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Posts posted by gonzo1105

  1. Please don't mention Datko and Zebrie Sanders as possible Left Tackle selections. I am a huge Florida State fan and while Datko and Sanders are really athletic kids(which is why they are thought highly of)these two are sooooooo overrated its not even funny. The offensive line was the weak link of FSU's team this year by far and I know Datko was injured all year but it was still bad the year before when he played. Sanders measures and looks like a prototypical Left Tackle in the NFL but he can't run block to save his life and neither can Datko. Sanders is also a holding machine and constantly gets beat by speed rushers and it shows on tape and he didn't nothing to remedy that when he participated at the Senior Bowl. Datko has been injured pretty much his whole career and if you want an underachieving injury prone left tackle then by all means take him. Like I said, huge Florida State fan and have seen these guys for quite awhile and even I with all my bias wouldn't touch Sanders until the 4th round and Datko until the 5th.

  2. The comp pick could still happen. In comp formulas minimum contract players aren't added into the formula. If Morrison is a minimum player he wont count towards it. Also I thought that players signed after the season started didn't count either. This I could be completely wrong about but if that is true Morrison wouldn't count either

  3. Its the same way every single year. People ask what the formula is. I dont know it exactly but after seeing it for years if you haven't lost more then you gained in number of players your most likely not going to get more then a 7th round draft pick. For instance if we signed 2 FA's and lost 4 we are more then likely going to get a compensatory pick or two but if we signed 2 and only lost one no matter who that one is were not getting anything. I know that people you waived or signed off of waivers do not count towards the formula.


    For instance we signed Nick Barnett but he will not count towards the formula because he was released by Green Bay. The same can be said for Aaron Maybin.

    The Bills 2011 Free Agents were:

    Donte Whitner(S) signed with San Francisco(FA lost)

    Paul Pozluszny(LB)signed with Jacksonville(FA lost)

    John McCargo(DT) ???? (Wont Qualify)

    Keith Ellison(LB) ??? (Most likely wont qualify)

    Drayton Florence(CB) Resigned by the Bills

    Ashton Youboty(CB) Signed by Jacksonville late in the season(Wont Qualify)


    So in essence we have lost two FA's this year



    Bills signed:


    Tyler Thigpen(QB)

    Brad Smith (WR)

    Nick Barnett(LB) doesn't qualify

    Kirk Morrison (LB) most likely wont qualify



    So in essence, while my numbers aren't correct most likely we lost the same # of FA's as we lost which means I would not suspect we are going to get more then 1 draft pick in compensatory and it will most likely be a 6th or 7th rounder. Plus, like last year there has to be 32 Comp picks so if there are not 32 teams worthy of comp picks 7th rounders are handed out to teams starting with the 1st pick until there have been 32 given out. That means that Buffalo could get an additional 7th rounder because of that but I wouldn't bank on it because we are going to be drafting somewhere between 9-11.

  4. I like Luck, Mallet, and Colin Kaepernick. Kaepernick is going to gain popularity and start commanding serious interest. I think he'll find himself in the 1st round of the draft too.



    I'll bet you 100 dollars that Kaepernick doesn't sniff the 1st round ever. He plays in a gimmicky offense, he's rail thin, has never taken a snap under center. He has a funny throwing motion. He is an athlete playing Quarterback. He will be drafted at another position not named Quarterback in my opinion just like Matt Jones, Brad Smith, Antwaan Randel El etc. Kaepernick is not a future NFL Quarterback.

  5. This is going to sound far fetched, but if this is true maybe the reason the Bills want a corner is that they know of another team in need of a corner that is willing to trade for a player we want at a position of need...... I know it sounds stupid but I just thought I'd speculate



    I was thinking that if the Bills did receive another CB in the trade that maybe it was because they do not plan on resigning Terrence McGee next year and dont want to replace him via the draft. Maybe they think that McKelvin, Florence could be the starters and Lee could be a nickle or dime guy. Or maybe they want to trade McGee but dont have a guy to replace him for this year.

  6. The play is bad don't get me wrong but no one knows the situation. For all we know it was towards the end of the game and he was throwing the ball up out of desperation. I know highly unlikely but it is possible. There have been way worse plays including a game in Vermont football. Here is the link



  7. I never really liked Wes Welker much after I heard him screaming out during a Pats/Miami game. It was when the Dolphins were terrible and had the # 1 pick the next year and you could hear him clear as day on CBS go WOW you guys f'in suck right in on field mics to dolphins players. I wouldn't say he was wrong just thought it was unsportmanlike and not necessary. This also might be the case that I hate him because during this was the time when the media kept constantly talking about how the Patriots are these great professionals.

  8. I think Pike is a fourth round pick...but with these mid to late round projects each team is seemingly favoring different project QB's...personally I love Pike...dude does NOT lack arm strength...instead of reading what people are saying about him, really check out his game film...his spirals are tight...he can move...and his reads are amazing...I like all of his physical attributes and his attitude as well...the only thing that is scary is he has been injured and considering Buffalo's track record, that's a horrible mix...


    I have seen Pike play before a couple of times. The big game against I believe Pitt that was on TV ...it was against one of the upper echelon Big East teams where it might have been their last game to go undefeated and while his stats were impressive in the game his ball did flutter a ton.

  9. He will be stud in my opinion. Hope we can grab Buluga in first then Cam Thomas in 2nd then take Pike in the third. Wish we could wait untill the 4th to grab him but no way he will be there IMO. Thoughts??



    Pike is going to fall a lot further than the 3rd round. He has been passed by guys like Jarrett Brown, John Skelton, and Johnathan Crompton. I could also see Jevan Snead being picked up before him because he has more raw potential than Pike. Pike has prototypical size but doesn't have great arm strength, and his ball does not come out tight on his release as it tends to wobble. He would best fit in a West Coast system in my opinion

  10. Would be ideal next to Mitchell and then place Poz on outside. Guy can play if healthy. Nice SU guy that still goes back to visit SU Frat to this day.




    I think Bullock would work on the inside of a 3-4 but geez Posluszny on the ouside in a 3-4 would be terrible.

  11. I would also like Clifton. He is getting up in age but he would definetely solidify the left side of the offensive line. I dont think he would demand too much on the open market becuase he did have an injury last year and his age is catching up to him. I would think 4 or 5 million a year would get it done for him on a 2 year deal with a decent signing bonus.

  12. Kafka is Ryan Fitzpatrick....An adequate arm but nothing too great. I like NW spread but that is another disadvantage. He has a high completion percentage because he throws a lot of short crossing routes, and bubble and jailbreak screens. He had a good game today but he wont be anything more than a backup in the NFL and would be a waste of a 4th round pick imo with so many needs on this team.

  13. Compensatory picks dont just work with oh you lose a good player you get a compensatory pick. Its a complex formula which over the years has proven that its mostly predicated on FA's gained and FA's lost from the previous years. I wouldn't be surprised if the Bills didn't receive any pick and if they did it would probably be no more than an extra 7th rounder.

  14. QB Ryan Fitzpatrick, RB Dominic Rhodes, WR Terrell Owens, G Seth McKinney, C Geoff Hangartner, ILB Pat Thomas, CB Drayton Florence.


    QB J.P. Losman, TE Robert Royal, G Derrick Dockery, G Jason Whittle, C Duke Preston, C Melvin Fowler, OLB Angelo Crowell, OLB Blake Costanzo, ILB John DiGiorgio, ILB Teddy Lehman, CB Jabari Greer, CB Dustin Fox.



    Now the players at the top are the players we signed and the bottom are players we lost. Owens still counts as a FA gained for us but will not net the cowboys any type of work towards their compensation becuase he was released. If you take a look at the players we lost because we released them we will not get any value towards compensation picks...so for instance Robert Royal, Derrick Dockery are two that will not count towards the loss column. For instance i'm not sure if Dominic Rhodes or Pat Thomas count towards ours because they never played a down for us. Also, players who obviously weren't signed do not count towards compensatory picks. This list includes Losman(not sure if he counts for us considering he played for the Raiders), Whittle, DiGiorgio, Lehman, Fox.


    So accounting all of that we gained


    Fitzpatrick, Owens, McKinney, Hangartner, and Florence


    We lost


    Preston, Crowell, Costanzo, Greer.


    The formula over the years has predominately been towards FA's gained and FA's lost. We had 4 out of the 5 players get significant playing time in Fitz, Owens, Han, and Florence while the players we have lost have not seen much playing time at all in Preston(backup), Crowell(season ending injury), Costanzo(ST's), and one guy who played a big role Greer.


    Looking at it dont expect a compensatory pick at all and if we do end up getting one it wont be anything significant at most a 6th rounder but more likely a 7th rounder or nothing.

  15. The pistol offense is kind of the new thing at the college level. It where the QB stands in a mini-shotgun look. QB is usually 5 yards back on shotgun snap and are now at more like 3 yards. The Running Back stands directly behind the QB at about 7 yards so its sort of like a modified I formation without the FB

  16. I just thought about this but why not talk to Minnesota about possibly trading for Sage Rosenfels. I know that the Vikings traded for him last year but with Favre there for another year, the possibility of drafting a QB to replace him, and Tavaris Jackson there he might be available and he would be better then probably everyone on that list outside of Moore.

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