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Everything posted by TheManTheMythTheLegend

  1. Ms. Wheelchair... are you kidding me? What's next? Ms. Ugly? "She would be so beautiful if only she wasn't ugly..." Give me a break. Listen, life had's you lemons? Eat em and enjoy the sourness. Don't try to pretend you can make lemonade. You're in a wheelchair? You're not gonna be a beauty queen. Listen, I have a big nose. I'll never be a model. I'm content with that. But I can smell hot wings from 3 rooms away. Ms Wheelchair... please...
  2. He got HIV from a basketball?
  3. Well, that's a bit of a stretch. First, Magic could have cought HIV from any of those women, from the first one, to the last one. Second, and more poingant, is the fact the he wasn't aware that he had HIV, and those women were just as responsible for making sure there was protection being used as he was.
  4. Well, someone on a JETS board tried to rationalize who the Jets would play in week 1. I don't care to do this for the Bills, as I can wait 2 weeks and find out. But if someone is so inclined to try this logic, here is what this dude came up with for the NYJ: "Since we already know of 4 games in week 1 (Thursday, Sunday Night, MNF, and Fox national at 4). The following matchups can not happen home NE home Oak home SD at NE at BAL at ATL Because of their coverage of the U.S. Open, CBS never has any 4:00 games during week 1. For that reason you can also eliminate at DEN. Also while not a guarantee, I think it is pretty safe to assume that after opening at home last year, that the Giants will be home in week 1. That eliminates the following possibilities: home BUF home MIA home NO home TB home JAC At this point 12 games have been basically eliminated IMO. That leaves 4 possibilities left. at Buf at Mia at KC at Car At this point the question is does CBS want the Jets to be their national game. Since NE, Indy, Baltimore, San Diego, and Oakland are already commited to week 1 games, I'd say it comes down to the Jets or Pittsburgh. I personally think they'll go with Pittsburgh. If I had to guess I'll say at Carolina."
  5. Money. You can buy cars, boats, hell, even planes. It can make ugly men get laid by the hottest chicks ever. It can buy you the ability to behead your wife and a waiter and get off scott free. And apparently, it can buy you the cure for AIDS. Just imagine if no one had ever handed him a basketball. He would have died from this disease years and years ago.
  6. Hell, why don't Bison games sell out? Because they are minor league. Sure, they can be fun to watch, but it doesn't count for anything. Yawn.
  7. Hell, it didn't even need to sober him up, but it surely should have been enough to make him never go near a car after having a drink. Some people are just naturally stupid.
  8. Ned: “I think it's a mail plane.” Dusty: “How can you tell?” Ned: “Well, didn't you notice its little balls?”
  9. I often find myself just throwing them away and not letting it bother me... but hey, that's just me...
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