I have seen several mentions of going to the Canadian side. Do they still require a passport or an Enhanced Drivers License to go there? Do they accept out-of-state drivers licenses?
I'm surprised that the pay is so low, as I had no idea who is making what in a hospital. I assume you were an intern in a hospital.
What I have never understood is the hours they make you work. You know if I am in need of care, I definitely want someone in training who is usually dead tired working on me. Why beat the hell out of you? I would have thought hospitals would not do this based on liability.
I would have thought the valve is in the handle, so raising the hose did nothing, but when in doubt, google.
The video on the auto shutoff is really good,
It has been a tough year. I believe Rockpile has made his goal in all or most of the years he has participated in this. Lets keep this streak going.
So take the funds for that one Bills or Sabre seat, one beer and one piece of pizza and throw it his way.
The show on processed cheese was really good. I might have liked it because it showed how co-operation between two companies worked for two would be competitors,
I came across this video that you might find interesting if you are into birds. It is supposed to be a good year for the boreal birds coming south, some even into the Carolina's. I found the first half more interesting than the second but it was still informative.
I remember him more for being an Milwaukee Brave than him being an Atlanta Brave. I suppose it is mostly forgotten the great teams he led in '57 and '58.
RIP Mr. Aaron.
A song by a former REM member about Aaron.
A slightly off topic but fitting song if you are a baseball fan.
What does great mean? Does it mean he's fast or creative or capable of playing something no one else can? That he has a range of hand movements no one else has?
Anyone who has ever seen "Moochie of the Little League" knows, you never wash lucky sox. I have to wonder how many here might have seen it since it was from Disney in 1959. It's on Youtube now.