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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. The pattern I see is if the Bills are winnng you think the QB is great, otherwize you think they suck. It is still a team game. Kelly was as much a product of his environment as the other QB's. Best talent in the league in two out of the 4 SB, and he didn't win.
  2. That's one of the best lines I have ever seen here.
  3. Wow, I am surprized you knew Mom's. Your right about it being cold, well room temp, and still tasting great. And I believe you are right about 56th street. If you went out to what I think was Pine Ave, you could check out the Bug of the Month Is the Niagara st area the part of town you were from?
  4. I'm trying to think what building they are in that I would have known but right now I'm not picturing any. On another note there was a pizza place off of Buffalo Ave when you were heading out of town. Past Hooker, just past the firestation. There was a restaurant on the corner. Take a left go about two blocks. The place was called Mom's. Greatest sliced pizza I've ever had. Was square cut into squares. In the 60's it was 10cents a slice. I believe this may have been Buzzi's parents. Buzzi's sauce has a similar taste.
  5. Where on Niagara St is Pizza Oven. I spent my first 9 years near 24th and Niagara.
  6. I have it from a good source that when JP ran over to Reed the conversation went something like this. JP-"You were suppose to turn the other way" Reed-" no, I distictly heard you say at the line of scrimmage, "Excuse me while I kiss this guy", which means I turn the other way. JP- " No, I said "Excuse me while I kiss the SKY". Reed - " Must have been the crowd noise" That's what they were laughing about.
  7. Joe Ferguson used to complain about that. Or more specifically, that everyone in the division had a white helmet with a logo. Said he couldn't tell his receivers from the opposition. Just in case you didn't know.
  8. Looks like a clear case of, if McGahee faulters, you get the blame.
  9. Even Ice would have waited till game 5 to call for JP's head. Seriously, if they are losing and the stadium is full, JP will still be playing. If attendance is down, Holcomb will play.
  10. I can't see the name Joey Harrington and not think of Joey Heatherton. The second Joey is a lot better choice.
  11. How about this arguement. Buy oil only from those companies that buy it outside ot the U.S. Last I knew, oil was a limited resource. It isn't going to last forever. So why not use their's and keep ours. Actually it is really a shame that it is used for transportation. Oil or oil derivatives are used everywhere in our economy. If it gets much more expensive, this may really start showing itself. Oh the money issue. I'll bet they could find thousands of sources for terrorist funds, oil being just one of them.
  12. The one picked off waivers was Jack Kemp.
  13. Isn't Leroy the Darien Lake exit? I know whichever one it is, the Thruway backs up when anything big is going on.
  14. You know it all defines how you define #1, in yards, in points? I would rather see them rated a lot lower but being able to say "We made all the stops we had to." Until they can stop a team when they have to for a win, I don't think where they are rated makes any difference. BTW, that post earlier to give them a name. I would have suggested the "Not ready for prime time Defense."
  15. A short story goes with this. I thought the temp would be around 0 but figured it was too round of a number which many would take so I figured about -3F. The lady next to me said she had no idea of what to say, so I said, "Just right down -40." She said, "but is that F or C," I said " Let the pilot figure that out" knowing it was the same. She won. I always wondered if it would have been any warmer at Noon, but I'm figuring not much.
  16. Come on now, it all depends which side of the "Isosceles Fence" he was on.
  17. I think your post was totally off base. Since it is still pre-season Ice would have said the Bills would be 15-1. The only time he was more optimistic was draft day.
  18. Since the temperature seems to be an issue it brings to mind a flight I took to LA in the late 70's. The captain got on the PA and said he would give a bottle of champagne to the passenger that could guess what the temperature was outside the plane. It was spring, about 8PM and we were about 25,000 feet. I'm guessing we were over Colorado or Arizona at the time. He asked that those making guesses should be sure to put down whether their guess was in F or in C. Anyone care to guess?
  19. Offensively, that team could hardly be called crappy. Jim Braxton just missed having a 1000 yard season. The Bills of last year could have won the Super Bowl with that offense.
  20. I've got the perfect solution for you. I have to run to work now but I will message it to you later.
  21. the D always leads the O at the start of the camp. The Defense is mostly positional reaction. The offense on the other hand takes muliple player coordination. It will take some time for them to perform as a unit. This is especially true of blocking assignments for the Offensive Line and timing patterns between the QB and the receivers. So for right now, the Offense is really in its infancy. If they have the same problems during the last preseason game, then you can start worrying.
  22. You know what they say about book learning versus practical experience.
  23. I wonder what Ben Coates would say about that statement?
  24. At least in the Syracuse area. For at least the last 3 weeks they have been running TV ads for tickets. It features film cuts from the 60's in B&W and then recent film cuts in color. I can't remember seeing a ticket promotion as many times as I've seen this one. It's nice to see them pushing for ticket sales.
  25. You can't say the Jets would have won. No team likes to "back in." As it stands, the Bills would have made it if they won. That is what the season ending standings say. Personally, I think the D is overrated. A good D makes the required stop when they have to (see Pats D). Now excuse me while I puke over that last sentance.
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