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Posts posted by gonzo1105

  1. I'll throw my two cents in since I was also at practice today. The pace was much slower today than it was yesterday from what I heard. The first part of practice was spent going over assignments(defensively and special teams) while the offense worked on drill work with their respective position coaches. They also had a 5 minute period where both Punters were kicking towards the end zone. Both of the punters have big time legs but Powell was more consistent as the kid from OkState shanked a couple of them off the side of his foot. Both McKelving and Graham muffed one of the punts.


    As for the 7 on 7 work, the defense dialed up the pressure as Dowtin stripped C.J. Spiller on the first carry and caught it out of the air. This most likely would have been taken back for 6 but you never know. In my opinion, Manuel was by far better than Kevin Kolb today. He looked like he had better command of the huddle, he looked like he had the playbook down(besides one busted play), and when he made throws he was by far more consistent with the football. Manuel's only really bad pass of the day was his first one. He threw a pass over the middle which he sailed because he threw off his back foot. Other than that, during the team work portion the Bills quarterback's tended to focus on the short passing game. There were not many balls in team work that went over 15 yards today. The exception was a pretty pass on a wheel route down the sideline that Manuel hooked up with Chris Gragg.


    Kolb had a rough day. He should have been picked by Da'Norris Searcy but he butterfingered it for an incompletion. A lot of other times either he was not making the right reads, his offensive line was getting blown up, or his WR's were not getting open because a lot of the time he either took off and ran or threw the ball away on numerous occasions today. He also drew an intentional grounding penalty( refs were at the practice).


    Robert Woods post corner route was a thing of beauty. He shook Brooks not once but twice on the route and even if it was just a post route he would have had Brooks toasted anyways. The long ball that was talked about earlier from E.J. Manuel that was called a TD was actually an incomplete pass. This could fall on Woods I guess but he laid out for it with arms fully stretched and looked like he had it. When he flipped over you saw the ball on his back with one hand on it but the ref in position called it an incomplete pass.


    Stevie had his typical workmanlike day. Graham was kind of quiet. Rogers made a few catches, but the big day went to Woods and the tight ends. All of the tight ends caught quite a few balls today with the most impressive being Gragg's as talked about earlier.


    The defense really cranked up the heat tonight. If you watch the Jets defense, that is exactly what your going to get this year. The Bills were sending multiple LB's from many spots. Alonso is quick and athletic as he does have a thin frame though. He would have had a QB sack as well as Marcus Dowtin to go with his strip of Spiller. Aaron Williams continues to be impressive as he just looks overly comfortable at the FS spot compared to CB. Stephon Gilmore was not locking down his man today. He didn't have a bad day but lets just say that receivers were catching passes against him when apparently no one was catching anything yesterday. He was flagged for PI a couple times as well. Mario Williams was not at practice today and Kyle Williams didn't participate during team work as well.

  2. . . . or maybe, that is what the Bills want others to think.


    At this time of year, who knows what teams really think about particular players. I read the same article a moment ago. It could very well be that the Jets like Nassib. Nassib even said last week that the Jets interest in him seemed to be higher than the Bills. The Jets also have that Sanchez contract to deal with.


    I am in 100% agreement with you on this. I think the Bills are smokescreening. I know its not in their nature and they haven't dont it a lot in the past, but I think them throwing out this much love for Nassib makes me think its false. Everyone, this whole time has thought Nassib to Bills, Bills to Nassib. Wouldn't it make sense that if we really wanted Barkley more after a trade down that we would make people think we would want a different QB than the one we really want. It would make it less likely that another team tries to jump ahead of us for say Barkley

  3. Yea just like the same people who were all bitching about Spiller are the ones so glad that we drafted him now that he is a stud. Your the same people who will knock this guy and then when he turns into a stud either here or elsewhere who will go geez how could we pass on that guy. Do you guys realize how dynamic the Nills offense would be with this guy in the fold slot receiver only or not. It would open things up big time in the passing and the running game because teams can stack the box cause they only are worried about Johnson at WR. Plus, I hate the people's who arguments are he can only play the slot. This isn't 1994, slot WR's are difference makers nowadays. Welker, Amendola, Victor Cruz,Santana Moss, Percy Harvin, Antonio Brown etc etc ...you wouldn't kill to have any of those players in their prime? Now obviously he hasn't reached that level but if his upside is that than he is def worth the 8th pick.

  4. And Anderson?


    I would assume that Anderson would play the WOLB spot. I kind of forgot about him. I actually see K.Williams and Dareus flipping now. Dareus would be the NT and Williams and Williams would play the DE's. The LB crew would be Lawson,Sheppard,Bradham, Moats/Anderson.

  5. I'm going to go kind of off the board and say Todd Collins. The question wasn't who was the biggest bust in buffalo history, it was the most disappointing pick. Collins was picked to be the heir apparent to Jim Kelly, and for all intents and purposes had all of the tools to be a success in the NFL. He was supposed to be the guy to keep the dynasty going or at least to keep us a float. Instead he bombed, and we have been mired in mediocre QB play since(excluding one year of Doug Flutie).

  6. Idk why Ezekial Ansah would not be in consideration at 8. Yes, he is very raw and would likely take a year or two to fully reach his potential but you can line the guy up anywhere. If the Bills plan on running the hybrid defense, he could easily play 4-3 end 4-3 DT in pass rushing situations, 3-4 OLB or 3-4 DE. He is a man who would plug tons of holes in a hybrid system. Its a big risk but a guy who is 6'5 and 270 pounds with freakishly long arms and a great motor is something to really work with

  7. Rhodes is not very good technique wise. He has everything you look for but will be a second rounder because of his inconsistencies. My favorite player out of this group is actually HB/FB Lonnie Pryor. He does everything well. He can carry the rock, he can pass protect with the best of em, and he can catch the ball out of the backfield. His weakness is his actual drive ahead blocking but he is not bad at it by any stretch of the imagination.

  8. Right. The comparison to Maybin is astounding. Light weight DE getting pushed all over the field, never getting to the QB and being manhandled by chump team OLinemen.


    Not even

    that could get fans interested. He even looks exactly like Maybin. In fact, Maybin is bigger.



    Um, do people know what they are talking about? He may be raw and he might have some comparisons to Maybin but uhhh Ansah weighs 270 pounds which is what he tipped the scales at the Senior Bowl. Maybin was supposedly tops 240 and weighed in at 225 at times. Weight and size aren't what should be the reason for comparisons.

  9. Sounds like they did, actually. And regardless, the point is he was taught to stay still in certain situations. Watching the clip out of context has people actually questioning if he literally fell asleep on the field, or had a seizure, or is just stupid, etc. But really, it's just a judgement call on something he was taught to do.You may not like the extreme to which he took it, but he was taught to do that. It was not that he "forgot to play football" as other have implied. There is reasoning behind it.



    This has been posted ad nausea. This is the doing of Rick Trickett the Florida State offensive line coach. I am a huge FSU fan and this is not the only time that the offensive lineman for Florida State have done this, not just including Zebrie Sanders. Trickett is a former Marine who preaches hard nosed attitudes and extreme discipline by his offensive lineman. You can say his lineman either love him or they hate him. He has taught them to hold their water to emphasize that they didn't false start and it was only the defense who jumped. There are many other examples where the whole line doesn't move and the QB is left scrambling for his life after a free 5 yards. I dont really like this maneuver either but this is definitely the doing of Rick Trickett and not just a bonehead move by Sanders. Here is a great youtube recap if you would like to know the truth about what happened.


  10. I really like Rueben Randle. If we took Floyd in the first and randle was available in rd 2, I'd still take him. Our WRs would be amazing. Focus on OL, LB and cb the rest of the way. I can't imagine randle not being the BPA if he was available in the 2nd. I give him a 1st Ed grade and would'nt be shocked if he was drafted 15-30



    I really dislike LSU Wide Receivers. I can't remember one that has panned out. Josh Reed, Brandon LaFell, Buster Davis, Devery Henderson,

    Early Doucet. None of them have lived up to expectations. Oh wait Dwayne Bowe forgot about him.

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