a Donkey hit the ball? I can't imagine. But thanks for getting my curiosity up. I did a search on Eddie Feigner, aka The King and his Court. This appears to be his farwell tour year. He's 80!!! He must be another Jack Lalane. Anyway, I see him booked for Geneva,NY which is within driving distance, so I may take a shot at seeing him again. The Last I saw him it was about 1988. He had slowed down quite a bit from the time I saw him in 73, so I can't see how he can still be effective but the guy used to pitch from 1 to 3 games a day all summer, so maybe he can still "Bring it" for a couple of innngs.
  19. That means TD is doing his job.
  20. Since I pitched fast pitch for 15 years, I know a little about the subject. About the only pitch I couldn't throw was a spitter. Although I tried. A knuckle ball is actually easy to throw underhand, although it is better for show than for practicallity. Just like in the majors it doesn't always move and there are hitters who immediatley know it is going slow when it doesn't spin. A ball spinning down works much better. Btw, a bigger ball breaks more. Bigger pressure difference. Although the closer distance means it has less time to move. Major leagures are at a disadvantage when they first face a softball pitcher. They are used to the ball coming down from a high angle, overhand plus mound. Obviously in fastpitch the ball starts about a foot or two off the ground. That low start makes the rise ball rather difficult to judge. Two antedotes. The best presence of mind play I ever saw was by the third baseman of Canadien girls team. A player on the opposing team layed down a perfect bunt. The 3B'r ran in a saw it was obvious she wasn't going to throw the girl out and that the ball was going to be in fair territory. She moved down theline two feet, stuck the toe of her shoe in the ground and twisted making a small trench for the ball to follow into foul territory, which it did. What I can't do justice to in this is the quickness of her decision in doing this. Perhaps the greatest fastpitch pitcher ever lived in Rochester and pitched for Kodak Park. His name was Shifty Gears. There have been a lot of great pitchers in the country, but what separates Shifty from the others is he could throw equally well with either hand! I understand he would put the ball and both hands behind his back and then come out firing. It is a shame I never got to see the guy.
  21. Hey, a guy I know had a monster combine also. What did Flowers do with his? The guy I know used it on his wheat fields.
  22. I had pneumonia 15 years ago. Took some heavy doses of Ampicillin(sp?) to get me on the road to recovery. It seemed to help when I took a trip to Europe and had to sleep on the plane. I think sitting up helped. It certainly was tough waking up every morning with all that shifting in your lungs. For at least three weeks after I would have said I was ok, I was still coughing up crap. Odd thing is, every time I got a cold since then, it always ends with my lungs getting terribly congested. Anyone else that has had pneumonia have that same problem?
  23. Peter Trapp I would have thought they are no longer feasable. Too many good deals on the Net. I wouldn't be too suprized if it was from a lack on interest from dealers. I've been to many a show in Syracuse and they used to be quite good. Last one I was at was Spring 2004 and it was less than half of what they used to be.
  24. Get used to it, from now on time will be very limited. We have twins and it is really an experience watching them grow up. One of the best parts was watching them alternate on who does what first. Sometimes it was like one of them was waiting for the other to catch up and then go past. Make sure you have a good digital camera.
  25. It was written by Peter Green who was with Fleetwood Mac. Before Buckingham and Nicks, Fleetwood Mac was a blues band. Black Magic Woman was from their English Rose album. If you like blues, I would suggest that album or Then Played On. Then Played On rates in my top ten albums. Green is recognized as one of the all time great guitarists, however he is rather obscure to the mainstream. I like the original but have to admit that Santana added a lot to the song with his interpretation. They are about equal for me, as I enjoy listening to both of them.
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