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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. Years ago I read that typically the winner in this type of contest finishes with a 66% win percentage. It sounded low to me. Over the years I have watched and that is pretty close to being right on. If I remember correctly, last year the first two finishers were just above that. I can't remember if I figured in the throw out or not. At the moment position 42 and above have a higher win percentage than 66%. It might make it a bit more interesting for you if you compare your position by percentage, ignoring the weeks you missed. I believe when we first started doing this here, there was an option for auto-pick. It was nice if you forgot a week but at the same time it would do something like picking the Jets every week. I usually make my picks Monday or Tuesday, and then edit them before Thursday/Sunday. I believe if you wanted to you could pick the entire year in one shot.
  2. I'm not sure Ray Fosse would agree with you.
  3. Do you know where Joe finished in his college class and do you know why? I just heard this and I am surprised I haven't seen it before.
  4. It is amazing how this story never pops up on the MSM. Wrong words, maybe I should have said disheartening.
  5. The founding fathers did quite an amazing job in their structure of the govenment. They had checks and balances at every level. That might not be true in the future. You can follow the link. https://internationalman.com/articles/doug-casey-on-what-happens-after-the-us-election/
  6. I really love breasts. edit- It seems the auto language processor corrected my spelling. 😅
  7. I had this happen in previous years. It is a good practice to go back some time later and check that your picks are there. I found if I logged out and then back in before making the picks, it always took the picks. This hasn't happened to my this year yet. It certainly was annoying to think you had your picks and then find you were 0 for the week.
  8. A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.
  9. I've seen him 4 times. The guy was amazing.
  10. I just can't resist. In the Democrat version of this, the baby is not born.
  11. That is the best laugh I have had in a long time.
  12. You being Canadian I was about to ask if you were getting your sports mixed up. There were a couple of guys in Ontario Prov. that could throw 100 mph from 46 feet in the fastpitch leagues in the 60's and 70's.
  13. My son sent me this link. Looks like a possibility for next year.
  14. I saw a similar article somewhere else this week. Maybe we should invite the Chinese over to hunt them. I hear they are a little bit short on pork this year.
  15. I am happy that is a cow and not a pig. I don't think I could handle the changes if it was a pig.
  16. I loved the show. Back then it seems everyone knew at least one real life Eddie Haskell.
  17. When I played softball, I had a pitcher friend that said Gibson was once asked by a reporter, what he would rather do, pitch a no-hitter or a shutout. Gibson replied "a shutout, you can't lose a shutout."
  18. Has anyone heard anything about this? It sounds like she lied under oath. https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/just-obama-left-office-us-officials-feared-hunter-biden
  19. The fact that you realize you may have been brainwashed is the first step in recovering from being brainwashed. Many do not recognize that they have been brainwashed.
  20. Is that the same as "I am shocked by how much the MSM doesn't tell me."
  21. Since we are down the road a bit and supposedly more knowledgeable, why don't you state your policy that would have led to no one dying.
  22. I wonder what people would think if he took Ivermectin instead, supposedly a slight upgrade to hydroxycloroquine.
  23. I think Bills fans would not want Gase fired. At least not until after the Bills them again.
  24. Does the psychologist help before or after you put the cuffs on them?
  25. Consider how much this means it would be a joke. It would be almost as bad as giving it to someone for doing nothing.
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