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Everything posted by UB2SF

  1. Had my own in-person experience with Janet while vacationing in Maui back in the mid-90s. My wife and I were chillin' by the pool of our hotel, when this too-good-to-be-true blonde in a thong bikini walked by within a few feet of my chair. Glanced to be sure my wife wasn't looking and proceeded to stare as the blonde walked past me to her chair at the other end of the pool. I was freakin' dumbfounded by what I had just seen. As she turned to sit down, I realized she was with a guy (I hadn't even noticed the guy at that point), and as the guy turned to sit down, I realized it was Wayne Gretzky. Then it clicked that I had just been a few feet away from Janet Jones's bare backside. I spent the rest of my Maui vacation telling my wife I'd rather hang out by the pool than go on any adventures... in hopes of seeing Mrs. Gretzky again... which I did, several times.
  2. My username is a bit of a giveaway, but I moved from western NY to SF over 20 years ago. Best decision of my life. I've adopted the SF Giants, GS Warriors and SJ Sharks as "my" teams in their respective sports, but I'm still a die-hard/masochist Bills fan. Feel free to PM me if you ever have any questions.
  3. After Marv Levy: Wade, Gregg, Mike, Dick, Perry, Chan. Seventh time's a charm?
  4. Appreciate your analysis on this. The title of the thread is the question I asked -- verbatim -- when that play happened. Was going to post a question asking if anyone had the All-22 breakdown of the play, but was too frustred to expend the effort. Like much of the game, the D-line did their job well and the LBs failed.
  5. Never again to Watch Spencer Johnson dropping Into coverage
  6. Freakin' brilliant! I need to spend an hour watching the rest of these.
  7. Twice-baked potatoes (and beer)
  8. Sling Blade / Daniel Lanois -- it's as if Pink Floyd went down to the Bayou -- a masterpiece
  9. Rankings through week 6: Scoring = #2 Sacks Allowed = #1 Rushing Yards = #4 Total Yards = #9 Red Zone Scoring = #1 Yeah, I think I'm OK with this year's play-calling.
  10. That would be a spoiler for the video! In case people don't want to know, here's a link to the player's profile on BB.com: (And no, it's not a prank Peter Pan link) The Stunt Double
  11. Pickens is the sugar-daddy of Oklahoma State, and especially OSU Football. Something tells me that he an Thurman have a lot in common.
  12. If you haven't seen it yet, check out this week's episode of What's the Word with George Wilson, which includes a teammate standing in as the stunt double for Fitz. Classic! What's the Word?
  13. Hop Stoopid by Lagunitas Brewing Company. It's the nectar of the IPA gods, my friend.
  14. Oh, yeah, that one: 3-5-BUF 37 (2:07) (Shotgun) 14-R.Fitzpatrick pass incomplete deep left to 22-F.Jackson. Good call GG. Musta repressed that bitter memory.
  15. One the things I loved about the first few games was our ability to convert 3rd downs and keep drives alive. The first half against the Bengals saw a troubling trend of taking deep shots on 3rd down, even with 3rd & 3 or 3rd & 4, and with Fitz's much-discussed accuracy issues, these were drive killers. Four of our first five drives ended this way, as follows: 1ST QUARTER 3-4-BUF 12 (9:11) (Shotgun) 14-R.Fitzpatrick pass incomplete deep right to 22-F.Jackson. 3-4-BUF 20 (7:21) (Shotgun) 14-R.Fitzpatrick pass incomplete deep left to 16-B.Smith (22-N.Clements). 2ND QUARTER 3-3-CIN 24 (13:42) (Shotgun) 14-R.Fitzpatrick pass incomplete deep right to 16-B.Smith. 3-6-BUF 39 (10:59) (Shotgun) 14-R.Fitzpatrick pass incomplete deep right to 19-D.Jones. Seems like Gailey may have fallen in love with the fades and fly patterns which brought some success over the first three weeks... but IIRC, in the first three games, those were usually called on first and second down, opting for higher-percentage plays on 3rd down. At least this didn't continue in the second half. I just feel like we could have put our shoes on the Bengals throats a little more in the first half if we had used better ball-control offense on 3rd down.
  16. Did you see who ripped off CJ's helmet? Same rookie who knocked out Donald Jones.
  17. The "Behind the New Uniforms" video on bb.com has the best shots I've seen yet of the changes. The first part of the video is just an interview, but if you fast forward to the show-and-tell part, it has great detailed shots of the new design, especially the jersey and helmet. bb.com video
  18. You nailed it, Mike. From a marketing and PR standpoint, that was one of the worst "product launches" I've ever seen. I logged on to bb.com last night after getting home from work (California time), excited to see the new uniforms, and all I could find initially was the group picture of military guys looking awkward and retired Bills looking fat. So I looked for more multimedia, and all I found was more pictures of military guys looking awkward and a video of Russ talking to the media. I just wanted to get a good look at the damn uniforms, but that wasn't even possible. I thought Russ was a marketing guy?
  19. Thanks, Nank! I appreciate the tips. I'll try out the self-help tips you posted... but I have a feeling I'll be winding up at the pretentiously-named Genius Bar at the local Apple Store. I'll post whatever resolution we settle upon.
  20. I recently bought a new PC and want to use it for my iTunes account and syncing my iPod. My prior PC was a dog, so I had long ago moved my iTunes library to an external hard drive. On my new PC, I hooked up my external hard drive, downloaded the iTunes software, and hoped that I would be able to set up iTunes to recognize the external library and continue using it to sync to my iPod. No luck on either count -- iTunes on the new PC won't let me set the external hard drive as my library, and won't attempt to connect with my iPod without me agreeing to let iTunes erase the content on the iPod (saying that an iPod can only sync with one library). I acknowledge that I might just be dense! I tried Googling the issue, but all of the solutions assume I want to move my library from one PC to another PC, which isn't exacty the case since the library exists outside of either PC. Any help, TBD tech gurus?
  21. As the OP, I feel I must respond to this. I was born a Bills fan in 1966, swaddled in a Bills blanket on the way home from the hospital. It actually disappoints me mightily that some people assume that anyone who actually cares enough to get excited/disappointed must be a naive newbie. I totally understand and respect the fact that so many years of disappointment make people emotionally detached from the experience of being a Bills fan. Heck, I've been there myself -- last year, on this board, I swore off watching the Jauron-Bills anymore because it was too depressing. But this season has restored the vigor to my Bills-watching experience, and I'm proud to say that I agan yell happily when they do well and I yell angrily when then don't. I don't judge people for being emotionally detached nor for being emotionally invested; honestly, that's why I posted this topic, because I was curious about how many people responded emotionally versus unemotionally. But my brain registers a "DOES NOT COMPUTE" response when I try to process the paradox of Bills fans on a Bills discussion board actually critizing other Bills fans for caring about the success and failure or their team.
  22. I'll start: As soon as the ball dropped to the turf, I fell off my couch, rolled across the living room floor, and wound up about 8 feet from where I started -- all the while screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" My two older kids were also flopping around, covering their eyes and wailing. My two-year-old son look scared ****less by all the commotion. After composing myself, I realized that the dropped TD was a terrible omen, and prophesized to my kids that the game was lost. Just curious about everyone else's reactions.
  23. A great read, as always, R-squared! Appreciate the time you put into it. Here's hoping the Terrible Towels in your household are used mainly for wiping tears of anguish after a Steeler loss!
  24. I thought the same thing... actually said out loud, "wow, that guy's a burner!" when the showed the replay of his burst as he neared the endzone and blew past the defenders. Now I understand better why he's always the second man back deep on kick returns as well as the outside gunner on kickoffs and punts. Nice game, rookie!
  25. Why does every topic these days seem to turn into an Andrew Luck discussion??? Oh, wait... my bad.
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