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Everything posted by UB2SF

  1. It's an Infiniti G20, automatic transmission. Thanks for all the advice so far, folks. Fortunately, I have a mechanic I trust, so I guess I'll make an appointment to see him. Keep the advice coming!
  2. My 1995 car, with about 98,000 miles on it, has begun making a noise every time I start it, and I need some troubleshooting assistance. The noise is a whistling / chirping kind of noise, that oscillates rapidly. Once the car warms up, after just a few minutes, the noise stops. Is it a belt problem? Something else? I want to sell the car soon to make way for a brand-new one, so I'm also wondering how serious the problem is and whether I need to get the problem fixed before I sell the car.
  3. Last night I had about 15 minutes to kill, and I turned on ESPN to veg out for awhile. I was bummed when I saw that women's softball was on. But, noticing that it was the deciding game of the NCAA Softball Championship Series, and that the score was tied in the bottom of the 7th (the last inning in softball), I decided to watch for a few minutes later. Next thing I realize, about a half hour had passed and I watched until Michigan upset two-time defending champs UCLA in the 10th inning. It was actually very interesting to watch -- outstanding pitching, good coaching, different strategic situations than baseball. And no, I never want to face an elite women's softball pitcher in the batter's box. Even though I was an all-star baseball player back in the day, those chicks would fan me no problem.
  4. I used to think Holmes was the hottest thing in Hollywood. THEN came the Tom Cruise news (ugh!)... and THEN, worse still, I came across this blog entry about her. This is definitely safe for work, although you might lose your appetite! Dawson Leery: Suddenly Very Happy He Never Slept With His ‘Soulmate’
  5. Oakland (I live in the Bay Area)
  6. When I looked up Bledsoe's pre-draft scout evaluations, here's what I found: "Vertical Leap: No"
  7. I wonder whether Schobel is emerging more as a leader. He's not the outspoken/fiery type of guy, nor is he a game-changing talent, but he has been a solid performer and a foundation for our D for as long as anyone else on the team. Plus he comes from a true football family, so he can probably dish it out as well as he can take it.
  8. ...head of Human Resources for a mid-size biotechnology company (and we have lots of openings for people with biotech experience, so PM me if you're qualified and interested or know anyone who might be!)
  9. She also seems to have lost her voice -- she spent most of the song screaming "Yeahhhhhhh" in a raspy growl that was a cross between Macy Gray and James Hetfield. Maybe eating the other contestants gave her acid reflux, and she can cop the same excuse as Ashlee Simpson?
  10. <snore> What a lame episode last night. I've been a regular Idol viewer for two seasons now, but this episode made me question why on earth I waste my time with this show. What's next -- commercial jingles? Hymns? Gregorian chants?
  11. The Smoking Gun is actually quite reliable. There's another article on the topic on Entertainment Weekly... ...here
  12. From The Smoking Gun: MARCH 31--An "American Idol" finalist was once arrested for felony domestic violence after roughing up his infant son's mother during a Valentine's Day fracas, The Smoking Gun has learned. According to police, 28-year-old Scott Savol, one of the remaining nine "Idol" contestants, was busted following a February 2001 confrontation with Michele Martin at the woman's Ohio home. <snip> for more, including the mug shots, follow the link: The Smoking Gun
  13. Must be juiced on roids.
  14. Please... someone.... ANYONE... make Constantine go away. As if his singing wasn't bad enough, we must continue to endure his double chin, his vermin-toothed pseudo-stud-muffin smile, and the most annoying mannerism to hit prime-time TV since Dennis Miller laughing at his own inane jokes on MNF: Constantine praying for your votes by putting his hands in prayer position in front of his face and <gulp> KISSING his own hands.
  15. Precisely! Hawaii's head coach is former NFL guy June Jones, who runs a down-the-field passing attack. Hawaii's QB prior to Chang was a guy named Nick Rolovich, who played high school ball at Marin Catholic High School, just a mile from my house in the Bay Area. Having watched Rolovich a lot in high school, I was thrilled to see him tear up every Hawaii passing record... until Chang came along and surpassed Rolovich in most categories. For two years after graduating, and Rolovich spent a lot of time in NFL camps (mostly the Broncos) without making the roster... then went to NFL Europe... and now is playing for San Jose in the Arena League. Turns out that his numbers at Hawaii were mostly a product of the offensive scheme and the poor quality of competition. I'd speculate a similar future for Chang.
  16. It's kind of ironic to have Bills fans criticizing others for rethinking their allegiance to particular historical figures, given how most of us used to idolize OJ Simpson but now would rather not be associated with him. Jefferson=Simpson? Not what I'm saying. Just offering an observation on this particular thread.
  17. ...and a 6 for his Wonderlic score... the lowest of all Combine participants. I don't want to bash the guy for his well-documented learning disability, but it's another legitimate strike against him.
  18. As a Buffalo-to-CA transplant myself, and as someone with experience helping people conceptualize and launch small businesses, my two cents would be to broaden your potential market beyond those interested in Buffalo food. Maybe a broader Great Lakes focus?... with "local" specialties from not only Buffalo, but also Chicago, Cleveland, Michigan, etc.? You could organize the menu as such, and target your marketing infiltrate other "transplant" groups such discussion boards for the Bears/Bulls/WhiteSox/Cubs, Browns/Cavs/Indians, etc.
  19. Because that would likely require me to have Raiders or Niners apparel touching my bleed-Bills-blue skin! Seriously, mostly because I'm too busy with life (and with The Stadium Wall!).
  20. Here in Northern California, there aren't many brick-and-mortar stores for buying Bills merchandise, so I'm about to buy a McGahee replica jersey on-line, without the ability to try it on for size. I'm wondering if anyone can suggest the right size to buy. I'm 5'11", 160 pounds with a thin waist but broad shoulders. The last time I bought a replica jersey was about 5 years ago when Puma was making them (and I was about 30 pounds heavier than I am now), I bought a Large, and I'm totally swimming in it. Now that Reebok is making them, I'm wondering if I should go with a Medium or a Large. Or, depending on how the sizes are listed on-line, a 48 or a 50. Any suggestions based upon experience?
  21. Networking is definitely your best shot. Below are some other ideas. I've worked in HR for about 15 years, so I've helped a lot of people who are in your shoes. 1) Check to see if there are professional associations related to your career field, and if so, see if they have websites, newsletters, or networking meetings for job-seekers. 2) If you're in good standing with your current company, ask your HR department if you might be able to receive "outplacement services" as part of your exit from the company. This would involve one-on-one help from a career coach plus access to job search tools that are more in-depth than the Monster.com route. Expect some resistence from HR -- these services typically cost the company $2K to $5K. But if you don't ask, the answer is "no", right? 3) Compile a list of every company in your area which might employ someone with your skills. Visit each company's website and check their job opportunities. Very often, companies will post positions on their websites without paying to post them at sites like Monster.com. 4) Don't panic! It'll all work out. Employers can smell desperation and it will work to your disadvantage. Good luck! Send me a PM if you want to chat further.
  22. Clifton Springs, NY / 38 / Larkspur, CA (SF Bay Area)
  23. Mmmmmm.... Nines pizza with the fried eggplant. Great memories from the Nines, including my band playing a couple gigs there. I went back to Ithaca a couple years ago, and my first stop was the Nines!
  24. undergrad: UB '89 grad school: Cornell '91
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