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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. I went to the post office today, and there was a Bitcoin machine next to the stamp machine. After some thought, I bought $500 in Forever Stamps. In the end, I think that will be a far better investment.
  2. I liked all of the Riddick movies.
  3. The sky is falling!!
  4. There is already a winner. The last person eliminated was during week 5. The winner was someone named Buffalo is Delicious.
  5. They brought Hackett in because it is a clever way to tank. You don't have to get rid of the talent on the roster, just let Hackett do his thing.
  6. After seeing your post, I asked myself why I have never tried to go to a Renaissance concert, so I went to look to see if they might be touring. Shockingly, they are in Homer,NY tomorrow. I'm one hour away. It's a great place to see a concert, as it is an old church. I saw the Strawbs there and the sound was excellent. Bad news, my car is being repaired. For those out Albany way, they will be in Troy Thursday night.
  7. Thanks for the great link. It was mini-Beatles concert. Just yesterday I was wondering through Youtube when I watched a video where the presenter was stating how under-rated Ringo was as a drummer. In his past, a guy audtioning for a drummer in a band stated Ringo sucked. So the autioner challenged him to play the drums for "Act Naturally." He couldn't really do it for more than 30 seconds. The presenter then pointed out if you watch Ringo, he does it effortlessly and sings at the same time. In the comments under the video, several posters said Ringo was a human metronome. Here is the link, if you are interested.
  8. LOL. I had to google that also. I had a "d" in there. I hate to mispell for some reason, so when you see me post with a mispelled word, it is a typing error.🙄
  9. If they ever remake Papillon, there is a part waiting for him. I had to do a search to make sure I spelled Papillon correctly, and what do you know, they already remade Papillon in 2017. Sacrilege!!
  10. To be fair to Shakir, the Bills actually have to be in a Championship game before you can make that comparison.
  11. There is enough silicone there to end the chip shortage.
  12. There were a couple of passes during the game, even though they may have been completed, where I thought Allen may have had the ball slip out of his hand. I do know it is very hard to throw accurately when your hands are sweating profusely.
  13. Thanks for the additional leagues. Typically by week 5, 20 or 30 people have stopped playing. I guess as soon as they lose in survivor, they quit on Pickem.
  14. I am really going to miss this show. A fitting ending as Jimmy redeems himself. You have to give the writers and the actors a huge amount of credit. Every character in this was engaging. Throughout this last season, I have gotten lost a couple of times. There were scenes I didn't understand and conversations on this board I understood even less. The reason for this is, I have yet to see a single episode of Breaking Bad. I find it hard to believe it could be better than Saul. As far as I can see, not knowing the Breaking Bad story/characters didn't detract from Saul. Maybe you don't miss, what you don't know.
  15. Remember when Carmela Soprano goes to the bank and deposits $9900. When the bank exec says, if it was $10000 the bank would have to inform the govenment. She smiles and says "Oh really," I believe the threshold is now $600 and it is not per transaction, it is for the entire year. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/irs-bank-account-update-change-treasury-10000-dollars/
  16. The first person that came to mind when I read the title was Dennis Shaw. Not that he was so wonderful but IMO Briscoe made him the Rookie of the Year. I swear half his passes were jump balls.
  17. Thanks for the notice. I used Winamp in the past but switched over to foobar2000 years ago. I will have to give Winamp a try again.
  18. One of my favorite Scully calls, although I may not get it in the correct order, despite the fact that I have heard it more than once. " the dueces are wild. There are two men on base, and the count is two balls, two strikes and there are two outs."
  19. If a new Bills stadium is actually built, it will be 3 years late and cost twice the original estimate.
  20. Does that include not leaving any drinks for the lock operator? I think some boaters feel they have to apologize for waking the guy up.🤣
  21. Your first rarity has happened at least twice. Evelyn Marie Adams is an American lottery winner. She won the New Jersey Lottery twice, in 1985 and 1986, for over $5.4 million combined (both prizes were paid in the form of mandatory annuities). Odds were 1 in 17 trillion, or so says a different article,
  22. The MLB all-star game was so good from 59' to 62', they had two of them a year.🤑
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