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Everything posted by TheManTheMythTheLegend

  1. Its the same thing as when people complain about outsourcing. Business is about making money. If Company X can pay someone in india $1,900 a year to answer a phone, vs $30,000 here, they would almost be dumb not to outsource. Tell some 18 year old american kid to mow a lawn in the 90+ degree heat for 8 hours a day for about $40 and he'd laugh at you. Mexicans wait in line for those jobs.
  2. Can I use that post as my signature?
  3. Hey, if the Mexicans ever take over, it might be a blessing. With gas prices as high as they are, I could get used to living on my own reservation. Cheap smokes too, and some mean games of Bingo.
  4. Try living amongst them. They not only get these benefits, they feel as if they are entitled to them . .
  5. Tell that the the guys driving the pickup trucks with that flag as their back window in every one of those states. . .
  6. Well, you do know why Mexico doesn't have a Summer Olympic team, right? If they can run, jump, or swim, they're already here.
  7. But these people aren't rangers... they are pissed off southerners... with guns. They say they will only call INS, but could you imagine if you have 1000 gun carrying, confederate flag waving southerners and one imigrant gets shot in the face, think any of these good ol' boys is gonna rat anyone out? This has international incident written all over it.
  8. Olive Bar. Awesome... The olives stuffed with garlic cloves are amazing.
  9. wow, great pic... how cute! good luck with everything man..
  10. good post, but I just found that introduction rather funny... and truthful
  11. proceeded by video killing the radio star...
  12. Shockingly, I agree with this. When someone states something as fact, I believe it. If I'm out at a bar, or just BSing about the Bills at work, I wouldn't hesitate to use a piece of information someone here claimed as fact in my conversations. That being said, reading Marv Levy's book shows that even the guy who ran this machine for many years has plenty of memories that aren't exactly reminicent of what happened at the time. . .
  13. I'll help you: Beer Hard Liquor Women Power Tools Pay Per View Boxing Football Tickets Just a few ideas.
  14. I've read this 5 times and still have no clue what the hell it means.
  15. 9.99 with 5 days left. You got one hell of a deal cablelady...
  16. My point is the guy was highly underappreciated... At work I mentioned he died, and only one person knew who he was. You get someone like Wanda Sykes who is godawful and everyone knows her damn name. . . Sorry, just venting I guess, but the guy was a genius.
  17. Too bvad they couldn't help him out when he was alive and show his original comed when he was ALIVE... Oh wait, Wanda Sykes had a 2 hour special they would have had to preemt about how being a black woman is the funniest thing on Earth...
  18. Yes, and it's meaningful in the sports world.
  19. Hell, why not just throw a soccer goal out there... that way all the women, children, and half-assed male fans will finally get back into the game. I mean, to have an entertaining sporting event, the score cant possible be 1-0. Oh wait, I went to the 7 period playoff game between the Sabres and Devils that was 0-0 after 120 minutes of play time. Was one of the most exciting events I've ever been to. But heaven forbid its not 101 to 99 like a NBA basketball game. That's why I hate BBall. Whats the point of even watching the 1st three quarters when the chances of a team NOT scoring are less than those of them making a basket. Listen, if you NEED to open the game up (and I don't necessarily mean more scoring, just keeping the game flowing) get rid of the red line. Then, not only will there be fewer stoppages, but guys that don't skate with their heads up will have their heads knocked off. But yeah, let's make the net bigger. Oh, and let's bring back the glowing puck while we're at it.
  20. I wasn't saying I care, or it even bothers me, I was just explaining what their motivation is. That being said, some of these privacy freaks won't join Gmail because of this. All it is doing is scanning your messages for keywords. Advertisers pay for cetain keywords to trigger their ad. And that's that. I love gmail (mainly for threaded replies).
  21. Their motivation is that adwords runs in gmail. You may not even notice it, but I use adwords on a side business, and it converts VERY well. Very targeted traffic. Quick test: Send yourself an email about traveling... just as a test. Mention that you are flying from Buffalo to Miami (or wherever) and you need to rent a car. In the reply email there will be ads on the right side for travel companies (expedia), and car rental places. The more people google gets using gmail, the more clicks they can promise advertisers.
  22. Unfortunately, it's real: http://www.myarkpark.com/pageant/contestants.htm
  23. He wasn't famous enough to fake his own death. You need to earn that. Don't get me wrong, the guy was frigging hilarious, but a B-level comedian doesn't get the right to fake his own death. That's quite the prima donna move. I mean, when Andy Kaufman died, people thought it was a gag, and rightfully so, as he was one of the best comedians of all time. Mitch is dead. RIP.
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