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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. In my experience, the AMD's have better performance per cost. However they run a lot hotter. Heat tends not to be an issue in desktops because you can supply the correct cooling. I enjoy going to this site for comparisons. https://cpu.userbenchmark.com/
  2. Since this was covered by the media, would you happen to have a link to a story. I am not sure what "solves concussions" means. I am guessing that does not mean all affects are gone or he isn't subject to problems based on multiple concussions.
  3. I didn't interpret your post as the earth spinning within it's atmosphere but the seams extending beyond, so no atmosphere. Within the atmosphere it makes for an interesting physics problem. I wonder what the spin rate would have to be to make sufficient force to make an object as large and heavy as the earth to actually move. Within the closed earth system, if there were large enough seams to create force, I would think they would drag the atmosphere around with them. Thus no force could be created. It takes a differential of pressure on the ball to make it move, which requires the object to be moving through the medium, not drag the medium with it.
  4. The spinning ball needs air to make it change its path. Last I knew, there is not much air in space. ?
  5. Could have simply been a bad day. The competition at the top in any sport is truly amazing. It doesn't take much to slip a bit. Makes dominating a sport even more amazing. Was this being televised?
  6. I saw a documentary which stated all Native Americans had common ancestors. That is both the North American and South American natives. I searched to see if I could find anything on this and the link I found is below which is what the documentary was based on. I really like documentaries, especially those that relate to history. There is a streaming service which is dedicated to documentaries, Curiosity Stream. https://www.the-scientist.com/daily-news/all-native-americans-descended-from-one-ancestral-population-30457
  7. They usually have one free game a day but for those three days, all games are free. Blackouts apply. This applies to the Internet streaming, not sure if it also applies to the cable supplied version.
  8. So where did you put the sunfish in the water?
  9. Maybe you do or maybe you don't. Everything affects reception. With whatever antenna you have, start with direction. If all your stations are on the North side of your house, and you have an indoor antenna on the South side, you are at a huge disadvantage because the signal has to go through your house. Use the TVFool chart to aim your antenna to the correct direction. Note most antenna's are directional. If you are 90 degrees off, you may get nothing. If you are lucky, all the channels you want are in the same direction. If they are in radically different directions, first see if you can turn the antenna and get the others. Then go from there. Here is what I went through to get reception. It will give you an idea of the obstacles I had to overcome. I had a room in the back of my house, I wanted to get local stations on. I can stream with a fire tv stick on that TV, but the Bills games are on channel 5 in Syracuse, so there are times Local would be better. I purchased one of those flat antennas from Walmart which also had a little amplifier with it. The only place it would work at all was when mounted to a window. It received two stations. I also had an old pair of rabbit ears I tried. No luck, zero stations.. After some thought, I was ignoring the obvious. I have aluminum siding on my house. It basically turned my house into a Faraday box, knocking down most of the signal. So if I was going to use an indoor antenna, it would be close to a window. I tried with and without the amp. With the amp I couldn't get anything. I thought I might try basically the same style of antenna but maybe try one from Amazon, again with an Amp. This one had slightly better results but still missed two stations and that was with the amp. I thought I would do some testing, so I went to the bedroom above the room I was using. The higher the better. Basically after testing all kinds of combinations, all mounted to a window, I determined the amp of the first unit was bad. I ended up returning that unit to Walmart. The second unit was still missing two channels upstairs but the amp did help. I had a friend that stopped cable and built an antenna that was working 12 miles farther away from the stations than my location, so I thought I would give that a shot. After getting it build I could get every channel but two of the channels were still inconsistent. I put the amp from the amazon unit in and I could get everything, although it is very sensitive to how I aim it. Also I wasn't paying attention to what was outside of my window, as that room has those old aluminum storm windows that slide up and down. They also have an aluminum screen in them, so when I stick the home made antenna in the window, the screen still blocks part of it. So I am still not optimized. I get all the channels now except the one I need for the Bills game is intermittent. Turns out the weather seems to play into this also. The one thing I have yet to try is putting the antenna just outside of the window. I expect when aimed in the correct direction, that antenna will get everything without an amp. I considered the HDHomeRun mentioned by /dev/null, but I don't have a good place to mount the antenna in my attic. I like the idea of it though. It was a bit more of a commitment than I was willing to make. I also considered getting a signal strength monitor so I could actually get a signal level to compare, but that is a bit more of an investment I was willing to make. If I was you I would get an antenna that I was sure I could return and use the TVFool diagrams. Worse case you only invest some time. In general I am a bit bewildered by the comments you read in the reviews of antennas. " I bought the Nuclear 999 antenna for $250 and it did not do any better than the $20 dollar Amazon cheap flat model." A lot of reviewers seem to think antenna's are toasters and you can just plug them in and they all give the same results, independent of where and how they are mounted. That is obviously not the case. One last thing to mention. When I went from my back room to the upstairs bedroom, I was using different TV's. They are both 32 inch Sony's but they are from different years. One TV had better reception than the other. I was aware that different makers would have different sensitivity but was a bit surprised the two Sony's would. Good Luck.
  10. If you want to try using an antenna, the site linked below is very helpful. Put in your address and it will tell you what your signal should be and the direction they are in. Direction and height are everything. Can't do much about distance. I subscribe to cable but didn't want to pay for another box, so I built an antenna for the back room. My results were predicted by the site. http://www.tvfool.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1
  11. I think the driver has a point. It does say people. What if the guy in the back was on the way to his funeral? You wouldn't want him to be late for his own funeral, would you? Lastly, I guess the dead get no respect!
  12. Looks like there will be a Torrent boom in the future.
  13. I have been told that I should listen to Caravan. This is really good. I would have though my first progressive album was Renaissance. I bought the album because of the Yardbird connection and was surprised by the way it sounded. But I really liked it. When Keith Relf left, I didn't bother to follow them. I did not re-discover them until about 5 years ago, when I happened to hear the "Turn of the Cards" album. Love every track. I would have though Sweetwater was a progressive band, although they are not listed on Wikipedia as one.
  14. I think it was back in January, it was announced they were reuniting and going on tour. Kinks fans are still waiting. ☹️ Ray played at UB a couple of years back with "The 88." It was a great show.
  15. For the second night in a row, I am watching the Dodger play the Rockies in Denver. The game is ridiculous. Seems like every fly ball is out of the park. Hershiser said something the other night about the center of the ball being close to the real center of the ball, which makes it wobble less. I think that is BS. The ball has been different for the last two years. Here are two articles I found that might explain it. https://www.baseballamerica.com/stories/milb-2019-preview-new-year-new-baseballs/ https://cen.acs.org/articles/95/i26/s-baseballs-materials-explain-spike.html I never realized the balls were different in the minor leagues or at least used to be. I am not sure if the relationship between the COR and how much a ball bounces is linear, but that is over a 12 percent deviation. Seems mighty large to me. On top of that, I wonder what the demand for additional balls for the minor league does on the sorting process. More bounce balls to the majors? It should be interesting having the Yanks play the Red Sox in London this weekend. The field is small, so it most likely will be a slug fest. Time to get the asterisk out. This is worse than the players juicing.
  16. Maybe some WD40 would un-seize it.?
  17. That was my failed attempt at engineering humor. I should have used /s after it.
  18. Buffalo716 already pointed this out in a post above. I read the article but it made me recall the mural's on an entry to one of the buildings on my college campus. From there I just went off the tracks.
  19. I always thought that was just the Maple Leafs.
  20. Since the GW debate, I have always believed CO2 lagged temperature change, not the other way around, as GW practitioners belief. I did not know that a group of scientist's have data that shows that CO2 does lag temp. It is buried in this article. https://off-guardian.org/2019/06/21/global-warming-carbon-dioxide-and-the-solar-minimum/
  21. LOL. No wonder I had a hard time with the title.?
  22. While that may be true, it is so typical of him, it is very easy to believe.
  23. I'm not sure if this goes here or in PPP. I really struggled with a topic title for this. https://www.thecollegefix.com/mural-of-george-washington-that-traumatizes-students-to-be-covered-up/
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