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Posts posted by gonzo1105

  1. he looked good but I don't know. He didn't look #9 overall good for a linebacker. I didn't see the freakish athleticism I was led to believe that I would see.


    Did Cody even play on defense last night? The only time I saw him on the field was playing fullback.



    The reason why he doesn't get to show off is because Saban doesn't let him just free lance and let him do what he wants. McClain's job for that defense is to put everyone in the right position and clean up everything there. If you didn't notice in the game he doesn't blitz very much he drops a lot into coverage. He almost had a leaping INT last night. If I had to say that the guy has a weakness it would be his blitzing. At times , I thought he looked very lazy coming in for a blitz. I dont know if he was waiting for something to set up or not but I thought he could have done a better job then that. He is good at run stuffing and dropping into coverage. He leads his defense and isn't required to be Mr. Everything.

  2. I looked over reports of the trade and I have not seen anything that has said it was conditional...all I have read was its just a plain 6th rounder this year. The Simpson pick is a undisclosed late round pick.....it could be 5-7 but if I recall they said it was either a 6th or 7th round pick

  3. I agree with your assessment on him being a good person. I have never liked Coach Jauron as a coach but I was at the pro football hall of fame ceremony and had floor seating and there he was right in front of me. He talked with all the fans and signed autographs that everyone had asked. Then a person who was disabled came up to him and in a wheelchair. The child just wanted a picture with him and instead of just standing there he got on his knees to the child's level to take the picture. I know to some this seems insignificant but it was also pouring out that day before the hall of fame and he was in a what was probably a pretty expensive suit.

  4. Hey guys,


    I'm starting to think about swinging out west to catch the Chiefs game. Roundtrip flight and tickets are pretty reasonable, much better than @ Denver. Wanted to know if anyone has ever been to Arrowhead/KC and how the overall gameday experience was. Any comments, tips or suggestions, ie where to stay, what there is to do would be much appreciated. Thanks (I know this should be posted on the Tailgaters board, but I know I'll catch more eyes over here, sorry!)



    I have been to Arrowhead before in 2003 I believe when the Bills were horrible and the Chiefs won 38-5. The Chiefs fans were pretty nice to me there because um well they won by a lot. Tailgaiting looks awesome around the stadium and its right off the high way. Tickets aren't that hard to come by either especially this year. Dont know where to stay but overall a pretty good experience. Only away game i've ever been too

  5. Are you kidding? We signed 3 offensive lineman and spent $75 million on them, we are not getting a compensation pick for losing Gandy lol.


    Yea, but comp picks are based on net gain vs net lose


    Net Gain

    Derrick Docker 7 yrs 49

    Langston Walker 5 yrs 25

    Jason Whittle 1 yr 720,000


    Net Loss

    Nate Clements 8 yrs 80

    London Fletcher 5 yrs 25

    Mike Gandy 3 yrs ???


    Not saying we will get anything special but as of now were in decent shape to at least get a late rd pick.

  6. Roy Manning was the LB we picked up from the Packers last year for those that couldn't remember his name. I dont believe anyone is willing to part on a first day pick for Spikes I'd gladly take something like we did with Willis this year. Lets say grab a 4th rounder in this years draft and a 5th rounder in next years draft or something along them lines. These are how the Patriots do it every year. Then they trade their 2nd rounder for a 2008 first rounder or things such as that. Thats why the Patriots have a lot of depth, and its apparent Buffalo is remodeling the team the way Marv wants it. These players dont fit under it and I think as of right now Marv wants to field a competitive team that can grow into a dominant one in future years. This will probably upset Bills fans cause they want the Bills in the playoffs NOW!

  7. Syracuse native here, born and raised, my high school team played his in a preseason scrimmage, we were in a higher class than Onondaga and state ranked, and very proud to say we pounded Hart, but I'm glad to see how well is he doing, he's reppin the 315 well




    well I would hope that if you were from a bigger class you would pound their team considering the school he came from while very good is from the smallest classification in the state.

  8. lol about the one with two chicks in the bathroom. As for the cheerleaders I know one of em who went to high school with me and is I believe now 19 years old. In the pic she is the 2nd row from the bottom and the 2nd one from the left. Her name is Jasmine Ottman and to put it lightly she is about the biggest sl*t i know lol. She would have sex with anything. She told me she would sleep with me if i took her to prom. So if your lookin for a quick cheerleader nail she'd be the one to go after.....plus she isn't attractive when you take off all the makeup

  9. i understand what you mean about lighter guys not being able to stop the run, but stopping the run is not solely based on how big guys are. Teams with great team speed on defense dont necessarily need to have big run pluggers because they are so quick that they swarm to the football and bring down the ball carrier with 5 or 6 people. Football is not just about playing with the biggest guys. As a coach i've seen many young men who can bench press 400 pounds or so and weigh about 270 but do not even come close using those strength numbers on the field. What they say about heart and passion is not just a cliche in the game of football. The man who wants it more will almost all the time win out in the game of football. These 305 pound DT's that your worried about if they have a strong will and passion and use the power they have on the field can get excellent leverage against o-lineman and be a much more disruptive force than a 340 pound guy who is told to basically not move. As for the cover 2 of course its not just a base cover 2 all the time. Technically the cover 2 requires bigger CB's who may not have top line speed but are very physical corners. The safeties dont need to be big guys in a cover 2 but they have to have great team speed and need to be able to fly up in the alleyways to support the run when need be. In the cover 2 a CB will tend to be in the face of the WR with an outside leverage(outside of the WR). They will run with the WR most of the times for 10 yards or so and then come back to the flat usually occupied by LB's in most defenses. The reason why the Corners play outside of the WR in the press is because the CB's want to funnel everything back inside. By doing this it makes the job on the safeties much easier. If a WR were to get outside of the CB say on a fly route(straight down the field), it would be a much much longer run for the safety and the chances of getting there in time are slim. In a base cover 2 the safeties have each half of the field. Most of the time the safeties will line up inside the hashes and then run to the outside. Try to visualize it in ur head because its hard without a picture. If u visualized it right, you would probably be thinking well wow then the whole middle of the field should be wide open. This is where offenses usually try to pick apart a cover 2 defense. This is why you hear so much that the cover 2 has to have a smaller yet athletic MLB. This is because the MLB is responsible for getting a deep drop into pass coverage and they have to get a good 20 yards back to cover the middle of the field. Without an athletic MLB this defense doesn't work. Now obviously not all cover 2 defenses are like this. You can play a press or a soft cover 2(playing off the WR). You can play man to man on one side of the field and still play a cover 2 on the other. There are many different variations. Bills fans are so used to seeing bigger more stout defenses to stop the run which is probably why most go well if we dont have a big DT we can't stop the run but that can't be further from the truth. A team, even if smaller, if they fly to the football can easily stop the run just as or more successfully then a bigger defense. I believe the cover 2 will eventually be a good defense here but be patient you need the right talent to run it and we may not have it right now.

  10. As a football coach the 3 technique lines up on the outside shoulder of the guard. The 3 technique is supposed to be a really quick kid who penetrates the B gap in the offensive line. His job is too blow up the play as quickly as possible with speed into the backfield. The 1 technique or the Nose tackle lines up on the inside shoulder of the guard. He tends to be a bigger guy. A guy who can plug up the middle a little bit but also good enough to defeat two guy the center and the guard if need be. He usually holds up at the point of attack and tied up blockers so the MLB who has control of the strongside A gap can make as many plays as possible. Obviously this differs in the Tampa 2 as the 1 or Nose would be smaller but still bigger then the 3 and is also looking to get in the backfield. The 3 technique always lines up to the strongside or the strength of the formation while the nose or 1 technique lines up to the weakside of the offensive formation. Just thought I'd give ya a little football 101

  11. When was the last time we drafted an FSU player anyways? I dont recall many ....Lonnie Johnson has to be the last one....so how are we not drafting anymore FSU asswhipes when we've taken one in like 10 years that i can remember

  12. I doubt it....my guess in a trade down with like Philadelphia would be for someone like Donte Whitner S Ohio State, Ernie Sims LB Florida ST(Cover 2 fit), or Winston Justice....but to be honest i dont think Philly wants to trade up to get a DT I think they want Justice and are willing to trade up to get him.

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