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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. Out of the garden and into the house.?
  2. Years ago I saw an episode of a lawyer show that stuck in my mind. It might have been a Perry Mason. Anyway, someone was on trial for doing something while drunk, although the guy on trial said he didn't drink. At the end of the show the lawyer had the court verify he was not drunk, and then gave the defendant soda crackers. After a few crackers and a little time, the defendant was dead drunk. The defendant was not guilty. I always wondered if there was any facts related to the premise. I guess so. Now off to google to see if I can find the episode. I haven't found an episode but it could just as well have been an "Andy Griffith show" episode.
  3. Changing the uniform colors while winning is bad Karma,☠️
  4. I am not sure if I am on any Ukrainian Company Boards, but if I check my bank accounts, I don't see any of them increasing by $50,000 every month, so I guess that proves I am not. Not even my offshore accounts.
  5. It is not a list of singers, it's a list of artists. Artist being vague enough to allow them to create a list as disoriented as this one.
  6. Around 2005, I was working in Brockville, Ont. One of the guys I was working with was a big Bills fan. He said every year they get a bus together and go to a Bills home game. I have lost touch with the guy, so I don't know if they still do that, but Brockville to Buffalo is one long haul.
  7. I have had the same problem for 3 or 4 years. Two weeks ago I started taking Melatonin before bedtime. I still wake up at 4 sometimes but I am now able to fall asleep for another 2 or 3 hours.
  8. Based on that bottom picture, I think he could have had a good career as a tv actor in the 50's.
  9. Yes it happens. Same thing with an outfielder trying to throw someone out at the plate on a fly ball. Start looking away just too soon in an attempt to save time. It happens anywhere on the field. It was worse in this situation because it happened near the goal line.
  10. The Kings put on the worse display of shooting accuracy I have ever seen. I have never seen anything like that. If they managed to get a shot on net, Hutton was there. To say they dominated play in the second and third period is a gross understatement. It was a game of extremes but the one thing that really counted the Sabres had the advantage, goals scored.
  11. It seems something about a barn and some horses might apply here.?
  12. There was a show on late Sunday night, 11:30PM if I remember correctly, after the games in the early 70's called "The Point After." It featured ex-Bills, Harry Jacobs, Paul Maguire and Mike Stratton discussing the Bills game of the day. The Bills really sucked at the time, so there wasn't much positive to be said. To roughly quote Maquire on one show, " when we played it was 3 yards and a cloud of dust, now it's a half yard and a cloud of excuses." Paul later went on to be a network broadcaster. Turns out that show was the highlight of a couple of seasons. As a side note, if you watched the forward lateral game, Paul Maguire was one of the network announcers for the game.
  13. Considering Goldman Sachs is out to make money for itself, it is highly possible the opposite of this is true.
  14. Thanks for posting this. Last Friday I was driving to Albany and I happened across a radio station where someone named John was going over all the evidence he had on the Biden's. I believe it was the complete interview this was taken from. I know the interviewee was called "John" but never caught his last name. I believe it was John Solomon. One of the things he said was that Viktor Sholin was to interview Hunter Biden about corruption, however Viktor was fired the day before the interview was to take place. Here is a link to a story that tries? to discredit John Solomon. With so much BS floating around on the subject, it is difficult to sort out what the truth is. https://www.thedailybeast.com/leaked-memo-colleagues-unload-on-john-solomon-the-reporter-who-kicked-off-trumps-ukraine-conspiracy
  15. I don't know what to make of this but would not be surprised if it is true. In the end, it seems all politicians are just up for a money grab. https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/press-conference/617936-amp.html
  16. Zay depreciated faster than a new car.
  17. How did you happen to know they were coming? I thought they may be headed west at about the same time but that is too far in the future. The Turning Stone and Del Lago casinos don't list anything that far out.
  18. One thing for sure, Andy can really control his balls. I wonder how many takes it took for each shot, although the fact he could do them even once is amazing. Note, this was before bowling lane automation. Think of it as a cue ball. He has to kick the ball off center to get spin. Makes it even more amazing.
  19. The correct way to do that is to bring Carp into the conversation.?
  20. The reason Allen ran like that was because it was 3rd and 8 and he was hell bent on getting the first down. He did that earlier in the game also. Not saying it was smart but he was taking extra risk to make the first. Also if he made it at the Pats 37 it was close to field goal range. If he slid he was way short. Yes, it is the defenseless player rule.
  21. Shoulder to the head? You better look again. It was helmet to helmet.
  22. Here is a link for wind projections. It has been fairly accurate in the past. Note the wind direction is in the opposite direction as the normal wind direction. Pick your location and you will see the current wind and a forcast. https://www.sailflow.com/windlist/14120
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