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Everything posted by clownments22

  1. Perhaps because the only place there is a quarterback controversy is on TBD and no where in the actual bills organization? I've supported JP all the way because I want to see him and this team succeed. He's just now getting to the point where it makes any sense to question whether or not he could be a good NFL starter, yet people have been running him down since day one. The only time I've ever questioned whether or not he COULD be great (since I'm still holding on to that hope that he can) was last sunday when our passing game looked terrible and he underthrew Lee by at least 10 yards on that first long bomb that didn't connect but could have been a touchdown if JP had thrown it to him in stride. The point is, when JP is playing poorly, my first thought is "you gotta play better than that JP" not "put in Nall". That's why there is no quarterback controversy. Just my opinion.
  2. dude, this post doesn't make any sense. i'm gonna paraphrase your prediction: the pack is on the upswing and the bills are looking worse every week...therefore, the bills win 24-20! how about this instead: the bills are sick of losing and show up from a bye week well rested and with their heads in the right place, ready to play. the matchup between KGB and the bills new left tackle Peters is interesting, with KGB coming in not knowing quite what to expect from the youngster who might be looking to turn some heads. look for the bills offense to start to find their rhythm this week against the packers poor secondary, and for the bills defense to find those interceptions that they (and brett favre the past two weeks) have been missing...therefore, the bills win 24-20! btw...i have some packer friends going to the game. let's not get all crazy and start jumping opposing team's fans at the portapotties this week.
  3. BEST PLAY EVER! my favorite player crushing my least favorite player so hard his helmet comes flying off while knocking him unconcious. i don't remember if there was a personal foul on the play, but that's what i call 15 yards well worth it.
  4. i actually think this is a good question, but i think the real question here is why don't more players play both ways? it comes down to fundamentals of the game. why don't more WR's and CB's play both ways? most likely because it's best to have fresh guys on the field at all times, and at some point in time in their football lives, each player (or his coaches) decided which they were better at, and on which side of the ball they could help their team the most. i'm sure the majority of NFL players played on both sides of the ball in high school, but each guy stood out at one position so that's the position they play, and that's what's best for the team.
  5. indeed. the only reason it hurts baseball so severely is because it's a numbers sport. it's much easier to say "how many of this guys HR's should be taken away cause of steroids" than "how many of this RB's yards should be taken away cause of steroids" because for one thing, it's probably a push. i doubt a guy on steroids is going to break a tackle that the exact same guy not on steroids wouldn't. i don't understand why the athletes in professional sports don't get tested more often. in track and field they're tested every time they race. same with cycling, and i just don't understand why that's acceptable in those sports, but to even suggest testing on, say a weekly basis in the NFL or MLB, is this outrageous idea that the commisioners would never suggest.
  6. YES. another SC commercial triumph. i've seen it about half a dozen times now and it still gets a laugh out of me everytime. hell i'm not even watching it and i'm laughing just thinking about it! "sizzling... hot... bacon" also i love how lame the magic trick attempt is. they should have brought old jon dorenbos in to show them how it's done.
  7. make an antenna out of tin foil? every radio i've ever seen with a broken antenna has a makeshift foil one. not sure if it will work.
  8. I was thinking about it. Is it strange that the leagues leading rusher after 4 weeks only has 389 yards? I would think that number would typically be closer to at least 450 yards at this point. I mean Willis has only ran for over 100 yards once, granted that one game was for 150 yards, which is a great game and the most by anyone in one game so far this year. I would still think someone would be over 400 yards by now.
  9. i absolutely agree and that's exactly what JP did. except i suppose i would actually prefer it if JP did call the guy an idiot.
  10. I don't really like it when we call plays planned to have JP run. They never seem to work all that well. I'm not saying JP can't run cause obviously he can scramble for yards which I always like to see and wish he would do more often when the pocket closes on him. But whenever we play a called qb sneak it doesn't seem to work i.e. the bootleg in the jets game.
  11. have you guys watched the interview on bbills.com? if you had you would see how jp wasn't acting cocky at all. his attitude was more "what was the point of telling me this?" and that the reporter made a stupid comment. what does the jackass expect jp to say? reporter: you know JP, the bears have only allowed 2 TD's in their last 8 games at home. JP: really? well then what is even the point of going to play, since obvoiusly the most we could hope to score according to those stats is .25 touchdowns. JP was simply calling the reporter out for being an idiot.
  12. this is the third or fourth time i've seen someone mention this, but i'm really in the dark on this one. could someone please explain or put up a link or something.
  13. i agree whole heartedly. if there's one thing with willis that i question it's his heart. it's not that he can't block. it's just that in the past it hasn't seemed like he's been totally into the team victory. i feel like JP is finally getting his respect and that on sunday willis stepped up to be a member of the TEAM. here's hoping this trend continues.
  14. well the big thing that upsets me about the bills is just our inability to score 6. we've been able to drive decently well to very well in all four games thus far, but (going back to last season even) we always seem to end up around the same point total, between 16 and 20 points. usually cause of either one or two TD's and 2 or 3 FG's. i'd just really like to see us keep the offensive production up, but make our point total more like between 21 and 25 points consistently with at least 3 TD's and a FG.
  15. so what's your record picking the bills games so far then
  16. i really think we did get robbed. even if the man from Minn. called the fair catch it was still a fair play. you just need to refer to this rule: 4. If ball hits ground or is touched by member of kicking team in flight, fair catch signal is off and all rules for a kicked ball apply. otherwise, every single onside kick would never work. the opposing team would just signal for a fair catch as soon as the ball was kicked and as soon as a member of the kicking team touched the ball or a player, they would be hit with a 15 yard penalty. the ball was caught by our guy when their guy made no attempt at the ball. i thought it was a brilliant play and so well executed, i was much more disappointed to lose that ball just cause of how well they did it than for the opportunity to go back on offense.
  17. i think they might eventually, if he gets into the hall of fame. i think having 12, 34, 78, and 83 all retired would be a far more likely scenario if those teams won at least one of the super bowls.
  18. according to official statistics or the statistics the bills put up on their website? cause i'm pretty sure, check that, 100% sure (check out nfl.com stats) he hasn't lead any of the last 5 seasons. i'm not saying we don't want him around. i think the perfect situation would be to sign him for a 3 year, __ million dollar contract (someone who knows more about contract numbers than me fill in the number). that way we give him the money he deserves as being a great player for us and a team leader, but we don't want to break the bank for someone on the wrong side of 30, and three years down the road when his contract is up they'll know if he's still playing well, and to sign him to another year or two or let him go.
  19. making us since the opener in 2005: 1-3 in the throwbacks- 25% 5-10 in our regular uniforms- 33% i might give in to superstition if we were winning a lot more in our regular uniforms, but since we're not winning much in those either
  20. right on. it might be annoying for us fans to be strung along while we're desperately waiting for our best defensive player to come back, but scribo here is right, it's best to call him week to week.
  21. a receiver missed their assignment
  22. i've been to a dozen or so games in my life (i live a few hours away), mostly on the ends in the 100 or 200 sections and there is definitely a very noticable difference between the crowd in those sections and in the upper decks. i don't know what percent of the fans in the upper deck are season ticket holders, but i doubt that it's more than 30 percent, which makes most of those fans avid fans in my opinion, not die hard fans. i also think the fact that we haven't had a winning team in a while keeps a lot of fans from following during the off season and training camp, so i bet a lot of people don't know some of the personnel and that kind of thing. i have also been disappointed in the overall intensity of the ralph before, but i really think it's mostly cause we haven't been doing much winning lately. the fans aren't as into it.
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