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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. Looks like the Led Zeppelin effect to me.
  2. I can't believe everyone gets a journey as grand as yours. As a friend in college used to say, "I am farking impressed".
  3. Is there any propulsion device on the balloon besides the hot air, or did he make that entire journey just playing the air currents?
  4. I sure hope Poleshifter reads this.
  5. What does backed by gold mean? Does it mean for every dollar of XRP there is a a dollar of gold backing it? And if so where is the gold held? I ask this in part because I was a player in SLV two years ago. They say that is backed by silver, The issue is it is not 1 to 1. It could be $1 in SLV is backed by $0.1 of real silver.
  6. Thanks for the reply. I asked because I was wondering if you had a device that would catch that. I have a Kardia EKG monitor which I check once in a while and they say that will catch afib. I know there are also apple watches which will catch it. I am assuming they will catch events much milder than yours. Your description of an actual event is much appreciated.
  7. How did you discover this?
  8. How do I upvote your mother?
  9. It looked to me that she had some surgery that didn't require sillycone.
  10. I don't know if they are my favorites, but this thread has triggered a bit of nostalgia for Lindsay Nelson and Bud Wilkinson, both great college football announcers. On to Youtube!
  11. To a large extent, I always thought the Kinks were an acquired taste. If it wasn't for that little green amp they probably would have had no following at all. Still hoping that Ray is capable of one more tour. The one thing you can say about the Beatles and the Stones is their music has held up rather well. Maybe not all of it, but more than most bands.
  12. How was he going to pass him, drive on the sidewalk?
  13. He had TT throwing to him and that says it all. He had TT throwing to him and that says it all. He had TT throwing to him and that says it all. He had TT throwing to him and that says it all. He had TT throwing to him and that says it all.
  14. What happened to their tails?
  15. In the 60's I had one every Thursday while watching the Untouchables. The secret was oregano. There is an amazing difference with and without oregano.
  16. From your statement, I assume you were also watching Star in the 4th quarter.
  17. I agree. The defense at the end of the game was dictated by Hill. They were afraid of him and rightfully so. IMO, Allen outplayed Mahomes. Allen's passing yards were in the air, at least half of Mahomes were after the catch.
  18. While I hate the overtime rule, no matter how many times the Bills could score, KC would have scored every time they got the ball because the D was burned out. They were dead tired at the end of the game.
  19. Mr Gugny, I include a link to a Craftsman unit that would not start. The reason I include it is so you can see the layout of the unit. I am guessing this is a new layout for blowers because it is more complex and a little bit harder to work on than all the other video's I have watched. This blower had major dirt in the jets issues. Several comments below the video seem to indicate a few others had the same issue, with basically 3 year old or less blowers. One guy stated he left it he put stabilizer in it one year and the other he siphoned the gas out. Both years he had issues. I use straight gas on both my blower and my lawnmower. I used to use ethanol gas because it was left over from by gas bonus points. I use noise cancelling headphones when I cut the lawn and when I made the switch there was a noticable change in the way the mower sounded. With ethanol gas there was a high pitched knock that disappeared when I was running straight gas. I had to have the noise cancelling on to hear the difference. Straight gas just sounds smoother. You never said what your issues were, so were they with the starting/running?
  20. I have a MTD 26", 8 HP which is about 15 years old. Oddly I am having trouble with it for the first time. I believe I have something wrong with the gas or the carb. I did the usual Stabil and in October it started right up. It still starts up but sometimes going up a slight slope on the driveway it starts dying. I figure maybe water in the gas or the carb needs some work. The only other thing I ever had to work on was the friction drive wheel which I replaced. My daughter was doing the driveway one year and I think she let the drive slip a bit. I am curious on what you are having issues with. I have watched quite a few of the YouTube snow blower maintenance video's and the really are simple devices. Those must be the one you took off your car.
  21. Wow, she has a service fish!
  22. I have been through those lists on youtube before but they are interesting. I only looked at the '60s which was I believe was based on UK ratings and I think it was a bit subjective. I don't believe Helen Shapiro ever had a U.S. hit. 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, I loved them all, some more than others. Music certainly changed from 1960 to 1969. If you just want a list, you can follow the link below from 1960, scroll to the bottom and pick any year of the Billboard top 100. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billboard_Year-End_Hot_100_singles_of_1960
  23. RIP I don't see it mentioned anywhere but in the late 60's or early 70's there was a talk show late Sunday nights called "The Point After." Harry Jacobs, Paul McGuire and a third retired bill, maybe Stratton would review the game. I thought Jacobs led the discussion. I think it was a small new station located on Grand Island, maybe what became Fox. The Bills were always in competition for the number one draft choice at the time. One quote from the show I has stuck with me but I can't remember who said it. "When we played it was 4 yards and a cloud of dust, now its 2 yards and a cloud of excuses." Edit - I checked wikipedia and it turns out it was channel 29, WUTV which started in 1970. So the show must have been on in 71,72 and maybe 73 and 74. My memory was stuck on the Bills losing and they did that rather well in the late 60's and early 70's.
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