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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. I don't know about fans but in the last 20 years some Bills coaches could have used a little enlightenment.
  2. Larry Sanders Show Seinfeld Simpsons
  3. I thought that was what they called it in the late 60's.
  4. It was really a voting bribe, as in vote for us and we can get you more of this.
  5. I was just curious. Our last bill just came and the supply portion was 1.6 cent per kWh. Lowest I have ever seen. That natural gas glut doing its thing.
  6. Is 4 cents a kWh the total cost or just the supply? In Oswego county, National Grid charges 5.6 cents a kWh for delivery and the actual kWh goes varies from month to month from 2 cent a kWr to 4 cents a kWr. That doesn't include the all the lesser charges on a list too long to type, although they are fractions of a penny.
  7. Since this is in part a GDP discussion, I thought I would introduce data from ShadowStats. The link below is for their inflation numbers. Quite different than the government. The are plenty of reasons to understate inflation. The Chinese aren't the only ones who fudge data. There are things counted in the GDP that I find hard to believe have anything to do with real GDP but they do make the number look better. Take a look at the inflation data at the link below. Note that under the "alternate data" tab are other indicators which they track versus government numbers. It is very interesting. http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/inflation-charts
  8. Usually those beds have a deal where you can return it after 30 or 60 days. If you decide to return yours, please make a video of putting it back in the box. ?
  9. Stephon Gilmore hates this pick!
  10. So you are saying it doesn't cause significant cardiovascular side effects in Malaria victims but it does cause them in Virus victims? Or is it they are giving massive amounts to virus victims?
  11. Guess they shouldn't be handing it out to treat Malaria.
  12. Dennis Shaw was given the award but Marlin Briscoe was the reason he won it. As soon as Briscoe went to Miami, Shaw was done. In fact, I heard Shaw was traded for Linda Lovelace.
  13. You seem to have forgotten that real life is stranger than fiction.
  14. #8, where's the beef??
  15. I heard it did not work very well but he became very attractive to opposites.
  16. Jason and the Argonauts or one of the other Ray HarryHausen effects movies. I would have thought this would really go over well with a 10 year old. Then after the movie you can bond while explaining how they did the skeleton scene. I believe there are video's on youtube that explain the method although they might not be that exact scene. Harryhausen must have been one patient individual.
  17. The original GhostBusters. If you want to go way back, 20,000 Leagues under the Sea. I wonder how they would react to that.
  18. Do a google search and follow live.
  19. I know there a few Richard Thompson fans here, so maybe this will help you on Sunday.
  20. That show was proof of the old adage, "birds of a feather flock together."
  21. Even though I can't play any of my old recordings it is still hard to part with it. I think the last time I tried was about 10 years ago. It is amazing how heavy a box with 30-40 tapes is. I forgot how heavy they were. Gee, metal coated, who would have thought.?
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