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Everything posted by RalphOP83

  1. I work as an Attorney in the financial industry...I advised them of their options and referred them to someone versed in this realm.
  2. Let's be clear here... I agree women can be a pain when it comes to bar fights. I worked in the bar business for many years... Including a few years at this particular establishment. If I am a professional football player, I let the security staff do their job. In the day and age of social media, cell phone videos and pics, my main goal is to steer clear of any incident that could be misconstrued.
  3. I'm told neither Aaron Williams nor Sammy were involved... They both got out of dodge as soon as things went down.
  4. There was a fight.... I can confirm that it involved marquise goodwin as an aggressor. Robert woods was involved as well. Witnesses also said Sammy Watkins and Aaron Williams were part of the group but did not get involved. I know first hand of one female that was injured and another that was threatened with a punch in the face from Robert Woods. A bar employee lost 2 teeth. The individuals that reached out to me are deciding whether or not to pursue the incident. (I'm sure u can guess what I do for a living) The people I'm dealing with are more insulted and pissed off than anything...they were there for a 21st birthday party and were swarmed by this group
  5. Fyi Lavar Arrington attends Jim's charity golf tournament sometimes...so I doubt there is any angst
  6. There is a courtyard mariott (not the Marriott going in harborcenter) right across the street and a new Hilton about 10 blocks away (quick subway ride)
  7. Heading to Tennessee... Any suggestions on hotels? I want to be in the action but near the stadium. Thanks in advance.
  8. Marlon is a great guy....He's actually the GM of the target in Lancaster.
  9. There is a big tree "page" and an actual account that is similar to a person having an account....name: BigtreeInn Abbott.
  10. My brother is the guy that set this up with SI. Check out the Big Tree facebook page for some more pics. He is led to believe this may end up a cover story.
  11. My friend owns this home... it's jim's old house from the super bowl era. The owner's family is pretty prominent in the real estate development realm in the region. Amazing house but may have issues selling because the finishes are a particular taste. Basement is great with full walk in cooler behind the bar and draft setup. Last time I was there for their yearly party was after a summer bills preseason game.. Jim Kelly came and was behind the bar pouring shots.
  12. Rex has been in quite a few times... Never saw Marrone once. Rex is a beer guy... Not sure about shots.
  13. Haha...he's been in but no good tidbits... Lately.
  14. I worked there for about 10 years (game days included). My brother is the manager... It actually thins out pretty good during the game. You can typically grab a table or barstool. Pretty fun.
  15. Amex holders actually have first shot on April 8
  16. I find it strange that he wouldn't lift at the facility... I've never seen him there prior to today...
  17. I was not kidding earlier when I said Freddy was working out at LA fitness in Orchard Park today. Whether or not this has any meaning is beyond me... But I saw him there lifting.
  18. Is it a strange coincidence that I just saw Freddy Jackson working out at my local gym... No joke
  19. Pegula liquidates a quick $1.75 bil to buy the Bills... Prior to the sale he was known as one of the richest owners in the NFL. A friend of mine in the gas/oil industry says Pegula has another couple Billion untapped in shell corps that own fracking/property rights... Can anyone substantiate?
  20. I'm a male.. I don't even like using the "f" word but I get corrected if I don't use it... I'll blame the iPhone and beer
  21. I attended an industry talk with my fiancé tonight, and the speaker was Mike Lyons - head of analytics for the Bills. His talk was very interesting, and his analytics role involves a lot more than the football side of operations. During the Q&A I asked if he would go for it on 4th more than a hypothetical ex head coach had... The answer was an emphatic yes. He also mentioned that Rex is a lot more open minded, and that many coaches in the league are behind the curve.
  22. I was referencing the bully remark to show how rex was following through on his press conference promise.
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