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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. Here is an instrumental that was played on TV every day during the Christmas season in the 50's. Was typically played in the evening, I think around noon time. Every time I here it I become about 6 years old. It was also played every morning on the radio during the season on the Clint Buehlman show which was WBEN.
  2. Thanks to all that replied. About 6 weeks ago I was in Costco and they had the Nest and the Eco's on sale. I started thinking about replacing mine. So it was a bit odd that my current thermostat stopped working. However as it turns out it was a bad battery connection. When I had the issue, the first thing I did was change the batteries because it looked like either the display was dead or it had no power. When I inserted the new batteries I wiggled them back and forth, mainly because I have had bad luck with battery holders. Those square LED flashlights? you can get free from Harbor Freight seem to need attention on the battery holders after a while. So anyway, when it did not power up, I figured component failure. I was somewhat distracted by the Sabre/Leaf game, so I did not spend much time on it. After I wrote this post I started thinking about it and decided I should really check to make sure it had power. So I took out my voltmeter and checked the connectors on the battery holder. It takes two AA batteries. Sure enough, no volts. I cleaned the + battery contacts with alchohol, reinstalled the batteries, once again wiggling them and it powered up. So the immediate problem was eliminated. It pays to have a voltmeter. It is even better when you actually use it. I am still interested in a new thermostat, so the comments here have been helpful. The Venstar looks good but I would prefer something "off the shelf." I'm guessing it probably is a bit pricey. I was considering a Nest at Costco, but the price held me back. Thanks for letting me know about the issues. It is a bit interesting that the older thermostats have batteries and the new ones take the power off the 24 volt transformer in the furnace. The batteries wouldn't hold up when supplying power for the wifi connection and processor of the newer models.
  3. Now I find out I should have been a quarterback.?
  4. Same here. I have a feeling most with Polish ancestors get this result. The first report they sent said I had some native american connection but later reports seems to have lost that info. It was very very very small.
  5. Last night my thermostat quit working. I really liked the one I had because it gave me a daily reading of how much time the furnace was on. It also gave me a reading for Sunday to Sunday. It was a Hunter Energy monitor II. It was at least 25 years old. So I am looking for a thermostat that does the same. Does anyone have one of the newer thermostats that communicate to your wifi or phone that gives this info? Thanks.
  6. I have this problem also. Sometimes it takes a couple of days for me to remember whatever it was. Also I know that if I am under stress, my recall gets even worse. I used to be good at faces and lousy at names. Now I am not good at either.
  7. If my memory serves me correctly, you seem to have this problem with a lot of fast food.
  8. This triggered a memory. In the early 70's there was a band in WNY called "The Charles." There were a couple of places that they played at, that during their last set they would bring on two guys who were called " Slim and Dick", if IRC, They would sing songs mostly from the 50's with alternate words. I believe one of them started this when he was in the service. One of my favorites was "It's only make believe." Now I flash to today. If they were still around and did not get censored or copyrighted, they could probably make a fortune on Youtube.
  9. When I read this, it is an interesting story. If I read it slowly and picture your friends noticing and calling your girlfriend and her calling you, it becomes and amazing story. It is great that they would do that. ? It is seems you may have gotten away with about as minimum amount of damage as you could at the time. To your health. ?
  10. Did you happen to ask if the stroke was preventable if you sought medical attention when you had the early symptoms?
  11. Interesting you should post this. It seems a lot of players don't wear mouth guards. I don't know if I am missing something or not. I am curious about what percentage do or don't. I guess there is no third choice.?
  12. Don Rickles agrees with this.?
  13. My freshman year in college I had a friend from Massachusetts who upon returning from Christmas break said his two brothers were playing hockey in the driveway with a tennis ball and his older brother had his two front teeth knocked out. His older brother was playing goal, his younger brother was shooting. I found it hard to believe a tennis ball would do that and asked how did that happen. He replied, his younger brother took a slap shot, hit his older brother in the balls, he passed out, fell forward and the driveway knocked his two front teeth out.
  14. Somewhat reminiscent of pelting Foreman of the Vikings years ago.
  15. I see the penguin and the dove but where is the bluejay?
  16. Ump's and Referee's in any youth sports take so much abuse it is a wonder anyone volunteers.
  17. My beard is older than half the posters here. It never itched. Don't know why. Maybe try shampooing more often. It is as old as it is because every time I get the thought to shave, I think about the morning ritual shave and that removes the thought.
  18. There is always an opening for a saint!
  19. The ship was already underwater when Rob got here. He just helped it get to the bottom quicker.
  20. You can go back to your "Dream Job?"
  21. This OL is like a fritter. There are no holes.
  22. When you first posted this, it looked interesting. Is this book worth the read? Does it cover who wrote, who sung and who played what in each song? Why would some copies be selling for $170 dollars, while others are $17? Thanks in advance.
  23. ESPN thinks including one hockey play in the Top Ten Plays is enough coverage for hockey fans. Although surprisingly today they had two but since one of them was Crosby, I am not sure if that counts. espNBA.
  24. I guess that is one way to stop thinking about the next drink.?
  25. And in the 50's you just wore it like it is. Only mod might have been a rolled up sleeve.
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