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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. I still have a Sony deck. The main problem is when I play tapes from the 70's, which is all of them, all the oxide ends up on the heads.
  2. I just finished Hunters. It took me 8 episodes. I am surprised I didn't recognise him for his voice. Every time I tried to think of who it might be I came up with someone from goodfellas. The face hair really threw me off.
  3. As a long time beard grower, maybe someone in this thread can tell me how well beards go with face masks. I was wondering if I would have to shave mine off in order to get a good seal. I believe I would have to. Years ago we did a project on a pipeline pumping station. When the engineer went out to start it up, he had to shave off his beard to wear the mask. This was more of a gasmask type mask but it is what made me think about this in the first place.
  4. You're smokin some real good stuff there.?
  5. Operation Infection will kill 3 to 5% of those infected. Is that intended or unintended consequences? If that "all healthy people" is your escape plan for that scenario, I think it fails.
  6. I check the John Hopkin's site to see the daily record of cases and saw something interesting. Iran used to be near the top of the list. Now they aren't even listed. Russia had very few cases a couple of days ago. Now they are unlisted. I suppose there are many possible reasons for this but I wonder how Russia is making out. If this attacks the lungs, what about all the kids that vape? Mostly youth but I think that would hurt their odds if they get it. About 4 weeks ago I read that people who get this and recover, can get this again. The body does not retain its anti-bodies for this. When I read this I was unsure if this was true and thought I might come across another mention of this, but it the last 4 weeks I have not. Has anyone heard anything about this?
  7. I watched it on CBS. After the speech they said the reason the sporting venue's and big meetings were not to have spectators was because there was not enough kits to test people. What a bull#### company. I wonder how the other stations handled it?
  8. He played in the shadow of his brother and he wasn't that big, but that guy took ***** from no one. I loved those 60's Hab's teams.
  9. I have a hard time believing a guy who has payed out as much as TPegs has for coaches sitting a couch would B word about paying 7M for an asset. What is that a week at the pumps. Teams only have so many assets. It really doesn't make sense for Pegs or Botts, however I can see Botts not wanting to take cap hit of $7M, as it affects his ability to manage the team payroll. Probity!! That's the first time I have ever seen that used in a sentence. +++++
  10. I saw this story once before. I think it was on American Greed, but I can't remember what channel that is on. This goes into way more detail and talks to individuals involved so it is much better.
  11. I lived on the exact opposite side of the school from you. I walked downhill both ways.
  12. I would say "where's the Men's room." Although in the current times, I guess just about anyone could ask for the Ladies room.
  13. I thought it was called the Magic Carpet. I always wondered when they changed the name of it if they kept the carpet at the end. One thing no one mentioned is the view from the Comet at the top just before the downhill started. I liked looking at the lake and seeing schools of fish on a calm day.
  14. Remember in the 60's how the cities around Buffalo would have a Crystal Beach Day. The Comet we road on in the 60's wasn't the original They modified it because it was to scary or dangerous. I can't remember which.
  15. I hear the 3 hour cruise go on, and on, and on ......................
  16. I just checked HBO GO and HBO ON DEMAND and it is there on both. I watched it when it was originally on and liked it, although I can't remember exactly how it ended.?
  17. I also just watched this and I really enjoyed it. It is always interesting how they conducted sieges back then. I saw it on Amazon. The full title is "Rise of the Empires OTTOMAN."
  18. I think "Tough Guys" was my favorite film of his. One of my favorites was "The Vikings" but he had many great ones to choose from.
  19. When Ray said that it was because he was referring to the lack of support Hutton was getting from his defense. Hutton was pulled to send a message to the team to get moving. That is common practice when a team isn't competing. I believe you can score on just about every shot. So let's look at the scores on Hutton. On the first goal, only two players seemed to know where the puck was after the shot from the point. I believe it hit Risto's stick and bounced up and into the corner. The only two players that saw it were the guy that scored and Skinner. You can blame Hutton for not seeing it, but the other guys on the ice didn't either. The second goal was a shot to the upper left corner. Hutton had no chance. Third goal, upper right corner, no chance. Fourth goal, in the five hole on a guy that was wide open. You can blame that on Hutton but where was the defense. Fifth goal, upper left corner, no chance. The goal on Johansson hit the near post and bounced to the far side and went in. No chance. They also hit posts 3 other times, so they could have easily had 3 more goals. When a team shoots like this, it will be near impossible to beat them on any day no matter who is in goal. Of course the D is allowing it. When Eichel scores on shots like that, do you think they are great shots or the goalie should have had them? Now the other side of the shooting coin. How many Sabres are capable with any consistency to shoot like that. Only two in my opinion, Eichel and Olafsson. That's a big part of the problem. The Sabres get opportunities but can't put the puck where it has to be. This is why they don't score more goals. Teams don't normally shoot that accurately. Lots of games the shots are wide. Last nights was an example of what happens when they are accurate. When goalies screw up, they deserve to be criticized, but when they have no chance, I can't see dumping on them.
  20. "9.79" The story about the 100Meter sprinters during the Summer Olympics in Seoul. Cheaters abound. I enjoyed this so much I have this on DVR.
  21. Smith is one of mine. You forgot to mention that half of his big hits were to players that were out of bounds. Nothing like that 15 yarder after a big defensive stop.
  22. When you have the money for a fast food meal and you walk into a 5 star restaurant, it is difficult if not impossible to obtain anything. That has been Botts' problem. He has nothing of value to upgrade with.
  23. Saw this on Slickdeals and thought it might be of interest to someone here. Only covers certain models. https://slickdeals.net/f/13818050-49-samsung-phones-broken-screen-repair?page=9#commentsBox
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  24. A couple of weeks ago my son was watching "The Guardians" on Amazon Prime. I wandered in about 1/4 the way through it. This is the most WTF documentary I have ever seen. Guaranteed to get you riled up.
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