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Everything posted by clownments22

  1. Most random response... ever.
  2. I'm not sure either, and would love to hear others opinions on this subject. Every game, the announcers are like "the bills are trying to cover a tight end with a linebacker... the tight end is gonna win that match up every time!" Does anyone else notice that? Who are you supposed to cover the tight ends with if not the linebackers, or is it just that our line backers aren't good at that, or is it the fact that we run a 4-3 defense, so we have one less?
  3. Well put. That means we need to bring back an old tradition. Oh yes. A tradition that started the last time the bills played moderately well down the stretch. The players all need to start going out for cheeseburgers before every game!
  4. To an extent it is... We have one win against a bad opponent and one loss against a good opponent. Had a chance to beat a good opponent, but (this is key) did not win! Same old bills. I used to get pissed about the bills not getting any credit in the national media, but I have realized one thing: We haven't gotten any respect in recent years because we haven't deserved much. We beat bad teams and lose to good teams consistently and furthermore, when we have an opportunity to win a big game on MNF, or have an important game at the end of the season, that's characteristically when we come up short. Factor in that the bills have been near the top of the league in schedule difficulty the past few years, and that formula doesn't bode well for us. If the bills want respect, they have to earn it with wins. Period.
  5. I think we match up against NO pretty well. Their defense isn't good and our offense seems to be at least above average. I don't think we've seen all we're going to see from our offense yet. (A lot of people are huge on Freddie J. right now, and why shouldn't we be, but we haven't seen Marshawn yet in this new offense, with TO and Lee stretching things out all over the field. It's hard to imagine, but Marshawn might be even more dominant than Fred has been.) To get back on subject... our defense also looks above average, and obviously their offense is one of, if not the best in the league. So on paper, I have to give NO the edge because they'll have the best team on the field, their offense. To win this game, I think we need to win the turnover battle by at least +2 and score 27+ points. In theory it seems like your idea to have the bills run long drives and eat up a lot of clock by running a normal huddle style offense would work, but to me the question is can we actually do that. We seem to have a pretty good thing going with the no huddle. From a hypothetical standpoint it is a tough call. If it was me, I'd stay with no huddle only because that's what we have had success with so far. Your point is valid though, I just don't think our offense can make a switch over and have success. They seem to be pretty committed to this approach.
  6. I was about to start a thread about this until I saw this one. I realize it's not a big deal if Schlereth doesn't like us, and I also realize that if you picked us against every game of the last few years, you would have picked correctly more than half the time. I don't know if anyone else recalls or even noticed, but a few years back, he literally picked us to lose every single week. I mean, alright, we haven't been winners, but we were still 7 and 9. It's not like we were the worst team in the league! I really just don't understand where his disrespect of the bills comes from. Did he get snubbed in the draft by the bills or something?
  7. This is what your post says to me: GO BILLS Unless we suck, then I really could care less.
  8. see me at the end of december.
  9. .....for a touchdown.
  10. i think i'm now dumber.
  11. Andre will get in, but he will have to wait a few more years. His numbers during the time he played speak for themselves, so it's not a question of if, but when. Won't be 2010 unfortunately, you can take that to the bank.
  12. Thanks for putting those up G. I look like a pretty big nerd in one of them, but I was so excited, I couldn't help it!
  13. Sounds like a lot of fun. Wish I was there for it all. I was at the hall about 12 years ago when i was 14, when all the bills greats were still playing. Can't wait to get back out there to see all our boys in there now.
  14. Yeah I wanted to, and I tried to figure out how to do that online, but I couldn't figure it out, I'm not that smart with that stuff. If someone tells me how I'll get it up here.
  15. So I'm walking down the street in binghamton with a friend of mine and we come across a garage sale. Now I don't go to a lot of garage sales, so this is kind of a rare occasion. Pretty standard garage sale fare, old crappy stereo, pair of ice skates that 5 sizes too big, a box full of crappy books so on and so on. THEN I come across a signed authentic Lynch jersey, size 52 priced for $20. So I say to the dude "you're selling this for 20 bucks?" and he goes "yeah, but I'll give it to you for $10"! So I say SOLD! Dude says he won the jersey in a raffle at a golf outing. WHAT AN IDIOT. He could have sold that jersey online for probably around 300 clams, not to mention I would have given him everything in my pocket at the time if he had asked for it, which was around 105. I was so pumped. I've been wanting an authentic jersey for quite sometime now, but I didn't feel like shelling out 295 for one on the bills website, and I didn't want one of the knockoffs from ebay. It's definitely my lucky day.
  16. Collapses like this happen every year. A team that starts hot due to easy schedule or whatever other reasons then falters. Marshawn said it best. They got too comfortable. They started getting a little media attention. Then they fell apart.
  17. It was early in the season when both teams were supposed to be good and were picked by a lot of people for the superbowl, so it was supposed to be a superbowl preview. That's the best I can come up with.
  18. Will not happen! Bills fans are dominant here over jets fans. It's all Giants in terms of the NYC fan base. Back in 2002 they even showed the bills game over the giants game when there was a conflict on fox.
  19. Actually, turkeys can fly.
  20. Agreed with all your points, except the one about us losing Sunday.
  21. I think the deal was for the cities that have teams playing in those games.
  22. Trent Edwards after win over Raiders: "Our head coach I feel is one of the best in this business. I wanna win for my teammates in there, but more so I want to win for my head coach. I think a lot of other guys in that locker room have that same feeling that I do about Coach Jauron and that's just because of the style he is and the style person he is and what he brings to the table everyday for us. It's just a pleasure to be a player under him." Thread over.
  23. I think you guys are reading into things way too much. Considering that at the time of the interview, he had been in WNY for a total of like 3 weeks, and that he had spent the entire time at camp, what would you expect him to say there. Have you ever moved to a new place for a job? It takes more that a couple weeks to adjust to your new situation and really experience the new place.
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