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Everything posted by TheManTheMythTheLegend

  1. Seriously, does the term "personal responsibility" mean absolutely NOTHING anymore? A kid sees the cookie monster tossing cookies back. Then, he goes to the cookie jar and wants to imitate him? Ok, let's say that even happens. Ya know what would make him NOT eat those cookies? A fuggin parent there to say NO. Just because Big Bird has a pet wooly mammoth with a xanax addiction doesn't mean we go out and buy our kids a pet elephant... give me a frigging break...
  2. The last time I ran into a magic snapper, there was cheap perfume, bright flashing disco lights, and a ping pong ball involved. If the Bills have one of those, my season tickets just paid for themselves.
  3. I feel bad for the girl you benched. No, not because you benched her (you did the right thing), but because the way her parents are raising her is going to turn her into a miserable adult.
  4. "I know I'm blocking your view, but I can't sit down because I had sex with Mike Vick last night."
  5. i honestly cannot believe this. Darin, at times, I thought you were overboard with how much you said PC was taking over. Sorry, you were right all along. This is awful.
  6. Everything else is true as stated above, but more than anything, Bo knows Tecmo Bowl and Super Tecmo Bowl.
  7. Winner! One of the funniest movies of all time. Oh, and I heard that "Club Dread", made by the same guys that made Super Troopers is hilarious... Farva is supposed to be awesome. If i wasn't banned from Blockbuster, I would pick it up this weekend.
  8. Ok, I've looked EVERYWHERE for some good oldschool Bills Zubas... eBay, google, etc. And nothing. I would need an XXL... if anyone has any information on where I can find a pair of XXL Bills Zubas in red, white, and blue (not the newer ones that are just several shades of blue), please let me know. I will be willing to pay a finder's fee. edit: By the way, I'm dead serious... (just though I should throw that in there).
  9. Thank god.. that guy talked too much...
  10. "Ron Mexico, you big stud, take me to bed or lose me forever."
  11. damnit kelly, I was wondering who registered that domain...
  12. I like how Bo said "I'm not gonna say 'maybe i did and maybe i didn't.. I DIDN'T'" Bo knows a press conference...
  13. Bluto: Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when Ron Mexico bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! Otter: Ron Mexico? Boon: Forget it, he's rolling.
  14. What happens in Mexico, stays in Mex.... well, Mike Vick...
  15. I like the blatent one's myself: "MIKE VICK HAS HERPES. PASS IT ON"
  16. You can still spread Mike Vick to others while taking Valtrex.
  17. http://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~bowsie/boston2002/cheers.jpg
  18. Give me a month, and I'll be able to save you about 15% on that insurance... Seriously, though, that sucks, and I would probably let the police know..
  19. damn - you beat me to it... no way the producers of this show would give away something that big in a preview...
  20. Could it be the father was operating on Sara... and that's why Jack was compelled to say something? Possibly another operation on her back, or was the patient a male? Was that covered in that episode? Also, I wonder if the actor who played Boone has another job and wanted off (who would want on this money pit?) or if he was just written off? The actors say they don't get any advance notice of the script. Also, they didn't say "next week on Lost"... they said "coming up on Lost" or something similar, making me thing we are gonna be waiting quite some time for a new episode.
  21. Seriously... what the hell does that have to do with anything? I maybe could see if we were talking about a case of someone being arrested for indecent exposure for whipping out a dildo (and even that's a stretch), but besides that, your analogy makes 0 sense whatsoever...
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