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Everything posted by Greybeard

  1. A close relative was more famous than he was.
  2. He isn't known by his given birth name.
  3. Yes and yes. Yes and yes. I am not sure you can truly call him a dictator.
  4. I would say yes.
  5. Not an actor
  6. Not sports related, also not Americana
  7. I am thinking of a person .....Male, Dead
  8. Lou Gehrig
  9. Ha, obviously too late for me.
  10. Last clue request from me for tonight, Athlete?
  11. Musician?
  12. American?
  13. For years I always thought he went to St. Joes, so I learned something anyway. At this point it is unlikely any name will come to me. I can think of a few more Buffalonians but I can't think any of them went to Canisius, although for some reason I think I saw the interview and Tim was quite happy he got to interview him. I just have no name.
  14. Tim Russert? but I thought he went to St. Joes.
  15. Buffalo Bob
  16. Bon Ami and Rain X. I like a clean windshield.
  17. Maybe this fits in here. The guy is a MIT PHD. You can't get more scientist than that. I find data analysis interesting so I watched the entire video.
  18. Just caught this on the evening news, Dior de-commits. He is unsure about his future, but SU is still on his list.
  19. The final game of the year on Jan. 3rd is the Fins. This may end up being the deciding game for the division winner.
  20. Four Million votes. Subtract California and it is a dead heat. You can read into that whatever.
  21. MMT theory believes money grows on trees. Eventually the debt will overcome the country, perhaps when the petrodollar falls. When it does, the minimum that can be expected is a lower standard of living for most Americans. Since a flat tax would never be allowed by politicians, I would think the next best thing would be a minimum tax based on gross numbers. There would have to an exclusion at some minimal level for individuals but not for corporations. This would prevent individuals with large income and corporations getting away with paying no tax. I don't consider someone like Trump or Murdock paying a minimum an evil thing, they are just applying the tax code as it stands. The tax code is really at fault, and of course that comes from politicians. Maybe a minimum of 10% for individuals and 15% for corporations.
  22. You expect it not to be because ....
  23. I have 3 feeders I fill. Two get black oil sunflower seeds and sunflower hearts. The third gets some mix I bought to cheap out. The cheap mix has Milo, Stripped Sunflower seeds and some other filler. I have to fill the two with sunflower hearts every four days. I have seen as many as 13 Gold Finches on the sunflower feeder. In two weeks, I have only seen two birds on the cheap seed feeder and it is still basically filled to the top. Another week or two and I guess I will have to dump it. I have said this before, the Cardinals, Finches, Woodpeckers and Blue Jays love the hearts. If you want these birds, hearts are the way to go. The cheapest sunflower hearts I have found are 40 lb bags for $50. The Ontario bird feeder cam is back online for the winter. When things get cold the arboreal birds they attract are really colorful. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/cams/ontario-feederwatch/
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