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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. It seems forgotten that he bailed out the Raiders in the early years of the AFL. https://www.silverandblackpride.com/2014/3/25/5547182/oakland-raiders-wouldnt-exist-without-ralph-wilson
  2. There are hitters that can't hit a curve but kill fastballs. Others can't hit a fastball but kill a curve. Knowing what is coming is a great advantage. I have always hated Pete Rose's attitude about his scandal, but what Pete did never affected the outcome of a game. In my mind what he did is insignificant when compared to using electronic means to call pitches. If they could ban Pete for what he did, the others should receive the same treatment.
  3. I disagree. Baseball has no balls. They should vacate the World Series result and the American League Championship. All monetary gain should be forfeited. That is real punishment. That includes all the players that were involved. The Dodgers were not the only team that were screwed, all the teams in the American League leading up to their championship were also screwed. If I was Darvish, I would would sue the Astro's. He lost millions after that, he was a "free agent to be" at the time. A lot of teams keeping quiet makes you wonder how many other teams were involved. This is baseballs most likely goal. They don't want a bigger scandal.
  4. I think we need the FBI enhanced video.
  5. The late 60's equivalent of "awesome." Groovy
  6. I came across this article and thought it might be of interest to a few here. https://www.sporttechie.com/automated-strike-zone-robot-umpire-abs-system-sporttechie-awards-sports-technology?utm_content=buffer3d5d7&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=Buffer
  7. The issue for me was the celebration. There had to be a bit of a letdown after that was overturned, so in a manner of speaking, it was an emotional penalty against Buffalo.
  8. I thought Brady was the goat?
  9. For the last week when I logged in I looked for a post from you first. I didn't think you would feel like doing much, so I am not surprised you didn't post until you got home. What's this thing around your sternum? I don't know if it is something new or just something some doc's use but others don't. Keep that pillow close and try to stay away from anyone with a cold or the flu. Coughing or sneezing is brutal. Driving is out because they don't want you to have an accident and bang your chest against the steering wheel. Welcome to the other side.
  10. I was at a Christmas party Sunday talking to an old work buddy. He's a big guy. Told me he was losing 8 lbs a week for a couple of weeks. When the doctors figured out what was wrong with him, it turned out to be Diabetes. That was new to me as I had never heard that a sudden wait loss could be an indicator of Diabetes. If I was you I wouldn't wait to see a doctor. Of course, in saying that I know I would end up putting it off as long as I could. But then I can be an idiot about things like that, even though I readily admit to knowing some health things are non-reversible after a certain point.
  11. Thanks for posting. I've been looking for you every day, although I didn't think you would really feel like posting until you got home. How you doing on that lung testing device?
  12. I am very much in favor of this. I am tired of seeing the wrong call made, both ways. There are some umps that when they set up inside, have no idea where the outside of the plate is. The one thing I think needs attention, is where do you set the top and bottom of the strike zone. All batters are not the same height. I can't figure out what they use now. I have seen pitches at the belt that were called high. Damn, if that is high that makes for an awful small strike zone. I do believe the system has to be calibrated before every game though. I have seen some games where I just can't believe it is correct.
  13. I had it done 9 years ago. If you would like to talk, message me.
  14. Nothing reminds me more of Christmas than this. Perhaps it was my constant listening to WKBW during the 60's.
  15. I wasn't commenting so much on TPS as I was their debating reported Chinese numbers. I find many of the US numbers hard to believe and I am suppose to believe Chinese numbers.?
  16. What's being debated here, Chinese reported numbers?? The Chinese work hard to make them less reliable than ours.
  17. I figured a music lover and a Canadian should have no trouble with that. Thanks for not letting me down.
  18. No time, no time, no time, no time
  19. Stepping through the video I saved during the game, the puck went just to the outside of the Dman's skate. The puck went in either just right of the goalies shoulder or just above. It's amazing how much flex on the stick the players have on a wrist shot. They really put that stored energy into the stick. I expected to see it on a slap shot but not on the wrist shots.
  20. I had one years ago and keyed up an obscure race in Bloomington. I was doing quite well, keeping up with a pack of Italians, when one of the Italian riders came up next to me and shoved something into the spokes on the front wheel. Totally destroyed the bike and didn't do me much good either.?
  21. Here is the pic before the puck goes out of view. The puck is by the crease in the goalie pads.
  22. I guess I have to do this as two posts. So here is the first pic. The puck is just to the left of the stick blade which is in the crease. I don't see how it would be possible to see this on a phone. If you click the pic on a computer it is easy to see.
  23. This doesn't strike me as being about the kids.
  24. I have just started playing with OBS Studio and last nights game was the first one I tried recording video on. I can record at 60 frames a second and then step through the results. Here are the last two pics before the puck disappears. I believe Eichel's shoulder is in the way and the puck goes in between the goalies glove and his leg pad. You can get an idea of what this looks like as here are the two pics just before the puck disappears. Also it is interesting to see this play develope. When Eichel is first behind the net, Olofsson is in his normal shooting spot. Olofsson then skates to the middle at just about top circle distance and #29 follows him to the middle, so #29 is between Olofsson and the net. Then Reinhart who was by the corner skates toward the center of the ice about 10 foot from the goal. For some reason the D-man covering Eichel sees Reinhart and he goes to cover him. That leaves the open space for Eichel. In the pics #29 is the closest guy but he is too late. What we can't tell is if when the D-man moved if he yelled to any of the other guys to cover Eichel. Ok, I just tried to post the two pics and the file size is too large. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can get posters to see them?
  25. How could you tell you got hacked?
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