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Everything posted by heisleyjr

  1. Locked away in a dark room...all by myself.
  2. I would be more interested in him at a position other than QB. Use his speed and elusiveness at RB of WR with the other team not ever really sure if he might just maybe launch one deep to Sammy.
  3. Upshaw is slow and Maze can't get open....as someone who watched every alabama game that these guys played I find myself questioning if maybe you guys are maybe talking about some other two guys
  4. I'm just wondering why I keep hearing folks say that this team can't keep expecting to get 4 or 5 turnovers a game. Isn't there a team just about every year that always seems to come up with the bounce every game. My question is why can't the Bills be that team this year, I know that the D is still a work in progress but isn't waiting for something good to happen more fun than the way it has been with these guys for longer than I chose to think about. Besides my wife likes the way I'm in a good mood during the early part of the season, we've only been married 10 years this is kind of new to her.
  5. My wife laughs at me all the time because they show that damn play all the time, and for some reason I can't look away from it, I watch it every time, so she asked me one time why I put myself through that over and over, I sat and thought about it for a second and the only thing I could say was I just know one of these times I'm going to wake up and he is going to make that kick
  6. I can not understand how someone who you would think follows football would not jump all over themselves to have McLain on their team, someone who was told they wouldn't play at Alabama until they knew the defense has not only played but started every game from day one as a true freshman, making all the D calls, lining everyone up, someone with those football smarts can not be bad for a team. Add all that with the physical tools, I'm just floored that someone thinks this guy is overrated or not worth the pick. And for anyone to say that McLain doesn't make plays they have not watched an Alabama game in 3 years, the guy is all over the field, always in the right spot and more often than not makes the play that is needed.
  7. Yeah cause thats just a problem in the south.
  8. Hey why don't we draft like this every year, just re-do the draft after everyone is 100% on how good everyone is, the draft is just as much art as it is science, and just about as much luck. I hate these things they are stupid and pointless, with the coaching the Bills have(or had) who is to say that Orakpo isn't doing the same thing as Maybin.
  9. Thank you someone finally says it, there is not one wannabe pro scout or GM on this board that can say with any certainty that any of the LB or some of the so called LB on this team is or is not better or worse than any other teams.
  10. Is it just me or do half of the go routes that TO get should be going to Evans, especially since Fitz became the starter it just seems that the only guy he looks deep for is TO. Now admittedly I didn't get to watch much of the game last night but a few of the deep balls at the end intended for TO might have been better suited maybe for Evans, not only was TO being covered by one of the best in the game but he was also getting safety help. It just seems to me that for every 5 deep balls TO gets Evans get 1 and for some reason I think those numbers need to be reversed.
  11. December 26 1993, New York Jets, still trying to thaw out to this day. For a kid that grew up on the Gulf Coast of Alabama it was the coldest I had ever been and the most clothing I had ever put on at one time, one of the things I remember most is the drive over from Rochester seeing big rigs overturned on the median of the interstate, and hearing over and over on the radio the announcement that alcohol didn't really keep you warm.
  12. I needed to look to make sure I wasn't crazy but only 3 penalties today, just one more thing to take notice of, or maybe not what do I know.
  13. Someone finally brings up the main point, if Miami doesn't start calling time outs the game ends 24-14, they hadn't quit so why should the Bills.
  14. He is a bigger Alex Smith, and his completion % is so high because most of his passes are about 2 yards.
  15. With more than plenty small rec. what makes anyone think that one more would have made any impact at all, added to the fact that they can't use the ones they have now.
  16. Right about now I'd love to have a tackle on this team that gives up 1 sack a game.
  17. I'll give you the head stomp thing, but this team could use a little nasty added to it. I also will say that I have no faith at all in the current head coach to be able to handle that the way Jeff Fisher did.
  18. Yeah it's a good thing the last big fat (and really good by the way ) DT associated with this team got the big contract from another team, that seems to have worked out for the best.
  19. As apposed to the rest of the Pro Bowlers on D
  20. And I thought I was being to heavy with the sarcasm
  21. Someone tell me why Fred Jackson was not running the ball inside the 10, I thought he was the short yardage back
  22. You know it's a shame this team doesn't have a go to RB, you know a highly drafted workhorse stud of a RB that they could give the ball to inside the 20 and maybe late in the game to eat up some clock. I think that may be the missing piece for this team. Maybe they can spend a first round pick on one this year.
  23. It may have just been me, but I got very tired hearing about who was not playing on the Colts D and how they don't care about preseason games, god forbid the other teams offense looks a little competent
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