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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. What are you suggesting? 5 lashes, a day in jail? I have an elementary school behind me. Kids are being dropped off or picked up all day long. The school is on a residential street not a main drag. I guess it being residential means no flashing light. I slow down to at least 15 during school hours. There is no way I would want to hit a kid and you can never tell what a kid will do. That includes him holding his parent's hand along side of a road. School limits are about safety.
  2. Don't forget to get your Thursday night pick in and while your at it you can pick the other games because you can always go back and edit them before Sunday afternoon. I was considering making this announcement a separate thread so it would not be missed but I will leave that to Shady if he thinks it is necessary. Also, to the 5 players that did not pick last week, the Pickem game drops your lowest weekly pick total, so conceivably you could be in first place after the second week. There is no need to quit just because you miss a week. In fact I believe a couple of years ago someone placed in the top 10 after missing two weeks.
  3. I would check out the multiple methods on Youtube. I have a 10 year old car and 60 year old oak trees overhanging my driveway. Parts of my roof look like a golf ball. I would be tempted to try the Harbor Freight tool but my car is old enough that I don't think it is worth the effort.
  4. If Buddy Ryan was our DC, he would have punched him for that.
  5. Me too. Sometimes it takes some time for me to get the point.
  6. Thanks, I found this very enjoyable. Last I knew, some water parks still had some rides like some of those mentioned. I didn't think the Wave Pool was that dangerous. I can attest to the Alpine Slide being capable of giving you a good burn.
  7. You did not offend me but your record on picking winners in pretty thin but you do have 3 more winners than the Bills in the big show. I should have provided a statement so you knew what I was referring to.
  8. She had to go to the salon, to know what was in it.
  9. I've been looking for the notice that it's open for registration. This really increases my interest in the season, so I hope it is still going to be done.
  10. This shows how stupid Trump is. He is supposed to release them all just before he leaves office, not before an election. That is what previous presidents did. /s
  11. After that the city must have had a "whale of a wash!"
  12. Considering all the work you put into this point, it is unfortunate that you ran off the tracks. Using your logic, 175,000 people died from Covid over roughly a 6 month period this year. A quick search says over the last 3 years, roughly 40,000 Americans died in car accidents per year. Well that's over a year, so we will say for a half year that is 20,000. So following your logic, over 8 times more people died of Covid than died from Car accidents, for a given amount of time. You can't throw the entire population of the US into a statistic and then compare that to other random statistics. Although in March lots of politicians of both persuasions were doing that to make themselves sound/look good.
  13. Here is the story I heard Still's give in an interview. Written by Buffalo Springfield guitarist Stephen Stills, this song was not about anti-war gatherings, but rather youth gatherings protesting anti-loitering laws, and the closing of the West Hollywood nightclub Pandora's Box. Stills was not there when they closed the club, but had heard about it from his bandmates. In the book Neil Young: Long May You Run: The Illustrated History, Stephen Stills tells the story of this song's origin: "I had had something kicking around in my head. I wanted to write something about the kids that were on the line over in Southeast Asia that didn't have anything to do with the device of this mission, which was unraveling before our eyes. Then we came down to Sunset from my place on Topanga with a guy - I can't remember his name - and there's a funeral for a bar, one of the favorite spots for high school and UCLA kids to go and dance and listen to music. [Officials] decided to call out the official riot police because there's three thousand kids sort of standing out in the street; there's no looting, there's no nothing. It's everybody having a hang to close this bar. A whole company of black and white LAPD in full Macedonian battle array in shields and helmets and all that, and they're lined up across the street, and I just went 'Whoa! Why are they doing this?' There was no reason for it. I went back to Topanga, and that other song turned into 'For What It's Worth,' and it took as long to write as it took me to settle on the changes and write the lyrics down. It all came as a piece, and it took about fifteen minutes."
  14. For some reason the longer I look at this, the funnier it gets.?
  15. What did you use for the pic and how close were you? The Grackles in my area are much darker and have an iridescent blue on them. Very nice pic.
  16. He would have been a real "dick head" then.
  17. Last Tuesday, 7/28, 20/20 ran a story "American Catastrophe: How we got here." I thought I would learn something watching it and even DVR'ed it. It can be seen on Youtube in parts. Here is the link to part 1. I think there are 3 or 4 parts. I did learn something watching it, unfortunately I will have to watch it again to remember what it was. It is a great piece of unbiased reporting! /s
  18. Get Sunflower hearts, de-shelled Sunflower seeds. Once the birds find that they come back. If your feeder is on a patio or porch, you don't have to clean up all the black shells. I have yard feeders and a window feeder. The window feeder only gets hearts but the the yard feeders get both types. If the yard feeders run out of hearts some of the larger birds come to the window. A blue jay will come and he is as big as the feeder. All he can do is grab the edge and hang, but he likes to come and pig out. Also, there are not many birds that come and stay if there is someone in the kitchen. I have seen them flying in and turn away if your within 5 feet of the window.
  19. You being a Bills fan makes it hard for me to understand the rating system you are using.?
  20. It's always interesting on what triggers a memory. I just remembered Tom would read notes from viewers on what the definition of a "Split Second" was. The one that comes to mind was "the time between the light turning green and the guy behind you beeping the horn." It also happens to be the only one I remember.
  21. Damn slip knots!
  22. Do the birds love these caterpillars? I would assume the trees would have lots of birds looking for an easy meal.
  23. Thanks for the link. I did think they were still covered by their old plan.
  24. I haven't had any tomatoes but the squirrels have had several. The seem to like green tomatoes even if they aren't fried.?️
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