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Posts posted by gonzo1105

  1. I wanted to bring up this guy, a Tight End from Iowa who most consider to be a mid to late 1st round pick. I kind of think that if he tests well at the combine that he could jump into the top 15 especially with a bad group of 1st round worth of prospects. The kid can do it all. He is not one of these new age flex TE's who only play WR and he isn't an nonathletic inline Y TE. I think this kid could play H-Back, Y, or Flex TE in the NFL creating mismatches like Gronk or Kelce.......and he lovessss to block so he would help in the run game.  I wanted to see what the thoughts were of him. I would assume most would say only if we trade down from 9 or if we trade up from 40 but I was curious what the boards opinion of him are especially if you think he could be an instant impact guy who can help out the development of Allen. I wet your whistle with some of his bigger pass plays this year and then the 2nd video focuses on his video analysis of his blocking.








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  2. 1 hour ago, freddyjj said:

    Confused? here.

    Only 1 RT over $10mm now, all others including last years FAs and Massie are under $9mm per year so wonder where your math is coming from.

    And btw I never said a thing about Lawrence or judicious.




    Here's a link to the RT contracts in the NFL right now. The highest paid is Lane Johnson with 11.8 Million AAV. Havenstein and Massie never decided to hit the open market essentially giving their original team a discount, especially Havenstein. James and Williams, even if they don't get to to #1 on this list are going to make 10-13 Million dollars AAV.


    I never said you said anything about judicious but the General Manager of the Buffalo Bills has. Talking about how he isn't going to put the Bills back into that situation. Giving 10-12 Million dollars a year to a RT, and then turning around and giving DeMarcus Lawrence the 2nd highest contract behind Khalil Mack for NFL Defensive players is not judicious(the words of the general manager). Your already setting yourself up for disappointment. Is it possible they get 1 for that salary? Sure, but I doubt they go for both and its more likely they don't go for either.

  3. 11 minutes ago, freddyjj said:

    My hope is Daryl Williams, RT from Panthers and Trey Flowers, DE Patriots sign here and are our big splash.  I thought  OBD might be interested in signing Jon Halapio C from Giants but but they went with Spencer Long who is similar type player.


    Mods, maybe this thread needs to be merged into FA thread pinned at the top?


    You do realize that either Williams and/or James are going to be the highest paid RT in football at 12 a year and that DeMarcus Lawrence is probably going to get like a 120 million dollar deal. That’s not what people would call judicious 

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  4. 15 minutes ago, Florida Bills Fanatic said:

    I think you are absolutely correct.  He will be the 2019 version of Groy as the primary backup for center and guard.  The details of the contract will tell us a lot.


    I'll bet anything that the contract is front loaded. The Bills have Dawkins, Teller on rookie contracts and whatever big OL FA or FA's they sign. That gives them wiggle room to back load the big contracts and front load Long's. That way Long is off the books when both Teller and Dawkins coming up as FA's

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  5. The Bills depth on the offensive line is terrible. As it sits right now, the Bills are starting Russell Bodine, Vlad Ducasse, Jeremiah Sirles, Dawkins, and Teller with Ike Boettgger and Conner McDermott as the primary backups. It is straight up pathetic.


    My guess is the Bills will try him at Center and if he can't handle it they will use him as a swing Center and Guard backup because they do need some former starting depth as well as starters.

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  6. I'm not going to say yes or no. Hes obviously a very talented football player who made a really dumb(or multiple dumb) decisions. I will say this. Buffalo is the perfect place for him. We constantly hear from former players who left or have played on opposite teams that there isn't much to do in Buffalo(as it pertains to night life).


    There is obviously a need for the Bills at RB, he can focus on football without the issues a "big" city would offer,  and the Bills are an after thought when it comes to the National media. I'm not saying that it wont draw attention, but it will definetely not draw attention for as long as it would if he were to go to a New York, Washington, or Chicago.


    The Bills have taken shots before with Richie Incognito being the biggest one obviously but I think it might just work. Everyone talks about the struggle of getting the best players here without overspending on big contracts. Well here's a perfect opportunity. Top 5 RB, looking for a 2nd chance, who will come in at a decent price, that will start here for a long time(pending he stays out of trouble).

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  7. The problem with these leagues is the level of competition is worse with no difference in the game. People love football but not seeing a worse professional version. 


    My thought process is the first pro league that tries to take players from the NCAA would be successful. Could you picture the Birmingham Ironhogs of the AAF or whatever competing with Alabama for the top players in HS football. 


    To make it more awesome for the HS kids entering college, offer them 50,000 dollars a year, a promise to pay for 4 years of college after their done playing unless they make the NFL, and still allow your players to enter the NFL after 3-5 years of service. That’s the best I could ever come up with for a new league. 

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  8. 18 minutes ago, Doc said:


    He's a 2 or 3.  He obviously is going to claim he's a 1 because he wants the money.


    Yup, no doubt. Sounds like a guy who knows he's about to hit the open market and wants every team to know that he feels he's a #1 WR and should be paid like a #1 WR.  Someone is going to overpay to pay for this guy and regret it. Its not gonna be as easy when your not lining up with Keenan Allen, Mike Williams, Melvin Gordon and Antonio Gates and Hunter Henry taking attention away from you. He's going to be the center of attention now and have the double teams. I'm not dogging him, I like him as a 2 or 3 like you said for like 8 million a year. He reminds me of when Eric Decker went to the Jets from the Broncos and stunk.

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  9. 5 hours ago, Estro said:

    Probably not.  For all the talk of Brady's downfall this season, Rivers also looks to be slipping.  He gets nothing on his balls downfield.....lot of floaters that are turnovers waiting to happen.  The game will come down to Gordon and Ekeler....if they can get the run game going they have a chance, but I just don't see it happening.


    Patrtiots - 25

    Chargers - 18


    While Rivers arm does look like its weakening idk how you can say the guy has slipped. He’s playing at a near MVP level this year.


    4,300 yards 32/12 ratio 105 QB rating doesn’t strike me as slipping. Is it going to be a tough test for the Chargers? Absolutely. Are they the best team to beat the Patriots? IMO they are. 


    The Chargers have the offense and the QB to beat the Patriots in a shootout if it comes to that. They also have a great front 4. We all know the best way to beat Brady is to get pressure on him in his face and get him off his platform. 


    I believe the Chargers are the best all around team in the AFC. If Rivers is ever going to get a SB this is the year to do it 

  10. 2 hours ago, Ethan in Portland said:

    All those guys were awful. Did Crossman muff the punts? Again I don't really care if they fired Crossman. Just get better players.


    All I was saying is these guys all had reputations as being good STs players that were kept on the roster for the ST abilities not their offensive or defensive abilities. I actually think keeping players for STs only are asanine in this day and age simply because Kickoffs very rarely get returned rendering 33% of STs play null and void when you think there is Punt, Punt Return, Kickoff, Kickoff Return, FG, and FG Block team. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Ethan in Portland said:

    Another one where I could care less. It's the players not the coach. Look around the league. Special teams coaches have great and awful units in their careers. But a change in coach is fine but won't make a differnce if they do not upgrade the backup WR, LB, and DB spots that make up the bulk of the coverage units.


    They gave Crossman multiple STs guys at the bottom of the roster to begin the season. Andre Holmes was kept solely for his STs ability. They signed Julian Stanford for the same reason, Deon Lacey was supposed to be a ST stud. Ray Ray was drafted for his return ability. Taiwan Jones. They only got rid of them when they realized the offense needed a jolt or STs was terrible anyways 

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Mark80 said:

    I don't get it really.  He is terrible as a QB.  Why not just add him to the coaching staff?  The guy should never be on the field again IMO.

    Because he’s going to make like 900 K to essentially be a 2nd QB coach to Allen. If they make him a coach he’s not making that kind of bank and he’s have to put in more hours as acoach

  13. Pretty obvious that they wanted to keep Anderson around as a mentor to Allen. To me that makes a lot of sense. 


    They give him 1 more year salary to basically be a really highly paid coach in the room. I think that’s part of the reason why it took him so long to get out of concussion protocol. I think they said well keep you on here, mentor Josh, we’ll deactivate you on game days. 


    I think it will be much the same same next year. Can’t see even a developmental QB being drafted. 

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  14. MY biggest issue with a guy like Tyrell Williams, who I also like, is he reminds me of the Eric Decker type situations. A good # 2 guy who is going to get like 12-13 a year and be asked to be a teams # 1 when he’s not. He is allowed to be a good WR because he has Rivers throwing the ball and multiple other playmakers that take the attention off of him(Allen, Williams, Gordon, Gates). 


    Now he’ll come  to the Bills with a raw but developing QB, an aging McCoy or a rookie, Foster, McKenzie, Jones, and no TE as of right now and have all the attention on him. 


    I think the smart play is to use the FA money on OL and Defensive issues, and draft your playmakers in the draft. WR, TE, RB in the first 3 rounds makes a lot of sense to me. It’s a stronger WR, TE draft than it is FA market 

  15. 14 minutes ago, The Real Buffalo Joe said:

    You always hear about the players the Bills have passed on in recent (20) years. But how many of them would have even had success in the team that we had at the time? Biggest names we hear are


    • Brady (Who was a diamond in the rough that every other team passed on 6 times)
    • Gronk
    • Could have traded up for Big Ben
    • Russell Wilson 

    Just to name a few. 


    I mean no one knew Brady was gonna be good, I can’t fault the Bills for that. The Pats passed on him like 8 times alone. 


    Gronk overlook sucks, local guy big time TE took a bust. 


    Every story leading up to that draft was that the Bills did try to trade up for Roethlisberger. They wanted to move up from 13 to 9 for the Jags pic but Jacksonville decided to stay and picked a WR who ended up being a bust from Washington, the name escapes me rn. After the Steelers took him the Bills settled for Evans and eventually traded up for Losman. 


    Wilson pick also sucks because it ended up being TJ Graham. The fact the Jags took a Punter instead of Wilson is worse tho. 

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