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Everything posted by finknottle

  1. I was wondering the same thing, but why didn't he get time last year when we got thin at TE? And why he wasn't discussed during the offseason when they were talking about the risk of our TE's not making full recoveries? (I'm not doubting the explanation, I'm genuinely puzzled.)
  2. and we'll do it again next year too.
  3. I don't understand - are you saying that the Bills suck because that collection of clowns made the playoffs last year and we didn't?
  4. And any non Bills players too... These are the same guys who are incapable of recognizing when teams are good and why (eg the Pats), and thinking about Bills players in anything but the most simplistic terms (eg 'NC - get'er done, whatever the price'). Speaking only for myself, it gets under the skin because they have absolutely nothing interesting or insightfull to say about football.
  5. If you've ever seen the BBC series, there's a funny scene when Bertie is caught up in some complicated plot to help one of his aunts who is short on the money needed to prop up her ladies magazine... she can't ask Uncle Tom, because it's tax time and he's in a foul mood. The scene: a garishly oppulent dinner in the dining hall. Everyone is eating silently, surrounded by servants standing at attention, while Uncle Tom rails "An additional 25 pounds? They'll ruin me! It's the end of England!"
  6. I say the forgotten man, Eric Moulds; not many yards but two TD's.
  7. My interest builds during the offseason and preseason, and actually peaks right about now... I usually need a siesta around week 8 before getting my second wind.
  8. Nothing like signing players at the peak of their earning power! Can you say 'Washington Redskins?'
  9. Not sure if the USG has accepted any, for the reasons tossed out by the crap throwing monkey, but I know that some countries have had donations on the order of 10-20 million accepted by charity organizations (Red Cross, I think).
  10. ummm... tax cuts?
  11. This is what troubles me the most. We are standing pat on the defense and assuming it will be as good or better. Sometimes play declines. I see this risk more than I see potential improvement. Personally, I'm more worried about Fletcher in this respect.
  12. On paper, they are a superbowl contender. The problem is that in the off-season they have been given the benefit of the doubt that their quarterbacking will improve with experience. Having watch the preseason, that does not appear to be happening. I bet that if the analysts were polled today, Baltimore's stock would be a lot lower.
  13. I mostly agree with this, but in defense of the posters speculation lets remember that the reawakening of the offense - and the running games emergence which followed - seemed to start when Bledsoe started finding Lee Evans for a 50 yard gainer about once a game. So maybe there's some truth in opponents changing their D for the long ball.
  14. Didn't we do the same thing rebuilding Iraq when the press got bad? Swap the ambassador for a military guy? Or was it the other way around?
  15. Might be splitting a semantical hair here, but natural selection doesn't speed up or slow down; what is statistically beneficial, detrimental, and irrelevent changes. That changes as quickly as the environment changes. The process of natural selection simply is. (By environment I don't just mean the climate; the societies we build around ourselves are also part of it.) So re our seeming to slow it down, what we've done is change the environment so that historically detrimental features in humans (bad eyesight, bad teeth, and peanut allergies) are no longer significant factors of fitness. They have been passed by other factors more influential in determining whether or not one is likely to pass their genes on. re the spanish analogy, that is akin to the phenomona (I forget the name) whereby a gene which otherwise carries no advantage (and indeed can even be detrimental) increases in the pool simply by virtue of being located very near a particularly beneficial gene on the same chromosone.
  16. More like looking up at a 7-9 season, right?
  17. I think you are all wrong. If the Bills are winning by blowout, he stays in to get experience. If the Bills are losing by a blowout, he stays in to get experience. If it's close and competative, he stays in to try and win it. The only scenario in which I see him coming out (and even then I wouldn't put money on it), is if he is stinking it up and the offense is going nowhere, but because of defense and ST we are only down by a touchdown in the fourth quarter.
  18. Food for thought in the whole "we have to re-sign NC no matter what the price" debate.
  19. Natural Selection= Nature is a supreme and indifferent force, the arbitrator of who lives and dies. People are an expanding force that tries to push the envelope, living here and there and making a living this way and that. Sometimes their ideas are good and they prosper, sometimes they are bad and they fail, and sometimes the difference between success and failure is just dumb luck.
  20. I agree with this completely. I havn't shied away from saying 'screw NO, they got what they deserved, rebuilding it is not our problem,' but this knee-jerk reaction of defending without question Bush's actions as CiC is nothing short of disgusting. The mayor's failure to - I guess - force every school bus driver to work during the buildup to a major storm, work which is clearly not part of their job description, and presumably force people out of their homes before the storm hits, all without legal authority since of course the storm hadn't hit yet, yeah I suppose he can be criticized for that, and winding up with a flooded fleet of school buses. But let's not forget that this is something like the 3rd time in 10 years that evacuation was recommended, and the other times the storm missed the city. But the idea that his failure automatically gives the federal government a pass on its performance, where FEMA is operating under legal authorities intended precisely for this kind of scenario, is ludicrous.
  21. huh. I guess +5 is plausible then, but if I were looking at it nationally I'd keep us where we finished the season, considering that other then the Losman for Bledsoe gamble (a gamble from the national observers perspective, not ours) the Bills are essentially standing pat on last years team. I'd wait to see see how Losman works out before moving them one way or another.
  22. I really want to know where Gause winds up - I was sure we were going to PS him!
  23. I don't know what they're thinking - we may have a great year this year, but until we show something on the field there's no way we should be ranked higher then 10. Did you notice we moved up 5 spots? Is that on the basis of the last preseason game??? Yikes!
  24. Why is it that people some people can't be critical about Flutie without screaming 'little' or 'midget'? It is a repressed homoerotic thing? A quick survey shows that Losman is in the bottom third height-wise among qb's. It makes me so angry!!!!
  25. doesn't help us out-of-towners... I can only go by what I'm reading here, plus regular season games, so I really don't know whether to get jazzed up or not...
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